Lucy #26

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I arrived at my locker and was about to open it, but a flood of love letters fell on the floor. »Seriously?!« I got kinda angry, but I was one of the new ones and still the students favorite object to watch. So I simpered and picked them up. I'll read these later. I decided and put - no - plugged them into my Gucci bag. A look at my timetable showed me, that my next lesson will be French. Interesting. I raised my brow and took some random pads, two books, a folder for the following subject and a dictionary from English to French out of it.

I closed my locker and someone stood directly behind it. »What the frick?« I innerly laughed about the word I just created, but my wonderful poker-face stayed. He stammered a few words, but he spoke too fast and really fuzzy. Where's Maze, when you need her off-putting, grumpy mood? I rolled my eyes. »Learn to speak and then come back!« I barked at him and he nodded quickly and daunted. I talked myself into the thought, that this was just Maze's bad influence on me. I spent the next five minutes finding the right class.

Finally. I managed it before the bell rang. The teacher, who was called Miss Hudson, told me that I should wait with her in the front. The class didn't stop talking and while this I was busy tapping with my long nails on my round glasses. »Quiet, now!« Hudson yelled at them and got my attention back. First I looked at her, then she nodded and started: »Dear students. Please welcome our new classmate Lucy.« They all said at the same time: »Bonjour Lucy.« I grinned and the teacher indicated in an empty place beside a dark-haired girl.

I sat down and put my bag on the floor. We were in the third row, so the perfect spot to talk when you're bored. Hudson started talking about Christmas, it wasn't long until then. But I only listened to a few words, I asked my neighbor: »What's your name?« She smiled, as absence as I was. »I am Elizabeth, call me Liz.« I grinned and we talked a little about the hottest guys in school and that it would be a pleasure for "her" squad to get to know me. »So, what do you have after this class?«

I had to think and reminded me: »I guess I have Art, how about you?« She shook her head: »Me too.« Then we decided to pay a bit more attention to the instruction. It felt like endless minutes went by until we had our break. Then I went straight to the Art class with Liz. On the way, we picked up some other girls from that gang. They kinda looked awestruck and shy in front of me. Probably because Tony sent me. We arrived and I noticed, that Maze was absent. »What's wrong?« One of the girls saw my search. »Oh... nothing.«

Our teacher, Mister Charity, told us, that we should do portraits, so Liz and I went to work in pairs. I started drawing her. I just sketched the silhouettes of her face with a pencil and then slowly went for colors. A lot of people came and gave me compliments, but I was not even rudimentary done with the painting. Nothing special happened, Liz sat there for two hours and I was working super focused on my masterpiece. The last lesson of today was physical education.

Moaning I went to the ladies changing room and put on my tracksuit, which was tight and really body-hugging. Liz and her squad did the same thing. One of them starred at my body and I enjoyed the envy in her view. »You have the perfect body for a cheerleader, do you know that?« Another one said. Well... I had like the smallest waist ever and expanded hips. My breast was tinier but my booty was definitely the biggest in this room. My skin was generally really sturdy. I know, I'm the best.

While p.e. I had to think about what they said. The whole time my thoughts were drifting away to cheerleading. So after school, I went to Coach Heather and asked for the "registration". »So... you want to be part of the team?« She was also looking down my body and noticing that I was basically born for this sport. »Lucy, right?« I nodded, then something came in my mind. »And also Mazikeen Stark, please.« I grinned and she inscribed also her name. I shouted a short "thanks" over my shoulder and went away. I was basically too lazy to change clothes again, so I stayed the way I was.

On my way to the locker, someone thought he's funny and whistled. I ignored those idiots and opened it. And again! Thousands of letters flew on the ground. »You're all so unbelievable!« I screamed in the crowd of students, who didn't actually know what I wanted. I can't do this anymore! Ten minutes later I sat in the principal's office. »You want what?!« He asked, uncertain if I was just kidding. »My personal mailbox next to my locker. I'm too famous!« The man rolled his eyes. »Annoy others with your stupid ideas.« I was dramatically gasping for breath.

»I'll call Tony!« I got angry and looked for my phone. We talked about it for a few moments and then I hung up. »He'll transfer you everything tomorrow.« I went away again. Now the school was empty. Everyone went home or sat in their afternoon courses. Exactly at the same place as in the morning, Happy parked. This time I wanted to sit in the back. I opened the door. »How's it going, Happs?« I giggled and realized that I wasn't alone.

»Wow, who are you?!« I was about to hit him, then he responded: »I'm Peter Parker. Also an Avenger.« I nodded slowly and watched him with my common weird view. But I sat down next to him and tried not to touch him while our drive. I barely talked to them and spent my time watching this Parker boy, while he tried to learn in the limousine. In one of the curves, he dropped everything and all the sheets fell out of his chemistry folder. I laughed so bad - my stomach really hurt! It wasn't as boring as I expected it to be. Then we arrived at the Stark Tower and I exited. Without a look behind me, I went into the building and to our room.

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