Mazikeen #7

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We went out of the „Jail". Obviously, Steve had been waiting for us, because he stood there leaning against the wall. Perfect body, looking like a softie, rescued thousands of lives and still a liar. I thought and sighed. »Tony said that I should train you today. From tomorrow on it will be Mr...'s Job.« Steve told us. I felt Stephen's pulse raising. »It is Doctor Stephen Strange just call me Stephen if it's too difficult for all of you.« He complained and I grinned. He nodded at me for goodbye and left.

I followed Steve to the Training room in silence. »So I'd say we just fight without weapons to see how you fight alright?« I smiled. »Punching the liar sounds good to me.« I said sarcastically. Cap sighed and tried not to say something sassy. We looked into each other's eyes ready to fight. I made the first hit but he blocked it. I grinned and began punching faster. I saw him struggling to block all of them, after some time I hit him softly. What is that? A fight between children? I stopped. »Steve that's boring. Just because I am a girl doesn't mean you have to treat me like a 2 year old, severely handicapped.« I told him. He nodded and finally gave his best to block all of my hits but not to really punch me so I had to annoy him a little bit. »You destroyed my dream do you know that?« I complained while fighting with him. »What exactly do you mean?« »Well whenever I read in the museum that the mighty hero Captain America saved all of us, I haven't expected a lying asshole.« I said and felt his rage growing. »You don't even know me Mazikeen.«He tried to calm down again but I could see that he moved his fists a bit faster. He sighed and decided to keep the conversation going. »What else did you read about me?« He asked and I stocked. Was that a flirt? »Yeah... says the guy, who has been beginning lying to me since the day we met. Anyways, I know about this James guy and that he died because of you.« I told him. »Wha... He didn't die because of me, it was an accident and he is still alive.« He made clear but sadly I could feel his guilt spreading inside him. »Tell me, Rogers, are you like that to everyone? It's no wonder that this Peggy left you.« I said and kicked him into the place where the sun doesn't shine.

After I said that he stopped fighting. Obviously, I had shocked him with this statement. I took the chance and punched him into his face. Immediately he punched back but I blocked it.  A big wave of frustration came from him. Wow was it that bad? I thought because his feelings were so strong. Whoo, I have found his sore spot. His hits grew faster with each punch. I knew if he would have continued like this I wouldn't have been able to block them anymore. Well, exactly what happened. Suddenly I earned a punch from him right into my face. The expression on his face was somehow different. His eyes weren't focused and he looked at me as if he didn't know me. He didn't care anymore if he could hurt me. I earned another fist into my beautiful face and felt tears coming up. I tried to hit back but he was so damn fast. He kicked into my stomach and all the oxygen was driven out of me. He smashed his elbow into my face and I collapsed on the ground. Steve didn't care. I knocked onto the mat as a sign for him that he had won this battle, allowed to stop punching. But he just ignored it. He punched me again and I felt blood dripping out of my nose, which was broken by now.

With all the power I had left I hit the mat again. But Steve really didn't care. It's just a lost love dude calm down! Were my last thoughts before he smashed his fist again into my face. »STEVE! What are you...Oh my god, Steve stop!« Someone shouted but I didn't really get it anymore, because I was just about to faint. The new one stopped Steve and got him away from me. I felt myself slowly drifting away.

I woke up a few seconds later in someone's arms. Automatically, I began hitting against his chest to get free. Then I felt this heavy pain in my nose. »It's me relax.« Steve said and I calmed a bit after remembering that I wasn't in some raper's arms. »Let..go.« I tried to say, but just everything hurt. There was so much sadness and guilt coming from Steve it hit me like one of his fists before. The touch made every feeling much more intense as if it would create an extra connection. He brought me to the side of the training room and let me down to the ground carefully. I groaned of pain because the moving made my nose hurt more than it already did. He looked so worried as he sat down beside me. »Wow, Steve you really packed out your best punches.« Someone said on my other side. I winced because I had forgotten that this man was here too. »It's okay I won't hurt you.« He promised. »You never know that for sure.« I said with a short glance at Steve.

»Well, first we need to fix your nose.« The unknown said and put out his phone, looking for a number. Steve just starred in the air. His look was empty and absent but I still felt this amount of guilt in him. I glanced at the unknown and almost grinned. I reached for my nose and fixed it by myself. »FUCK! SON OF A BITCH!« I screamed because it hurt so much. Steve and the other one looked at me with surprise. »How...« »Experience.« I cut him off. Steve looked at me opening his mouth to say something. »Dude if you're about to say language, I'll kick your ass.« I stated and heard giggling from the black one. The man cleaned my face from all the blood and then sat down beside me.

»I'm so so sorry Mazikeen. I don't know what happened. I just....lost control and..uh I..It should never have happened. I'm so sorry.« Steve stumbled finally. I just looked at him. I would have been lying if I'd said that I wasn't scared sitting next to him after what he did. But I could feel his feelings. It was like looking into his mind. He felt so guilty that it was already disgusting. »It's fine...« I just said calmly. Actually no, it's not! If your friend wouldn't have come I would be dead now because of you! I screamed inside.

»Yeah, I guess the training session is over now... I'll bring you to your room.« The unknown said and we all stood up. I struggled to get up and Steve wanted to help me but I pulled away from him. »Umh Steve stay here I'll lead her to her room and then we will talk about this.«
The man said like a father and Steve nodded kind of scared like a little boy who did something wrong. I could hardly believe what just happened, Captain America, losing control and almost killed me. The one who was actually supposed to save me.

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