chapter forty one

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties

forty one

the next morning...

Sakiya's POV

I woke up, still a little high. The brain fog was crazy.

I had to get back to Dallas and process everything.

From Rita, to the sex, I was tripping.

When I rolled over, I noticed Dave was missing from the bed. I leaned over and got my robe off the floor, before stepping out the bed and putting it on.

I went straight to the shower and cut it on.

For some reason, I felt guilty again. I felt guilty for moving on from Bibby. I felt guilty for letting another man inside me.

I know I asked for a sign and he gave it to me, but it still felt weird.

As I waited for the shower water to get hot, I took off my wig.

After I took it off, I unbraided my hair and got straight in the shower.

It was going to be a long day of traveling back to Dallas. Once I got in, I scrubbed my body clean. I could smell Dave cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

After I washed, I got out and slipped into a jogging outfit.

I came out the bathroom and put all my things in my suit case.

"Good morning mamas." Dave said, as I entered the kitchen.

"Good morning babe." I smiled.

I went up to him and kissed him.

I grabbed a water, before I sat on his counter as he cooked.

"I'm not ready for you to leave yet." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I stroked his head.

"It's okay. We'll be back together... soon." I chuckled.


"Christmas in New York?" I asked.

"I mean..."

I spent Christmas at my house with Josh, Resha, and Diamontè every year. My house always had Christmas. Even with my parents. I wasn't sure if I could give that up yet.

"I'm not 100% sure about that.. yet. But let me think about it." I smiled.

"Okay mamas." He said, before pecking my lips.

Dave sounded slightly disappointed, but it could've been me over thinking.

I got off the counter and started to make my plate for breakfast.

After I made my plate, Dave got his and we ate and chilled until it was time for my flight.

We laid on the couch together, me on top of him.

I missed him so much. We hadn't been together for a long period of time in months.

It was always quick weekends.

"Can you come to Dallas soon? Please." I said, into his chest.

"I will try my best mamas." He said, as he rubbed my booty.

At first, I was in a rush to get back to Dallas but I realized I was really going to miss Dave.

I tried to hold back tears, as we laid there.

Lost | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now