Mazikeen #19

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After enjoying myself in a pool of crystal clear, hot water and cleaning my wounds, Frigga ordered some maids to get me dressed. As one of them came in with a long, red dress with white ruffles I frowned. »By all means, I can not wear this.« I pronounced shaking my head. »Oh come on darling it's traditional. Do it for me.« She begged. I sighed and put it on.

»I look ridiculous.« Frigga smiled. »No, you look very beautiful.« She said and we went to the dining room. Loki, Thor, and Odin already waited for us so I quickly sat down beside my father. »Beautiful dress.« Loki whispered, trying to hold back laughter. »Oh shut up.« I snapped.

We ate in silence. It was a relaxing silence but I felt Odin looking at me the whole time which drove me crazy. »What's wrong? Did I do something that triggers you, grandpa?« I asked harshly because I was so annoyed by him. Loki grinned. »He is just impressed that someone like me can have a daughter.« Loki said out loud because Odin didn't respond. »Well then he should look at you not at me it is making me nervous.« I complained and we continued eating. After a while, Odin's voice appeared. »When will you two leave?« He spoke up, looking at Thor. »Tomorrow morning father.« Thor answered and Odin nodded.

We finished eating and stood up. Immediately I ran to my room and put on my sweater again. I heard a knock on the door so I opened it. In front of me, Loki, looking a bit embarrassed. »Hey, uhm I just wanted to say goodbye to you.« He said, voice full of regret. At this point, I stopped thinking about what he did to me and just pulled him into a tied hug. »I'm sorry for not being the father you deserve Mazikeen.« »I forgive you Loki« Now he was filled with relief but also sadness. »Why don't you come with us?« I asked not willing to leave my father like that again. »As you certainly know I had some rough things going on on earth and I'm pretty sure the mortals don't want me on earth ever again.« He explained but I shook my head. »Well but I want you on earth, why are you even interested in what those mortals want or not?« I asked upset. »I promise to visit you some time okay?« I got a bit angry. »Mhm because I can rely on your promises.« I said, voice full of contempt. I closed the door in front of him. Why is this damn world so full of liars?

I fell asleep pretty fast, but I had no really restful sleep after all. I woke up early in the morning and decided to visit this cute little hut in the forest one last time. I entered and quickly realized, that I wasn't alone. Frigga sat on the ground, eyes full of relief as she saw me. »I knew you'd come.« She announced wisely. She stood up, grabbed an old book and handed it to me. »It's yours Mazikeen.« Frigga pronounced proudly. I opened it and read.

Mazikeen Laufeyson
Born on Friday the 31st October 1913 in Asgard
Mother: Brunnhilde
Father: Loki Laufeyson
Goddess of Psyche and mind.
Abilities: Intrusion into heads of others.
The ability to share as well as stealing memories from her victims is given to her.
In case there is the right connection, a transfer of thoughts is possible.
She can feel the feelings of others without a connection. In case there is one, the feelings get a lot more accurate and definable.
She is given the ability to create illusions from her father.
She can create transparent blades out of her hands, with enough practice, she will be able to let them appear or disappear by just wanting it.

I stopped reading and looked at her a bit confused. »I thought you didn't know I exist.« Frigga nodded. »I figured you would ask that. Most certainly you've met Heimdall. He sees a lot of things we are not able to see. One of these things was your birth. As you came to the world, Heimdall immediately noticed it and contacted me. Loki wanted to keep you safe from the problems on Asgard so he didn't tell me but I knew it anyway. I accepted the fact that my son wanted to have his own little family with the Valkyrie and you, but everything went different as he promised Thanos, to rule the earth. Of course, he failed which made Thanos really angry so it was for your safety to go to Midgard.« Frigga explained. » this book is she called Brunnhilde...« Frigga nodded. »Yes, she is your mother. We thought it would be better if you believe that Rachel is your mother but she isn't. Brunnhilde is a Valkyrie Odin Chose her to help to defend Asgard and chose who should go to Valhalla afterlife, and one day she met Loki...« I had absolutely no idea who or what Valhalla was but that didn't matter. » she alive? Where is she? Why did she leave?« I asked upset. »We don't know for sure but as much as we know all Valkyries died in the battle with Hela.« She explained. »But..« »Mazikeeen! Where are you?« Thor's voice appeared. »We have to go now come on we can't play hide and seek right now.« He shouted. Frigga hugged me. »I hope I see you soon darling. I wish you a good and safe trip back to Midgard.« She said and lead me out of the hut.

»There you are. C'mon now we have to go.« Thor took my hand and we went to the Bifrost. »He can see things we aren't able to see« It echoed through my head. If he could see my birth...maybe he can see... »Heimdall... Do you know if my mother is alive?« I asked straight for it. He smiled sadly. »I'm sorry Lady Mazikeen but no I can't see her. It doesn't mean that she is dead, but I can't tell if she is alive.« He answered and gave me a look full of pity. I nodded. Thor came over and grabbed my shoulder. »Bring us to Midgard.« Thor ordered and everything turned upside down again.

A few seconds later we arrived on earth. I fell to the floor, trying to suppress the desire to throw up. Thor just grinned amusedly. »You are doing pretty good for your second time.« He said. »Oh shut up!« I snapped and he helped me stand up.

At the Stark Tower, we were welcomed pretty nice. They even throw a small welcome home party. In fact I just wanted to go to my room and be alone in the darkness but I had to survive this one. I sat on the couch talking to Tony. It was already pretty late and most of the people were gone by now. »Tell me everything Maze. How was it on Asgard.« He asked interested and I sighed. Please help me. I prayed in my mind. »Stark, Peter asked if you could bring him home to his aunt.« Steve's voice appeared. Tony nodded and whispered a short »On my way.« As he stood up and made his way out of the living room.

Steve sat down beside me. »Uh, thanks.« I said gratefully. »No problem. You know he is so different when you are around, you really change him.« Steve said and I laughed. »Yeah of course.« My voice was full of sarcasm. »No really since you're here he is kind of different. He asked at least one time a day when you come back and if you're okay.« Steve announced.

Steve and I sat there in a relaxing silence. Everyone has already left. I felt myself getting tired, so I let my head fall on Steve's shoulder. If I had not been that exhausted I would have never done this to a basically Stranger but somehow it felt safe, so I just let it happen and slowly drifted away into the world of dreams.

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