Mazikeen #29

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I tried to suppress every feeling, that told me that my only chance to learn how to trust people again, to love and to be loved was gone with the moment, Steve entered this wardrobe. That the words of this one person for whom I've slowly begun falling for were just beautiful packed boxes of lies. That I was too weak to uncover them and believed in his words too fast and without enough resistance. That Steve was just another object that would tear me apart and let the lake inside me freeze again.

Not until Steve and Lucy came out of the wardrobe, kissing, did I realize that everything I had wanted so much not to happen became real now. That he lied to me. That everyone did. And I was alone again, alone with my feelings, along with the monster within me. And I felt how the evil inside me spread like a disease that slowly and painfully poisoned my mind, tore me apart and finally managed to let me lose control over my mind again. The voice inside my head, I've managed a long time ago to repulse, screamed I had killed, slowly and painfully revenge myself for everything that had happened to me. The voice returned, louder and worse than ever before.

I stared at them, eyes full of emptiness. Feeling my blood changing into the falling snow, freezing in my veins. I looked at Steve's smile, as he pressed his lips on Lucy's one last time and the following cheers of the others. He didn't kiss Lucy because he had to, because the game said it, because then he could have stopped now. Steve kissed her because he wanted to. The passion, as he squeezed her head and pushed it against his made me sick. Not until Peter tore the dagger out of my hand, did I escape the trounce, that gave me the strong desire to kill. »Maze... « He yelled, but for me, it was just a weak whisper. As we looked in each other's eyes Peter flinched. I could see the disturbance in his eyes as if he had noticed that something evil was going on with me. I took back my dagger and began running. I bumped into an agent and before he could do anything, I pulled my lovely dagger into his stomach, and as the blade bit his flesh, I was comforted with the fact that the ache in my heart and the confusion in my soul meant that I was still alive, still human, and still open to the beauty of the world, even though I had done nothing to deserve it. I pulled it out again, to continue my way out of this damn building, away from all these freaking liars. „Home is where your heart is." A beautiful quote, but what if you have no heart? I was a fool for thinking it's possible to find a home and love.

My feet carried me to the roof. I sat at the edge of the huge area, looking down the deep abysm. I closed my eyes, breathing the cold, fresh night air. Slowly I found myself again, my bloodthirst was satisfied for now but the evil did not sleep, no, quite the reverse, it just woke up.

I felt the presence of Peter, his feelings as accessible as an open book. He came closer and took a seat next to me, not dared to speak a word. I expected him to be scared and disturbed, but he just put an arm around me and I felt somehow understood by him. »Why are you here Peter? What do you want?« My voice shattered in the middle of the sentence. »Shh... « He stopped me and looked into the infinite remoteness. And so we sat together like that, at the top of the Stark Tower for what seemed like ages, not saying anything, just holding each other, while the wind kept blowing at us, tugging our clothes, and for a moment, it seemed like we were holding onto each other because that was the only way to stop us from being swept away into the night.

Peter decided to ruin this idyllic scenario but I couldn't blame him for wanting answers. »So falling for the Captain?« I nodded weakly. »He said he would give me time, but he is just another pathetic liar.« I answered and let myself falling deeper into Peter's arms because it was getting cold. »Yeah, there is no running from them.« He answered and I felt a small wave of regret. I looked at him with expectation. Apparently, he understood what I wanted. »Well there is a girl, MJ, I really like her but she just..« »She just thinks, that you're the shy, endless talking nerd.« I finished his sentence. »Exactly.« Pete whispered softly.

»Call me crazy but what about making them jealous?« He suggested. »What do you mean?« I looked at him, confused. »Well you are Midtown Highschool's new celebrity, they would fight for being together with you or Lucy, especially after you beat up Flash, nice left hook by the way.« He said and I laughed. »And you know? I'm just the loser, the dirt under people's shoes. Everyone would freak out If they'd see me with you.« He explained and I frowned. »How would that help me with Steve?« »Uhm... well I stole his shield.« Peter pronounced proudly and I burst out into laughter. »Wow Pete, that will make him so jealous.« Sarcasm was written all over my face. »Alright, Pete I'm in. But you know that you are dealing with the devil?« I announced. Peter looked at me with surprise. »Then I'm talking to a pretty cute devil.« He answered. I took my chance and kissed him softly. He pulled away immediately. »Calm down, we have to practice, if we want to act like a real couple.« I explained and kissed him again. This time it was way more comfortable and I have to say our lips moved pretty good together. »What did you feel?« I asked, holding Peter's head close to mine. »Uhm nothing...« I smiled. »Perfect... Let the game begin.« My eyes were full of evil, they have formed cat pupils the moment something woke up the demon within me. There was no way out, no escape, the evil was set free and it wanted blood no matter whose.

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