Mazikeen #21

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I was waking up slowly and peacefully in the following morning. My eyes still closed, I enjoyed the weak tickle on my head and most importantly the slightly sweet smell from Steve.
Wait for what?
Immediately I snapped my eyes open and found myself lying on Steve's laps. I sat up to look into his eyes, filled with joy and embarrassment. Adorable. »Good morning Mazydazy.« Steve teased with a sneaky look on his face. I hit his shoulder a bit too hard. »Ouch.« I laughed. »Your fault, I warned you not to call me like that.« I complained, smiling.

Why was Steve so different? No one ever, who came to me that close, although it wasn't really close, just everyone I knew was willing to rape me one time. Steve was just pure kindness. I think... I thought and started panicking. What if he just acts to be so friendly...what if all the Avengers are just good actors and want me because of my abilities. I decided to find it out immediately so I grabbed Steve's hand to drift into his mind. What I found was much nervousness, but also the big wave of kindness I had expected. He was filled with faith and loyalty. Wherever I looked there was no lust or even a small bit of evil in him. It was easy to run through his mind, most likely because he didn't expect me to be able to do it but that wasn't the point. I interrupted the connection and looked in Steve's confused face. »What...did you do?« He asked, holding his head. »I wanted to know what you're feeling that's all.« I said honestly and Steve understood immediately. »Your that's pretty rude even for you Maze. You can't just violate someone's privacy like this.« »Well I can, obviously but you're right. I'm sorry Steve it's just. I had to know...« I said and looked down at my feet.

His look softened as he took my hand and held up my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes. As he touched me I flinched, because he took my injured hand. Ouch! Steve immediately let go, his eyes filled with worry. »I...I am sorry what happened?« He asked, pulling up my sleeves. Fuck. I cursed in my thoughts because I pulled back my hand too late. Steve was shocked as he saw the cuts on my arm. »Wha....oh my god Maze why would you do that?« He asked upset. »I...that's nothing, don't worry about it.« I said, trying to smile but I failed. »That's nothing? Are you being serious? You need help.« He almost shouted the last part. I stood up trying to get away from him, but he reached for my hand and pulled me back again. »Let go, Steve, I'm fine!« I yelled, my voice filled with fear. »No, you're not.« He responded. Again I tried to flee, but his grip was too strong. »Hey Maze c'mon sits down again, I just want to talk.« »Well I don't want to talk about this Steve, not with you, fucking accept that!« I shouted and he finally let go.

Obviously, I hurt his feelings with this statement, which I didn't want. Usually, I wouldn't have cared, but as I already mentioned everything is different with him. I sat down beside him again. »I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that it's just difficult.« I said impressed about myself that I was able to apologize. »Why did you want to know what I feel? Tell me about it. Don't you think I have the right to know at least why you broke into my mind?« He was right I had to tell him. I sighed and decided to go for it straight ahead and totally honest. »Every guy I have been meeting in my entire life wanted to fuck me. Sometimes they made it win my trust with small gestures, just to show me again that men are assholes which can't control their lust. And I... well I just didn't want that it happens again with you...« I explained. His eyes were filled with disturbance and as much as he tried to calm down I could feel, thanks to my skills, that he was just about to freak out. »Did you find your answer then?« »I... no... I mean I didn't find this kind of monster in you, but in all those years I just lost the trust in any kind of person. I have never been meeting a guy, which didn't have the goal to rape me.« I answered.

Steve smiled weakly and looked back into my eyes. He wasn't sure what to say next, that much I could tell, but I didn't expect this answer. »You're wrong Mazikeen. There is at least one guy, which would give you enough space and time until you are willing to. Who would love to go out with you first and spending much time with you to get to know you better before even thinking about something intimate.« I felt my heart beating faster as I tried to understand the words, he just spoke. Is he trying to... no that's not possible, is it? I thought in disbelief. »Uh... you. What?« I stumbled, embarrassing with even thinking there would be a small chance that someone really wanted to go out with me without sex or some other reason. Steve smiled because of my confusion. »Do you want to meet me tonight at 7 p.m at the Stark lounge for dinner?« He asked for more accurate. »I... uh... yes, I would love to... You mean like a date dinner?« I said not thinking about all the consequences, with agreeing to this. »Yeah I guess. Unless you don't want to... then we can just..« »No, I... it's fine.« Can't you just speak without stumbling for once in your life? I thought but Steve just smiled as he got the answer he wanted.

»Oh... my god Cap what the fuck? I thought you would be the responsible one. No... my answer is no! What were you thinking, asking my daughter out for a date? Nope... Not... gonna ...happen!« Tony Stark's voice appeared. The both of us blushed, as we saw Tony leaning in the doorframe, totally freaking out. Did he just call me daughter? I thought until Tony spoke up again. »Strange is waiting in the training room, get your ass up and go to your training.« He ordered and I wasn't in mood to argue so I stood up.

Tony left the living room, after giving Steve a killing look and whispering a short »Can't believe it.« To himself. »I.. uhm gotta go then I guess.« I stumbled. Girl learn how to speak for god's sake.

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