Lucy #6

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After some time I woke up again. Before I opened my eyes I tried to think back, about what happened to me and how I got into this situation. And I remembered everything. I am such a dumbass, ugh! In the following moment, a noise appeared in my mind. »Get the hell outa here!« I screamed, feeling a weird emotion like this the first time in my entire life. Unexpectedly my Daddy answered: »Good mood, right?« I just gave him the view, that you give to a person that you hate overall.

»You might be wondering why you are handcuffed, but as you tried to kill me I had to defend myself.« He twinkled. I poked around, we were still in the weird spaceship, but it didn't move and vibrate as it did before. Did we land? And I didn't notice? My confusion was very difficult to hide. Where are the windows? I had to look out of one of them. I found one; there was only an endless sky without any cloud in it. Just blue and unimposing. At least one thing here was normal.

A silver and long stay led to a huge tower. I sighed after reading the lettering on it. Wow Daddy, thanks for bringing me to the Stark Tower! My mood eclipsed immediately, I thought about talking to Mr. Tony Stark himself. A pretty degrading thought. »Hurry, kid. I don't have time for studying these surroundings.« I kept staring at him for a few moments. Then even more of my memory came back. »Where is Eleanor?« He laughed: »I don't know a person named Eleanor.«

»But wait! Daddy no that's completely incorrect!« He didn't understand what was going on. »Eleanor! The woman who cared for me last night..« Now his face was full of worriedness. Seriously? You don't believe your daughter, asshole?! He put his hand on my forehead. »Well... at any rate, it's not fever.« I hit his hand so that he went away from my face with it. My Dad exited the ship and looked back at me. »Stop those silly games and follow me.«

I really stroke back at him but that man was bullheaded! Ten minutes later I found myself again in a chair, chained and helpless. Thor was talking to a woman in the background while nobody else than Tony Stark stood in front of me. »You know, dear? We don't kill each other, we live peaceful together. We are the Avengers.« I wiped away imaginary tears. »Peace, that's so cute!«

He laughed and sat down compared to me, but in a much more comfortable stool. In one hand he held a drink. While I was watching it he realized what I wanted. »What kind of..?« He asked. Directly I knew what I wanted: »Margarita, thanks.« He raised his brows and looked back at my Dad. »I am older than you honey, give me my drink.«

»How long have you been knowing about your abilities?« He asked. »Are we playing cop and suspect?« Tony was already very annoyed. »Look, I ask you a question and you answer it, that's all I want.« I laughed, but my laugh was so fake, even stupid Tony Stark noticed that. »That's all you want, huh? You want me to join your cute little team because you wanna have my abilities. But let me tell you something. I don't have abilities, there's nothing special about me!«

Tony started thinking, he looked out of a window and tapped on the tiny table next to him. »Wow. Iron Man is speechless.« I absolutely ridiculed him for that weird silence. He just whispered something like "doesn't understand" and "mentor". »What does that mean?!« I asked, nervous due to the things I just heard. He just shook his head. What's going on?!

A few minutes passed, quiet minutes. No one was talking even my Daddy stopped talking to this red-haired. I took a deep breath, my skin was sticky because of all the sweat of the last night. My thoughts passed, as always. I stopped them when I found myself thinking about unicorns.

»Your abilities are there, but they are... let's say they are sleeping.« I started laughing. »Oh yeah? Wake up abilities! Whops, didn't work, but why?« My fake disappointment was actually very well acted, I could swear that he believed me for one moment. Then the elevator arrived again at our floor. »Daddy! So nice to see you again. Mr. Stark and I had a very nice conversation about creativity.« My sarcastic voice was made for the view I just gave him. He just sighed.

»Why two of those girls at the same time?« Tony sounded very helpless. My Dad sat there too. I looked at them, didn't know what's going on. »Who's number two?« Tony closed his eyes. »She tried to break into my house. Steve met her and it turned out that she can create illusions.« I rolled my eyes. He had way too much sun. Let me go, please! »Where is she right now?« Thor asked, his voice was full of interest. »Mazikeen? I put her in jail.«

Mazikeen. Very special name... But does that girl also have a second name? I didn't want to ask because that would seem very childish. I don't care about her and I don't care about Tony or my Dad or any of those weird Avengers. I remembered that hydra had hypnotized me again and wanted me to kill my dad but now I was conscious again and just wanted to live my happy life again without stupid missions. Now I would stand up and go get fresh air but the chains around my hands and neck hurt while I was moving. Fuck you, Tony! I tried to move but nothing happened. But the embarrassing thing was, that my Daddy and Tony were watching me, struggling.

»Daddy! Stop him, he's torturing your daughter!« For a moment it looked like he would actually tell Tony to stop but he didn't. Suddenly I got tired. Did someone poison me again or am I just tired? My lids were too heavy for my eyes and I fell asleep before I could tell anyone to stop.

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