chapter thirty six

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties

thirty six

Dave's POV

I had just finished my show in Tennessee. I had been on the road for 3 weeks now, practically talking to Sakiya every single night, even if it was 2 or 3 am.

I was back at my hotel. I grabbed my stuff for my shower, and got in.

After my shower, I got my MacBook out to FaceTime Sakiya.

It was almost 4 am. I knew she was probably just getting home so I called.

She answered after 3 rings.

"Hey baby." She smiled.

"Hey. You just made it home?" I asked.

"Yeah not too long ago. I'm taking my makeup off." She said, propping her phone up on the mirror.

"How was work?"

"How was your show?"

We both said, at the same time.

"It was great. I like the energy out here. Lot of locs in the building too." I chuckled.

"How was work?" I repeated.

"It was aight." Sakiya shrugged, with her lil southern accent.

"Now you know I know you better." I said.

Something was bothering her, but I couldn't read her.

"Was it busy?" I asked.

"Not really. It was pretty average. I made a cool 1K for the night." She said.

I nodded. She decided to change the subject and ask me more about tour. We talked until she was half sleep and told me she'd talk to me later.


the next day

Sakiya's POV

It was about 8 am. Diamontè was in town, and we were packing up for our flight today. Dave was going to be in Atlanta, so I decided I was going to surprise him, and fly out to the show. It had been about 3 weeks, and I missed him so much. I couldn't wait any longer.

I had been talking to Cliff, and Cliff was going to help me pull off the surprise. Since I was flying, I'd be in Atlanta before them. I decided to get Dave a cake, and decorate the room a little, just to celebrate him and the tour.

Diamontè's boyfriend was also coming along with us, because he was a big fan of Dave's and wanted to see a show. Dave didn't have a show in Dallas for another two weeks or so.

After I finished up my packing, I went downstairs, to make Junior breakfast. Linda already had him downstairs, and he was sitting on the floor watching tv.

"Bubba! What you want for breakfast?" I said, coming down the stairs.

"Pancakes!" He yelled, in his sweet little voice.

"Coming right up." I said. I went over and kissed his cheeks.

I went into the kitchen and made up the batter and started to cook bacon. I made sure I was making enough for everybody.

"You ready for see Senor East?" Linda said, coming into the kitchen.

"Si mami. I miss him so much." I said, getting out the juice for breakfast.

Lost | Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now