Lucy #4

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»Lucy? Are you awake?« I really strove not to sound too bothered - it turned out that my father wanted to talk to me. »Where am I, Daddy?« I tried to seem not that confused. I looked around, noticed a few windows and felt some kind of vibration. The whole floor was kinda shaking. Not an earthquake I guess...

Thor asserted that I felt very queasy because he pasted me a drink. I didn't know what kind of drink it was, so I drained it with one sip. It's flavor was harsh. The bitter liquid ran down my throat until the only thing remaining was the aftertaste. »What's that? Was there any poison inside?« He really tried not to laugh. »You wouldn't put it past me, would you?«

After some time sitting there and talking to him I realized that we were on a spaceship. »Well, you know kid.. actually it's my spaceship!« Wow, Daddy, I'm so proud of you! I didn't care, not even a bit. »One more of those weird drinks..« He told me that they are in the fridge, I moaned. Can't you just bring it to me asshole? So I stood up and started looking for the cooling place. There was a great door, next to it I found a few bottles. Lemme take all of them, maybe- I started thinking about what would happen to a human if it drinks too much of those. »I would probably explode and that's so cruel!« I determined that it won't end good for me, that's why I decided not to drink all of them. »Just one more... or three? Yeah, three is a very beautiful number.« I babbled while carrying all the tabs to my father.

»Who are you talking to, dear?« A big smile appeared on my face: »Uhm... just myself Daddy.« Later, when it got dark we started talking about Asgard. He told me about some weird abilities, which I'm supposed to have. »You are the Goddess of Nature and Fortune telling, and you are able to do even more things, regular people can't.« What the hell? I raised one of my eyebrows: »For example?« »I knew you'd ask that one. Well, I guess you have to find out by yourself.«

It was about midnight when I glanced at my clock. Daddy was already sleeping in his big bed, I only got the couch. So mean! Now, that he won't be in my way I determined to go and train my so-called "abilities". You said nature, huh? After I found a suitable spot in the ship - kind of a terrace - I focused all my energy and concentration on one point. »Woooooork!!!« I yelled at my hand, nothing happened. Maybe I am just too drunk, haha... I varied a lot because of all that alcohol in my Daddy's drinks. »Whooops!« I fell on the ground, well probably not the ground because it felt soft but doesn't matter.

When I woke up again not much time passed. Someone leaned over my face and patted my face dry. There was so much sweat on it, it felt very disgusting. »Hello?« I asked that mysterious stranger. I wasn't able to focus anything, the only things which were visible for me were the woman's silhouette and some blending, way too bright lights, shining straight into my face.

»Please stop it.« I murmured while furrowing one's brow. »Stop what, darling?« Her voice was so gently and invited to fall asleep. »I m-meant that- uhm... the.. the light! Please just-« I yawned. Where was I? Oh yeah. »... just switch off the light please.« I was so puzzled, just like tiny clouds were in my head, who don't let me think about anything.

The woman just grinned because of my disorientation. »My name is Eleanor.« She whispered while doing what I wanted her to do. »That's a lovely name.« I smiled while I lay on the couch watching her making a paste. »It means "the other one" or something similar.« She put the paste she just mixed on my skin, just like a lotion, and moisturized my whole body. »Why are you doing this, Eleanor?« She really flustered me with that gesture. »It's protection for you, honey.«

I must have fallen asleep, it was very bright in the spaceship. But not that fake light, it was real sunlight. And as I wasn't drunk anymore I opened my eyes, very shocked. What the fuck? Daddy tried to kill me with that strong alcohol! I thought he is a good Daddy! But seems like he is not! I stood up and rushed to his room. But I stopped very sudden. I knew what I wanted now! Not those lame complaints about his parenting style. I wanted revenge!

Slowly I went into the sleeping chamber. On step after the other one, very careful to stay quiet. He was still sleeping, I could tell because of his deep breath. My smile was comparable to the devil's one. I am the best... And I tried it again: focus! All my energy in my hands. And now grow! My eyes widened, there were some tiny plants growing on the floor! Please be poisonous! And then some tiny, red berries grew on the plant. Nature is beautiful, damn! I was so impressed by myself.

Then I took one of the berries, and slowly squeezed it over my dad's mouth. »Die! Fuck!« I noticed my mistake. I'm not allowed to speak! And wow, as I am the biggest genius on earth he woke up. »You really tried to kill me? Seriously? We don't do that to our parents, Lou...« This time he rolled his eyes and hit me with an object, suddenly everything went black.

𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓, 𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑Where stories live. Discover now