chapter thirty nine

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties

chapter thirty nine

Dave's POV

It was a rainy Thursday afternoon in December. Sakiya was touching down at the airport to spend the weekend with me. We were going to have a sit down with Rita and discuss these boundaries about Kairi. To me the whole thing was pointless. Kairi was going to be around Sakiya regardless. She loves her and they already have a great bond.

As long as Sakiya wasn't physically or emotionally harming her I don't see the issue.

I tried to drown out my thoughts, as I finished up my wood.

I pulled up to the airport and let Sakiya know I was outside, about to go in. She was still getting off the plane.

I pulled into a parking space, and went inside to get her.

I stood by the baggage claim area and waited.

It wasn't long before I saw her tall ass, waltzing over by me.

Her hair was blonde, she had on a cropped top and some sweats.

"Hey baby. I missed you." She said, throwing her arms around my neck. I hadn't seen her in 3 weeks, since the blow up with Rita.

"I missed you. How was your flight?"

"It was aight." She shrugged.

We got her luggage and headed to the car.

Once we got in my Rover, I drove to my house.

"How's junior? I haven't seen him in a month." I asked.

"He's doing pretty good. He's loving his new school. I wish I could bring him with me, show him New York too." Sakiya said.

"You can! I'm always down."

She nodded.

She seemed upset, but I couldn't tell.

"You want something to eat?"

"Yeah, can we get Jamaican at that place by your crib?"

"Of course mamas. Whatever you want," I said, grabbing her hand and kissing it.

She smiled.

Her wish was my command, so we went to the food truck and got our favorites, before we went back to my house.

The food was too good to wait on, so we ate in the car.

Once we got to my house, she hopped out and I got her bags.

I couldn't help but admire her body. I missed her so much.

"Bae what's the plan today?" I asked, as I walked in with her luggage.

"It don't matter!" She said, as she laid on the couch.

I went over and sat down by her.

"I missed you." I said, leaning down to kiss her face.

"I missed you toooo!" She said back.

We sat there in silence, before Sakiya climbed over on top of me.

She didn't say anything, she just squeezed me tight.

"You okay mamas?" I laughed.

"Yes, I just missed you so much." She said, as I rubbed her back.

"I need you to come back to Dallas." She said.

"Soon. But it isn't much for me to do there shorty. I got everything here." I said.

Lost | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now