chapter forty five

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties

chapter forty five

Sakiya's POV

It was New Year's Eve. I was spending New Year's with my sister. I had a hosting at V Live Houston. I was too excited. Every time I was in Houston, it was a movie. I made 10K the last time I was here. I could use another 10K after Christmas.

Luckily, I wasn't even performing. I was just hosting the club. Junior was with Ms. Dickerson. I invited her to come to Houston, since she was out of town for Christmas.

I felt close to Bibby when she was around.

I let her have one side of the suite, while me and Diamontè had the other side.

We had just got to Houston and Diamontè was on her way up to the hotel.

I awaited for Dave's call. He told me he had an important meeting today.

I was super anxious to hear what he had to tell me. But I decided to kill time.

I unpacked my suitcase and got out my dress and coat for tonight.

Ms. Dickerson and Junior were taking a little walk. They slept the flight here.

I was hanging up my clothes when my FaceTime started to go off on my MacBook.

I ran to the desk and clicked accept.

Dave's face lit up.

"I'm a millionaire baby!" Dave yelled, as his team cheer around him.

"Congratulations, oh my god. You signed?" I smiled.

"I did. I had the lawyer look it over and everything." Dave said.

"I'm so happy for you. I wish I was there!" I exclaimed.

"Thank you baby." Dave said, as he drank champagne from the bottle.

"Ooo you are too lit." I laughed.

"I am. I'm so happy baby. I've been wanting to do this for years." Dave said.

"I'm so glad. Congratulations." I smiled.

"Thank you! Baby, I'm going to call you back when I get back to the crib. I love you."

"I love you too." I said, before we both hung up.

I went to text Diamontè the news, when she texted me.

From: Sister 👭🏽💗

"I'm in the lobby."

To: Sister 👭🏽💗

"I'm on my wayyy!"

I grabbed my hotel card and went out the door. I got on the elevator, and went straight to the lobby.

I saw my sister sitting on the lobby couch with a suite case.

"What's up biiiitch!!" I said, as I ran up to her.

"Baby sisss!!" She said, throwing her arms around me.

"I missed you so much, omg! Our first Christmas without each other! How was your trip?" I asked her.

Diamontè and her man decided on a vacation this Christmas so I didn't see her.

"It was good girl, you see this damn tan! Ok!" She laughed, flipping her hair.

"I do, I do!"

"Where's Bubba?" She asked.

"He and Mrs. Dickerson went on a walk, chileee. They slept the whole way up here. Or at least Bubba did." I said.

Lost | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now