chapter thirty three

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lost: (of a person) very confused or in great difficulties

thirty three

Sakiya's POV

I was on my way back to Dallas with Dave. It felt so good to be living in the truth. I wish I would've told him earlier so the blow up wouldn't have happened, but you live and you learn. I was just so glad we were back on good terms. I missed him so much. Yeah, I was working and getting bookings a lot over the time we weren't speaking but money ain't everything. I wasn't happy.

Once we touched down to Dallas, we took an Uber to his crib, then he was driving me to mine. It was 4 this evening, and I told Linda to cook and we were having dinner at my place. So everyone could meet and I could introduce my family to Dave. Dave was planning on being here till his next show in a week in a half, so he had Kairi with him. It was his week.

I told him we could work it out though with both our kids and ultimately they could be play dates.

As soon as we got to his place, I crashed on the bed.

"Dave I'm tired." I said, laying on his bed.

"Noo, you gotta go home to Junior. I'm sure he misses you, come on." Dave said, pulling my arm to get up, with Kairi in the other one. She was sleeping.

"Okayyy." I said, getting up.

We went downstairs to his car, and got in, before heading over to my house.

He held my hand, as he drove.

I was so happy.

Once we made it to my house, I kissed him goodbye and hopped out.

I rushed in so I could get the house perfect and see my baby. I came in and Linda welcomed me at the door.

"Hola mami!" She said, hugging me.

"Hey Linda! How are you? How's Junior?"

"I'm good, he's good. He's in his room watching tv. Resha called and said she'd be over soon." Linda said, as I nodded before going upstairs to my baby.

Junior's door was cracked, and I slowly pushed it open. He peaked over his mini couch and looked at me.

"Mommy!" Junior exclaimed, sliding off the touch.

I picked him up, "I missed you so much." I said it, in between kisses.

"Okay mommy." He said, pulling back and little, giggling.

I put him down.

"Auntie Resha is coming over with Lil Josh, in a few." I said. He nodded, before going back to the tv.

I went downstairs and Linda was cooking tacos. We were having a taco bar and she was cooking two different cheese dips.

She had made shrimp, turkey, and beef for the tacos. The kids loved beef, while us adults did the shrimp and turkey.

I told Dave to come around 6, as I got everything together. It wasn't much to do, since Linda cleaned while I was gone.

I took a shower and got re-dressed.

I was nervous but excited at the same time. I was nervous to know what everybody thought of him. I then wondered if I was doing the right thing.

I looked at the photo of Bibby and I on the dresser.

"Brandon. If I'm doing the right thing, give me a sign." I said, twirling my hair into a bun.

I heard the door bell and I went downstairs to see who it was.

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