chapter forty four

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties

chapter forty four

Christmas Eve

Sakiya's POV

My house was the fun house right now. Everyone was over. Resha, Southside, Josh Jr, Herb, Dave and even Kairi. I didn't think us spending Christmas together would work out but it did. His parents didn't celebrate the holiday that much either, only for the sake of Kairi. So, they went on a trip this year. Dave brought her gifts here so we all had that big family atmosphere.

My tree? Huge.

It stood 8 feet tall, with the prettiest gold and red ornaments. Resha and I had worked so hard on it this year. The gifts in my living room were stacked up crazy.

The guys had the PS4 going on the TV. Then, our house had a smoke room; they went down there a couple times.

The kids ran around singing Christmas carols and playing.

It made me so happy. My heart was full.

I was in the kitchen, working on a cookie recipe when Dave came up behind me.

He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"What kind of cookie is that?" He asked.

"Peanut butter. Taste it." I said, as I stuck the spoon to his mouth.

He ate some of the cookie dough.

"Mmmm that's mad good." He said.

"But I'm trying to taste you." He added, before kissing my neck.

"Boy get on somewhere." I laughed.

"Pleaseeee." He pleaded.

"Later! Maybe go on somewhere." I laughed, as I put the cookie dough on the cookie sheet.

Resha was making some sugar cookies for the kids to decorate later on.

Dave went back with the boys, as I finished up the cookies.

After I took them out the oven, I went over to him and tapped his shoulder.

"Wassap?" He asked, looking up from his phone.

I did my eyes, and we went upstairs.

As soon as we got into my bathroom, it was on.


Christmas Morning

Sakiya's POV

I woke up to lil Josh, coming into my room.

"Auntie Kiya, can we open our gifts now?" He said, with excitement.

"Boy what time is it?" I laughed, rolling over to look at the clock. It was 9 am.

"It's 9 a m!" He said, slowly.

I chuckled.

"Okay. I did tell you to at least wait till after 8 so I respect it."

"Is Bubba and Kairi up?" I asked.

He nodded.

Dave was still sleep. We slept in my guest room together, and I let the kids have my bed.

I couldn't have Dave in that room, it just didn't feel right.

I woke Dave up.

"Baby the kids are up." I said.

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