chapter twenty three

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties.

chapter twenty-three

2 days later...

Sakiya Naomi's POV

"Oh fuck, Dave please." I moaned out, as he stroked me deeply. My leg on his shoulder, as he was rubbing my clit in circles, practically dropping the dick in me.

"Nah you wanted that shit so take it." He smirked as he slowed down his stroke. This man took his time, made sure I felt every stroke. My eyes rolled back, as I felt my orgasm building up.

By this time I dropped my leg down. I couldn't take it. He went in and out real slow.

"You like that slow shit huh?" I couldn't even respond, I just bit my lip and nodded by head.

He leaned down and kissed me, as he hit my spot. It was over with. I felt my orgasm take over, as I came. Dave stroked a couple more times, before I felt the condom get hot.

I leaned up and kissed him.

We pulled away, and he looked into my eyes. His chain hovering in front of my face. I felt like his dark eyes were looking me into my soul, like he knew I was hiding something.

I don't know if I was dickmatized, or what but I was almost about to tell him I love him.

We kissed one more time.

"We need to hurry, before we miss our flight." I chuckled. He got off me and disposed the condom.

"You need to tell yourself that, you the one that woke me up with some head." He laughed.

I laughed, "Exactly head.. you took it further." I tapped his shoulder.

"It was only right." He shrugged.

I pulled myself out of bed and went straight to his bathroom. I immediately peed, before pulling my shirt off and getting in the shower. We were going back to Dallas today. I was praying he didn't ask to come by my house, since Junior of course was at home. I wanted to tell him, but I couldn't find the words. I felt bad for hiding it from him.

I stood in the shower, just letting the water hit me.

Dave walked in and started brushing his teeth.

"Thinking about something?" He asked. I forgot he could see my silhouette through the frosted shower glass.

I immediately started to wash up.

"No, just uh zoned out for a minute." I laughed it off.

"Heard jhu, I'm going to hop in the shower when you're done." He said, as he finished brushing his teeth then exiting the bathroom.

I hurried up and washed before getting out. I brushed my teeth and gargled before going back into his bedroom for my clothes.

My insides were eating me up. I felt like I was living a lie.


Dallas, TX

Sakiya's POV

I was finally back home. Dave had just dropped me off after hours of traveling. I was so glad to be back home to my own house.

I went through the garage and as soon as I opened the door, I was greeted by Herb carrying Junior.

"Welcome home." Herb said.

"Hey omg. I missed y'all." I said, as I hugged Herb, and squeezed him lightly.

Lost | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now