chapter twenty

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties.

chapter twenty

Sakiya's POV continued...

I could barely get down the stairs I was shaking so bad. I wanted to cry. I was so scared. I had never been in a position like that. Yeah Brandon was Bibby... yeah he was the king pin but it never came into our daily life like that, especially not with a gun in my back.

I held back the tears, as I thought about Junior. I went and got my phone from my locker. Junior's face lit up the screen.

I went to JP's office and knocked loud on the door. One of the girls opened it. I saw him at his desk with two other girls on him. I didn't even say anything. I just gave him a stern look.

"Aye, y'all get up. Come back in 30 minutes." He said, as he blew out smoke from his cigar.

One girl scoffed and looked me up and down, as she walked out.

"Don't let me catch you looking at her like that again," JP spat at her, "or that's yo ass." He said, as the door slammed.

As soon as it closed, the tears fell down my face.

"Sakiya what's wrong?" JP asked, as he rolled his chair over by me.

"I was working, and I got called for a private dance by Candy. When I went up there, it was Buns. Cash's home boy." I said, wiping my face.

"Buns? What the fuck. How that nigga get in my club?" JP said, going around his desk and typing on the computer.

"I'm about to roll these motherfuckin' cameras back." JP said.

He was clicking on the computer.

"What he do to you? Did he hit you? He touch you?" JP asked.

"No—he— he pulled a gun on me." I managed to get out, before crying uncontrollably.

"Fuck that. Somebody got getting fired in this bitch. There was a gun in my club and an enemy? I'm mad heated right now." JP ranted.

"I don't want anyone in trouble.. but.." I wiped my face.

"What he say?" JP asked.

"He told me that Bibby got his supply upped, before he died and he never payed." I said.

Now my makeup was running down my face.

"You know I don't let nobody see me emotional but I'm scared." I said.

"How much he say it was?" JP asked.

"He said, it was 500K and if I didn't have it in 2 weeks, I was going to be in the dirt like Bibby." I said, sobbing even more.

JP blew his breath.

"Okay, first tell Herb and Southside what happened. If y'all can not get the money together I got whatever y'all need. I'll pay the remainder." He assured me.

"Thank you." I said.

"Here." He said, handing me tissues. I wiped my face up.

"Go home, I'm going to have Chops take you home tonight." JP said.

I nodded, "Better yet, take off this week too."

"Thank you. I'm going to go home and talk to Herb and them. I'll let you know what they say." I said, pulling myself off the chair.

JP hugged me really tight, "Be safe tonight. Text me when you get to the crib."

I nodded, before going back to the locker room. I got my drawstring bag and slipped on my clothes before going to the back door. Chops was already waiting.

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