Mazikeen #27

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I walked towards my room and immediately noticed that someone was singing. I realized that it came from the bathroom and ascertained that it was Lucy singing in the shower. How can someone be so cheerful all the time? I'm already exhausted by just watching her. I thought and noticed a black dress laying on my bed. Beside it there were some boots and a box filled with expensive necklaces and other jewelry. I shook my head as I read a small note laying on this dress.
»Have fun, T. S.«
I grinned and put on, what Tony wanted me to wear. I watched myself in the mirror, thinking about the best way to escape. I wouldn't say that I found myself ugly, I just wasn't used to wearing a dress. At least it had long sleeves, but it was knee length so you could see my feet, filled with bruises and memories.

Lucy's voice turned louder so I figured she went out of the shower. »La, la, l.. oh my god Maze you dork, don't scare me!« She screamed as she went out of our bathroom, hiding her naked body with a yellow towel. I grinned. »Not the best nerves, huh?« I teased. Lucy just hummed along with the music and went dancing to the window to open the curtains. I hate this light lover. I thought and continued looking at myself in the mirror skeptically. I sighed and went to the door. I was about to leave our room to get to the party, as Lucy freaked out. »You want to go to the party like this? What about your hair?« She asked upset. »What about them?« She just shook her head and went over to me. »Sit down Mazey, I'm gonna fix this.« Lucy decided. She didn't even wait for my response. She just grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down on my bed. »I'm totally fine thanks, Lou.« I said and tried to stand up again, but she forced me to sit.
I rolled my eyes and let her do something with my hair. After a while, she finally finished. »You can thank me later, honey.« She said hopping around proudly, with three huge dresses in her hands, thinking about which one to wear. This girl is totally disturbed. I thought and left her alone.

I joined the party. Many people were already there, although it hasn't started yet. I looked around, not knowing what to do until I found a familiar face. My heart made a jump as Steve looked into my eyes. He smiled, so did I. »Hey handsome.« I said smiling as I went towards him. »Maze didn't know you would come too.« »Yeah, Tony kind of forced me to. So about yesterday... I think we could you know?... try.« Steve's face brightened. »Oh yeah? that's great. I won't disappoint you.« He promised smiling widely. I made the first step and took his hand. »At least nobody will talk to me if he sees that you're with me.« Steve grinned and we sat down and ordered some drinks.

»So how was your first day at school?« Steve asked interested. »It was so boring. There were so many people, running around like ants, it was awful.« I explained and Steve laughed. »Well, yeah it's normal that other people go to school too.« »Yeah, but why do they all want to talk to me. Can't they just leave me alone?« I asked pleadingly and Steve shook his head on me.

I noticed Tony and Peter coming straight to us. »There you are Maze you look precious.« Tony said in good mood, while Peter kind of hid behind him. I grinned. He's such a dork. Tony apparently noticed it too and forced him to make himself visible. »Kid, what are you doing?« He asked amused and laid his arm on Peters's shoulder. »Anyways, Cap? You're coming? Thor and the others just arrived. Peter, will you show her around?« Tony said and Steve followed him into the crowd. »Hey, I'm Peter.« He said awkwardly. »Yeah, I know... Can you say something else too?« I asked harshly, but actually, I was pretty amused by his shyness. Peter sighed and began talking. »So first Mr. Stark will have a quick speech, well I don't know if it's a short speech, but as I know him it will be. Anyways, after that everyone will just dance and so on, Mr. Stark said...« The rest of what Peter explained, I didn't know because I didn't pay attention anymore. This boy was talking so much, you just couldn't keep everything he said. »And then the adults will play a game, something with alcohol I don't know exactly what about. Mr. Stark said that you and Lucy should go to your room then.« He finally stopped and my jaw dropped. »What? He wants us to leave when the party starts? Absolutely not, Lucy and I are even older than him, we will join the game, no doubt.« I explained and Peter looked a bit worried. »Well I warn you, it's getting pretty wild, with this amount of alcohol they consume.« He said and I frowned. I wasn't the type of girl, that got drunk at every party, but if Tony thought he could kick Lucy and me when it was getting funny, he was a fool.

It turned out that Peter could be pretty funny. We talked a lot about science, and how to make his suit better. I was pretty impressed as I found out that he was Spiderman, I mean look at him. I also found out, that he was totally obsessed with Tony, because „Mr. Stark" was almost in every second sentence he made. »Alright uhm Mr. Stark just waved at me, I guess that means I have to go now... See you later.« I nodded and watched him leave. Tony went to the stage and took the microphone. »Hey guys, thanks for coming, Merry Christmas and say hello to our new members angle Lucy and Mazikeen this demon over there.« Tony laughed and pointed at me. I shook my head at him, grinning and forming a quick »You'll get that back.« With my lips.

Time passed and most of the guests already left, as I saw Lucy, her father, Peter, Bruce, Tony, Nat, Clint, and Steve, sitting on the ground. I went towards them and watched Lucy arguing with Thor. »That's not fair, I'm old enough.« She complained, pissed and crossed her arms in from of her chest. »For what?« I interrupted. »Lucy wants to join us, but that's nothing for little girls like you.« Thor explained. »Well yes it is, you have to deal with it, Thor.« I snapped and sat down beside Steve, which looked a bit uncomfortable. Lucy smiled wildly. »Exactly, thanks, favorite sister.« She pronounced and I rolled my eyes on her. Does she always have to overdo it?

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