Lucy #18

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We talked a bit about our lives, especially before my time at the Avengers. She was actually impressed by me. She admired me, wanted to hear every detail about my past. »Okay, why do you even wanna talk to me?« She was confused: »Why not?« I cackled, which made her confusion even bigger. »I am the perfect example of a bad person.« Now she was the one who was chuckling. »I just like you, do you have a problem with that?« And my mood immediately got better. This family was so happy and I leaned my head on her shoulder. »Thanks, honey.« I said and my eyes closed.

When I was roused by the others, it was already night. Lila's head laid on my one and she also fell asleep. I had to smile. We're the cutest. Clint nudged me and her, she had problems with waking up, so he raised her and went to her room. Laura came and put an arm around me, leading me to the place where I was supposed to sleep. I wasn't able to see anything, it was too dark in the room, but it was very comfortable. I whispered a hushed "thank you" and she gave me a kiss on my forehead. She put away my glasses and laid them on a table. A wave of fondness for the family overran me. The last thing I was thinking about was the fact that I never wanted to go back.

After a few hours of heavenly sleep, I was wakened up again. I opened my eyes, blinked and my hand was looking for my glasses. I wasn't able to see anything without them, just the silhouette of the person. Then I bore it and scared stiff. »Oh, Lord! What the hell are you doing here, Cooper?« He grinned and came closer, which made me move away. And oh crab - I was naked! Sometimes I take off my clothes while I sleep. Now I was laying there in underwear, in front of a boy I know for one day and no chance to escape that awkwardness.

I really tried to make it quick. »Move your goddamn butt, Cooper. I am naked.« Was that too much? Or even too undercharged? I didn't know but I kinda started panicking. »Come on, Lucy. I haven't had the pleasure my sister had.« Probably because god decided to give you a dick. I thought, but that argument wouldn't cast him out of the room. How late was it? About nine o'clock a.m. so the others were probably awake too. Oh come on, one noneternal can't stop me, crazy psycho bitch.

So I focused all my energy and emotions on the fact that I wanted him to get out. »Come on, honey. You don't wanna displease a lady, huh?« My voice changed to an erotic but also kinda bitchy one. He started starring faraway. »Yes, Lucy.« He said and went out. What the fuck? I had no time to wonder about my weirdness, I picked up all my clothes and put them on again. Last but not least my lovely, white coat. Then suddenly something happened, deep inside me.

I quivered and fell on my knees. I felt such an amount of pain growing bigger and bigger. Then I saw a few pictures. The first one showed a green light in New York. A person was talking to someone I knew. But I wasn't able to spot who the person was. In the second one, Tony was talking to that strange man again. They spoke about a stone. The third one, a fight. Bigger than any fight which happened before. It was huge, screaming people everywhere. I stood in the middle of it, a strong power surrounded me. I gasped for breath, these were visions of the future. The last one faded slowly and pain crept through my veins. I somehow started screaming because of all that pressure. Very soon after this Clint assaulted into the room, talking to me soothing. »It's okay, Lou. You're alright.«

His hand touched my cheek and suddenly I have torn in reality again. I breathed heavily. »Thank you.« That was the only thing that came out of my throat. What just happened? I was actually feared myself, if this would happen again Clint probably won't be here to save me. It would end badly and someone would get hurt by me. »Everything's okay, Lou? You're really pale...« I just nodded. Hopefully, no one else noticed. Clint noticed my worries and laughed. »They're in the forest. Would you like to join our walk?« I smiled weakly and nodded again. He gave me his hand and heaved me.

I put on my new shoes, I was wide awake but trembled and precarious. He staked me and together we went over the big grasslands. My head hurt but the fresh country air felt so good. I wore a tight, pink shirt - I had no loose ones - and one of my favorite jeans. It was a blue highway one and the shirt was plugged into it. The moderate breezes let the blades of grass tickle the space between the end of my jeans and the beginning of my black socks, who harmonized perfectly with my white sneakers. The ginger-colored, red hair streamed out behind me. And oh Jesus! My freckles were definitely everywhere, they didn't want to hide from the sun. Neither wanted me.

We reached the edge of the woods and I saw the other part of the Barton family, resting on some stones. »Just tell me if you need anything.« Clint patted my shoulder and went over to his wife. What should I do now? I decided to go to Lila, who was really busy with watching a tiny bug. I terrified her, by suddenly appearing next to her and talking about the good weather. »Damn you, dork!« I just winked at her and smiled while I was sitting down beside my new, dear friend.

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