Mazikeen #5

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I awoke, not knowing where exactly I was. »It was not necessary Tony. What if you really would have hurt her? She doesn't look that healthy anyways.« Steve said with a little guilt in his voice. Cute. »Relax about it Capsicle, look she woke up, everything's fine.« Tony responded completely calm. It was kind of a prison, in which I lay on the ground. Everything hurt. What did they do to me? I groaned in pain and earned their attention. I snapped up to my feet, ready to fight if they wanted to hurt me. Immediately I got dizzy. Very dizzy. Whatever they did to me, it made me vulnerable. I fell back to the floor, not able to move.

»Take it easy Mazikeen.« Steve commented. »What did you do?« I asked, my voice was shaking. »It was just electricity calm down.« Tony explained. I groaned. »So why exactly am I in a cell?« Tony grinned. »Because you are dangerous. So what other things can you do huh?« I stood up again. This time it wasn't that bad. »If I could do anything else, I wouldn't tell you anyway, jerk.« I said pissed of the whole situation. Tony gasped about my insult, but it was Steve, who actually said something about it. »Hey, language.« I started to laugh. »Aww, I'm so sorry daddy it won't happen again.« Even the living evidence that pure dumbness exists must have got the sarcasm in my voice.

Suddenly the door snapped open. »Rogers, Stark? Said she woke up?« Steve nodded and pointed towards me. A big, black man with an eye patch walked over. »My name is Nick Fury. You are Mazikeen right?« He said. I glanced over to Steve, our eyes met. This piece of shit. He recognized my rage and I felt a wave of guilt coming from him. »Well, you can make illusions, anything else?« The black man really tried to stay professional, but I could feel his frustration and kind of felt that he already had a pretty rough day. Again I burst out into fake laughter, deciding to make his day even worse. »The one and only Captain Sparrow, it's really an honor to meet you, sir.« I could feel a wave of annoyance coming from Nick Fury and much more amusement from Tony. My stomach began grumbling of hunger. Nick sighed. »Go get her something to eat, give her a room and some new clothes, we will keep her.« Nick ordered. »What? No! Hey! Asshole stay here I am talking. You can't just keep me I am not an object!« But Nick ignored me and just left the room. Some agents came in, unlocked my cell ready to take me.

»Don't you dare come nearer.« I warned them but they didn't listen. One of them grabbed my arm. »Get off!« I screamed and kicked him in his face. The other agents came in, trying to calm me down. This time I really felt fear. They were too much I would never be able to keep them away from me. My pulse was raising. Men were taking my arms and legs trying to get me out of my cell.

Suddenly green transparent blades came out of my hands. I didn't have time to wonder so I just began to hit them with my blades. Man after man was sinking to the ground, blood streaming out of their wounds. The only men left alive were Steve and Tony. With shock written on both of their faces, they tried to calm me down by talking to me. I barely understood what they said, because everything was so loud. I could feel what they felt, but like 10 times harder. I got dizzy again and collapsed onto the floor.

After a while, I heard a new voice. My head hurt, leaning against the wall. He just looked at me. If he'd wanted to kill me he could have had by now. I wouldn't be able to defend myself because of all the feelings around me. It was way too much. »Try to separate them and assign them to the one, who owns the feeling.« He said calmly. I tried to focus, but I couldn't concentrate with all these feelings. What is going on? »Stark? Rogers? Would you please leave us alone for a minute?« The tall, handsome guy asked and they left. Yass alone with a stranger again... I thought. But the moment they were gone the feelings disappeared with them. I only felt my own fear but I could handle that.

»How would you know?« I asked and stood up. »Intuition.« He said relaxed. »I can't feel yours. Why is that?« The cold expression on his face didn't change. »Because I hide them from you. My name is Doctor Stephen Strange, Stark called me to help him with a... he named it a demon.« He told me and I finally saw a short grin on his face. »Well, I wouldn't deny it completely.« I said and looked around. The agents were all dead and I had killed them.

»I have been killing people too.« He pronounced. »Do you feel bad about it?« He took a short break before he answered. »Of course it...« »Well, I do not! I have no problem with these people being dead. They attacked me, I warned them but they didn't listen so they have to live, well, in that case, die with the consequences.« I interrupted him.

Stephen opened my cell door. Immediately I backed away. My hands snapped up. »You can come out now Mazikeen.« Dr. Strange said ignoring my excitement. Nervously I went out of my cell, I let my hands sink again, but nevertheless ready to fight if I had to. »You just let me out? You are not scared of me like Stark and the others?« I asked. »You just discovered your abilities, I don't think you can use them in order to hurt someone.« I frowned. »I just killed 3 men...« »Yeah but your blades were caused by your fear, try it you won't be able to bring them back.« And he was right. I did all I could but they just didn't want to come. »And that's why you will stay. We'll help you to control your abilities and discover what else you can do.« He said with a calm voice, and I kind of started to trust him.

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