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Hi! So I just want to disclose the fact that this imagine is quite long, so it might get boring - correction, it will get boring.

I also want to state that this piece really doesn't make sense, so my apologies for that. I have grammatical errors that I urge you to overlook.

I'll stop there, I just want to say thank you for reading, it means the world to me.

Ugh, I also realized that my quote does not relate to the story, but I decided to put it up there anyways.

I'll just leave you my love as you continue to read.

*leaves love*



"Everything is fine when you're standing in the eye of the hurricane,"


Fixing the pillows that had rested on the sofa, you had a deep frown on your face as you hummed a tune. The entire house, that you lived in, was absolutely empty, and it had been that way for the past eight months. You see, you were married to a wonderful man called Brian May - a member of the extremely successful rock band named Queen. You loved him to death, and he felt the exact same for you, but being the rockstar that he was, he was always required at the studio for recording with the boys, or he was on tour with the aforementioned individuals.

Within his group, there were three other boys that adored you more than anything - and it was no doubt that they were protective of you. Roger, Freddie, and John - the boys you considered to be your brothers.

At present moment, however, you were cleaning up the house, letting the silence haunt you. Brian was currently on tour, having left you behind - hesitantly, of course. Had it been any other normal situation, you would have made sure to be with him, all the way. But, you were four months pregnant, and Brian did not want to subject you to any form of stress.

Before, he wanted you to be there with him, so desperately, because you were his life. However, he would not let you go, because he knew very well that it would be stressful. And so you were left alone to stay within the four walls of the house, missing Brian like crazy. You wondered if he missed you too. Were his moments were as lonesome than mine? You wanted to believe he did.

Once you had finished straightening up the pillows on the sofa, you stood up and let out a sigh, looking around the empty house, feeling extremely lonely. You gently rubbed your slightly visible baby bump, blinking a few times as your mind wandered to the memory of your husband. You longed to be in his arms, to be able to become one with him, over and over. Sure, he would make it a point to call you every night, but due to the constant time zone changes, there were days where you weren't able to catch him. Even though he was several thousand miles away from you, he never failed to show you that he was concerned, and that he truly did love you. During those phone calls, when you were potentially sacrificing your sleep for Brian, he would always cut the conversation, and insist that you get yourself some rest. He would express himself, telling you that, although he never wanted to stop talking to you - he wanted you to rest. Of course, you would insist otherwise, but in vain.

The phone calls were always the highlight of the day, whilst they were on tour. Hearing Brian's voice would put you at ease, and the other three boys could always be heard in the background, fighting each other just to get a chance to talk to you as well. It was adorable, and hilarious - it was what made you love them as much as you did.

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