chapter nineteen

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties.

chapter nineteen

Sakiya's POV

It's been 2 weeks since I went out of town with Dave. I felt myself catching feelings and I just couldn't do it. I hadn't talked to him since he dropped me back off to my house. I was scared and confused. I felt like I was doing Brandon wrong. I just couldn't shake him from my thoughts. After I slept with Dave the whole weekend, I felt weird. I knew if I anyone could give me some good advice it would be Resha. I couldn't stomach to tell Herb or Southside yet. But Resha was a lil bit less harsh. She knew her cousin better than anybody else. I liked Resha's advice, because it always felt like it was coming from Brandon.

I called her up and she was coming over for brunch. I had to work later this evening. It was my first day back since I took off to get my mind right.

From: Resha 💋

"I'm bout 10 minutes out."

To: Resha 💋

"See you soon girl."

I locked my phone and walked into the kitchen. Linda was carrying Junior, as she flipped the pancakes.

"Linda that boy is too big. You can give me him." I said, reaching for him.

"This is my baby. He's never too big for Tia Linda." Linda said back. I laughed, as I took Junior.

"Junior what you want for breakfast? Tia has made a lil bit of everything," I said, walking around the table.

"Pancake!" Junior said back.

"I gotchu' my man. Coming right up." I said, putting him in the high chair.

I got a pancake, buttered it up then cut it up for him really small, adding the syrup on top. Then I put 2 pieces of bacon on the plate, before putting it in front of him.

He didn't waste no time and started to eat. Shortly after, the door bell rang and I knew it was her.

"Hey girl." Resha said, when I opened the door.

"Hey sis." I said, reaching out and hugging her. She hugged me back.

"Is everything aight? I see it in your grill. You look stressed." Resha said.

"You know me so well." I said, as she walked in. I closed the door.

"I'm actually not okay. I am stressed. I been off work for a week, trying to get my mind right." I said.

We went in the kitchen and Linda set the table.

Resha and I both made plates and sat down. She sat across from me at the table.

"Sis what's going on? You know Brandon wouldn't wanna see you like this."

"That's the thing. So I met this guy at the club, I really like him. We been hanging out. I went to LA with him, which I kinda told y'all that was for work. I never worked. I was with him the whole time as he did promo for his mixtape. At first I wasn't deep into it but we had sex and now I'm all fucked up." I ranted.

"Girl what. Who is he? He must be hella charming if he got you out the drawls." Resha laughed. I laughed too. I hadn't laughed in forever. I had been so sad.

"His name is Dave.. East. He got that song on the radio with the Chris Brown." I said, as I picked over my pancake.

"Ooo you fuckin' with that East nigga. I would've never guessed. I heard he been riding around in a white Maybach." She said, eating. I nodded.

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