Mazikeen #39

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I snapped up from a terrible sleep. It was sort of a nightmare but it was no dream. There were only feelings, which drove me insane. The pain I suffered wasn't physical, it was like all bad feelings were mixed together and set into my body. As I sat up hastily, a quiet alarm went on. My breathing sped up within a second, realizing that I was connected to some electric things. Peep. Peep. Peep. The regular peeping reminded me of a memory, victim of an experiment, I should have died, but they didn't know I was kind of a goddess. It ended with death, just like yesterday. Yesterday. The events from earlier hit me, causing further acceleration of my breathing. I killed a man, in front of Steve. Everything made sense now. He saw the monster in me, brought me somewhere to run tests on me. Fuck.

Immediately I began pulling off the connections in my arms and my waist. I started to hyperventilate, as suddenly someone stood beside me. »You're awake. What's wrong? Uh STARK?« Steve screamed and looked helpless and completely overwhelmed at the door.

My eyes started to roll up as if I had some sort of attack. I wanted to scream, but I kept it together, instead, I held my chest, as if it would help me to slow down my breathing. Three men were streaming into the room. »Dammit, here we go again.« I heard Tony's voice, as he went towards me, kneeling down in from of me. He took my hand away from my chest and put it on his. »You're safe here Maze. I promise, come breath with me.« He said and I managed to look into his eyes. »There you go, just in and out you'll be alright.« I began sobbing, but not crying. It was just like my body hadn't any power anymore. The weakness overtook my body and let me shake.

I saw the shock and worry inside Tony's eyes, as he lifted me onto his laps, moving his hands up and down my back gently to calm me down from whatever I was experiencing. I wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed heavily against his chest. »How are her results?« Tony asked and a new voice appeared, making me flinch. »Extremely high blood pressure, her pulse is inhumane, furthermore she has a surprisingly low vitamin D content, to be exact it does not exist.« Someone said and I felt Tony getting a wave of worry, running through his body. »Strange, got an idea when these things will disappear?« I didn't understand what they were talking about, all I tried was not to have another panic attack, sniffing into Tony's neck. »She is overstressed, it could take a while.« My mentor explained, followed by nodding from Tony. »Where m I? What... u want?« I muttered, not managing to make complete sentences due to my weakness. »You're safe here, no one wants to hurt you Maze.« Tony answered, again moving his hands up and down my back.

I somehow fainted, because as I opened my eyes again, I lay in this white, uncomfortable bed, instead of Tony's safe arms, surrounded by white, clean walls and much light. Steve sat beside me on a chair, the other's were gone. A bit confused and with a terrible headache I sat up, getting Steve's attention. »Take it easy.« He commented and offered me a hand, but I didn't take his proposal. »You're alright?« He asked and I nodded, still a bit dazed. »Think so.« I answered looking into Steve's beautiful eyes. Not until I recognized an amount of bleeding cuts on Steve's arms, did I realize it was my fault. My blades were there again. »I... 'm sorry.« I stumbled but he just shook his head. »It's okay, I'll survive.« He said with a sarcastic grin on his face. »So you saw... well everything?« I asked he nodded. I moaned and let my head sink into my hands.

I stood up, tried to blink away the black points, appearing in front of my eyes. »Can we get out of this early hell called room?« I complained and staggered out of these bright walls. Immediately Steve got up, laying an arm around my waist to support me because I was still a bit unsteady on my feet. He led me into Lucy's and my room, the curtains as always wide open, but it was dark and I enjoyed it. The only light was donated by the moon and the stars until I decided to visit the balcony. Millions of lights from the city danced in the distance. It was a wonderful view of New York, most beautiful was the night and the pleasant silence that was brought with it.

Steve came from behind, leaning beside me on the railing, looking into the infinite. »I don't mind it Maze, that you killed him.« I didn't know how to respond to his words. They made my heart want to burst at the pure kindness of his voice. He looked at me. »We can figure it out somehow.« I turned to look into his absorbing eyes. »Steve you have to go now.« I ordered, acting emotionless but I freaked out on the inside. Steve wasn't about to move, quite the reverse he just looked at me. »You've seen what I am. Not even I can deal with it, how should you be able to?« I asked rhetorically. »Please, just... Leave... « His sparkling eyes made me shut up. I had to look away, otherwise, I would have done something I had regretted most certainly. His hands cupped my cheeks, lifting my face up to meet his eyes again. »Steve... « »Shhh... « He fell into my words. The warmth of his skin sent waves of chill through my body.

He made a quick look down to my lips and I immediately realized what he was up to. His look wandered back up to my eyes, like asking for permission. My heart bumped against my chest, knowing it was wrong, knowing I shouldn't have felt that way and it will mean Steve's end, but I couldn't stop it. It was a force I have been never experiencing in my entire life. It made me vulnerable and did not allow any defenses. Steve tickled a strain of my raven hair behind my ear and from that moment on I knew I had no opportunity to resist. Slowly he came closer to me, feeling his mint breath on my face. He leaned in and placed his lips against mine.

It didn't last long and he pulled away from me again. I didn't want him to leave, I wanted more, well knowing how wrong this was. I looked at him, stunned for a moment. Unsure of what I was thinking, he moved his hands away from my face. I felt a bit of worry, coming from him. After a second of collecting my thoughts, I wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling his around my waist. I pressed my lips against his, letting him pull me closer against his chest. I felt his heart beating and I was sure he felt mine too as he kissed me back.

We pulled away and looked awkwardly in one another's eyes. Both of us were stunned and out of words. »Will you stay overnight?« I asked after a while because I was so damn scared of sleeping alone, with the chance of getting another nightmare. »Sure.« He answered and I smiled in relief, sitting down on my bed. He knew I was still not used to the whole situation, so he sat down beside me in an armchair, holding my hand as I lay down.

In the middle of the night, I woke up, struggling to keep my breathing slow. Without recognizing I squeezed Steve's hand, waking him up. »It's alright Maze, you're still stuck in limbo.« He explained, making me grin a bit as I pulled him to me, forcing him to lay down beside me. I sank into his warm and safe arms, my head resting on his chest and his heartbeat lead me into a carefree sleep.

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