Lucy #24

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I woke up because of Clint. He knocked on the door of Lila's room. She didn't move but I immediately opened my yellow eyes. Yes, they were yellow. But I liked the color - at least they weren't basic. He smiled weakly and waved at me, which meant that I had to follow him. Slowly and careful not to be too loud I sneaked through the chamber. He didn't wait and continued walking to the kitchen. Now I noticed for the first time how early it was. »It's in the deep of the night, do you know that?«

Maybe he was three hours out? Or wait... Am I dreaming? I shook my head, just to realize that my theory was not correct. Time went by, I got tired again. In the living room, I stopped and sat down on one of their cozy, brown couches, leaning my head in my hands. »You want something to eat?« Clint shouted through the whole house. A look at the golden clock over the tube showed me, that it was two a.m. in the morning. Are you always screaming at this time? I answered his question in the negative. I'm not eating a lot for usual.

So he came back. So many demands were in my head, the most important one: »Why am I awake?« He grinned but also looked terribly tired. I could tell because of the dark circles around his eyes. »We have to be at the Stark Tower before six o'clock.« I looked really confused, but it was my right I guess. Someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and Lila hugged me surprising and really tight. It kinda scared me, how she suddenly appeared. »I'll miss you! Write to me every day!« She gave me a beautiful sheet with a phone number on it. »Of course I will. I promise.« She smiled and hugged me one more time.

»Thank you so much for everything.« I shook Laura's hand. She laughed and showed us her perfect, white teeth. Then I waved at Nathaniel and shyly nodded to Cooper. The family stayed in the doorframe, looking at Clint and me as we went back to that weird spaceship. It was parked in the middle of the grasslands, but the liquid Laura gave me yesterday did its job, it barely hurt. In the vehicle, I sat down in the co-pilot's chair next to my godfather. He didn't talk to me so it was quiet. Until someone appeared in the right corner.

A girl about five years old. With long, brown hair and big, blue eyes. Her lashes were long and dark, just like she put on mascara. She was pretty perfect. »What's your name?« I asked, never being at a loss for words. »Huh?« That wasn't the girl, that was Clint, tongue-in-cheek. I rolled my eyes, really annoyed with his behavior. »I am Taylor.« Her voice was high - just as I expected it to be. I smiled and pointed at myself: »Lucy, or better, Lou.« The tiny creature came to us and wanted to sit on my laps. I understood her and perked her little body up.

It was a really silent flight. Barely any clouds were in the night sky. I never made it ask Clint what the girl was doing in here. I didn't want to and there had to be an explanation for it. She leaned her head against my belly and I didn't feel any breath or her heart beating, just pure emptiness. Well, it was like half-past three a.m. and I barely had any sleep, so I was probably numb. I fell asleep after some time. But it was a dreamless and short nap, nothing more. Then I heard Clint's voice. We arrived at the long airstrip up there on the highest floor. The girl was away, I was looking for her the whole time but she somehow disappeared! There was no more time for wondering, everyone was waiting for me.

»So, what's wrong?« I asked those few Avengers, who stood there in the Stark Lounge. Nat was the one answering: »You and Maze are going to Highschool. See you at the elevator at seven a.m.« I needed some time to realize her words. »What now? We are going there? Officially?« She laughed at me. Yes, I was happy. Who doesn't like Highschool? That's so great! I ran down the stairs to our room and entered it without thinking about Mazikeen. She slept in her bed and closed all the curtains. The... I'll never understand her love for darkness.

I went into our bathroom, noticing that we have to share one. Well, won't be a problem today. I threw away the old clothes in a laundry basket and took a shower. The shampoo with the title "Lucy" smelled like almonds and flowers. There was also one called "Mazikeen". And as I was nosiness in person I had to smell her one too. I wrinkled my nose. It smelled exactly like the dark. Very depressive and definitely nothing for me. Damn Tony, I really don't regret coming here. I wanted to shower even longer, but I had to watch the time, that I won't be late.

With only a towel wrapped around my chest, I went to my wardrobe and looked for my outfit. After long searching, I found something pretty. I dressed up and applied some makeup. Well, it was actually a lot. But everything had to be perfect. I had no need to use blush because my cheeks are naturally really red. Lots of highlighter brought more glow in my face. Mascara, a random lipstick and, thanks to Tony, ginger-colored eyebrow gel. A few brushes through my hair, then my look was completed.

I walked out of the room and to the elevator. Maze already stood there, also dressed and depressive as always. I rolled my eyes. »Good morning.« She looked like she wanted to punch me in my face so I stepped in the elevator. We arrived in the parking area and a limousine already stood there. »That's ours!« I was so joyful, running to it - not without shouting "SHOTGUN" and sitting there. The driver looked as bad as Maze did. »I am happy.«

»Oh my god! Your name is Happy? Seriously?« I was about to burst, it was so exciting. In the meanwhile, Mazikeen took her seat in the back. Is it nice there? Not as good as my one, huh? I grinned and looked out of the window. I was watching all those stressed people, heading to their work or school. Then we stood still and Happy pointed at a building in front of us. My eyes widened and he went around the car, to open our doors. I felt every single view on me and absolutely enjoyed it.

I grabbed Maze's arm and felt her resistance. She didn't want to touch me, but I didn't care. Every student was starring at us, I swung my hips and looked straight ahead. We arrived at the assembly hall, where a woman was sitting behind a computer. »Excuse me? I am Lucy and this is Maze. I don't have the last name, I guess. But we need our timetables.« She nodded and eyed us up, then she gave me my one and also some keys and I had a look at it. Satisfied I went away to my so-called locker.

𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓, 𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑Where stories live. Discover now