Chapter 5

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(Texting conversation with mom)
Mom: when are you coming home? your dinner is getting cold!

Me: I will be there soon I got detention from mr.r because I was late to class

Mom: again! next time that happens you will be grounded!

Me: ok see u at home

When I got home I went straight to the dinner table because I was hungry! I scarfed up my food fast because I didn't have a snack after school. during dinner mom and dad were talking to me about how beautiful Mooresville is going to be and how much fun I will have when we move there. "we are going to look at houses in 2 weeks and while we are there we are going to tour Davidson Day School!" dad said. "when will we be moving" I ask. "during Christmas break so you will get there half way in the school year." mom said.

After dinner I went upstairs to finish up my homework that I didn't finish in detention. while I was doing a math page I got a text from blair.

Blair: hey have you found out when your going down to Mooresville?

Me: yeah we are moving after Christmas and we r going to look for houses in 2 weeks

Blair: what are you going to do about golf when you are down there?

Me: I guess I'll try to make the team there....if they have one

Blair: lol gtg I'll see you later! bye!


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