Lucy #44

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I woke up and took a deep breath, slowly crawling out of my bed. How late was it? Definitely too early and Tuesday. Yesterday Mazikeen and I were excused because of "sickness and injury". Liz, Mary, and literally a thousand others kept texting me until I posted in my story that I was fine. Coffee, coffee, coffee. I said it a hundred times, that I won't forget it during getting ready. A lot of makeup, highlighter to underline my cuteness and a bow in my hair - just because why not? I grabbed my phone and a random bag, I didn't even say hello to the others, my way was straight to Starbucks.

"SB in ten minutes??" I wrote to all of them. So I went to the elevator alone and arrived at the limousine, telling out chauffeur that I won't need his service today. Next, I ran to my favorite place in New York and got coffee to go. »And two cookies please.« I ordered while wondering that he wrote "Jossy" instead of my own name.
Suddenly a voice appeared behind me. »Cute name.« It was Chrissy, with a blue hoodie and a Vanilla Frappuccino, standing there and smiling sleepily. She told me, that the others already went to school and took care of Mary because she was kind of traumatized. We laughed until our bellies hurt and finally arrived at school. Liz didn't really seem mad at me, so we hugged each other and I gave one of the cookies to her. »Mary just wants attention.« She said and Chris and I agreed.

The rest of our school day went by pretty fast and normal. Before every subject, I went to my locker, noticed that some stupid people weren't able to find my big mailbox next to it and went back to the lessons. This day we had cheer practice in the evening again so we stayed for lunch. We laid all our stuff on one table in the cafeteria and were about to buy food until I noticed James outside. I told them that I'll be back in a moment and went straight to him. He waved at me but I just came closer and put my index on his chest: »You! How dare you showing up here after last night?!« My voice was really loud and I was glad that most of the students had already left. He smiled and fixed a point behind me. Mary came to him and he hugged her, kissing the back of her head.

»I'm here for my girlfriend, Lucy.« He said and grinned behind her, I opened my mouth but no words came out. Mary also laughed, feeling important. »You filthy bitch!« I screamed and punched her with my fist in her face, I could literally feel her nose break. Then she did something we never expected her to do. She pulled out a dagger and stabbed it into my stomach, or my ridges or whatever. It hurt like hell and she hit exactly the spot where my injury was. I gasped for breath and my eyes widened, completely shook. »What the fu-?«

I collapsed on the floor, Liz immediately noticed it and called the ambulance. It was like sleep for me, someone really muscular carried me and I woke up on a bed. »Where?« I asked and noticed Clint next to me. »Dad?« He smiled after I called him that. »Hm?« I reached for his hand and he took mine, calming me down. A lot of needles stuck in my arm and a bandage was around my upper part of the body. Mary, you are officially not number three anymore. I thought, rolling my eyes and enjoying the injections, I've always loved this kind of pain.

They kind of managed to fix me, so I could go back in. All my girls have waited for me, I told them how much I love them. We all ate, it was about two in the afternoon right now, we finished and dressed up for training. This time I told Liz to stand in the middle and told them the mistakes from one of the benches on the side. Mary was gone and I thought about kicking her out of the team. My Broken Silence did a good job, so time went by pretty fast. I noticed that the other Avengers organized a car for me.

On my way, I met Peter with one of these losers. I stood in front of them and raised a brow, looking from her to him and back again. »I guess you know me.« I said, fake smiling and she responded with the same gesture. »Lucy, that is MJ.« I raised my brows again, facing her and looking at her clothes. Not that bad taste for a nerd. »Didn't know y'all have letters instead of names now.« Grinning I left them, staring at me until I angled and got in Happy's car. »Good day, Sir.« I said and giggled. I am way too funny for this world.

The drive was straining, so much Traffic jam. Happy cursed, I portended him that he did and he excused himself. We repeated this game until we arrived at the Tower again. Maybe my shoes are done? Will I get some food? Everything hurt. These were the most important questions right now, we took the elevator and I said goodbye to Starks manager. On my way to the living room, I met Bruce and Thor, who discussed something super intense, so they didn't even notice me. I rolled my eyes and sat down on one of the couches and watched a random series on the tv. Nat interrupted my relaxation.

»I wanted to train with you! You are unbelievable. Come here.« She said angered and somehow disappointed. But it wasn't even my mistake. »Mary's fault.« I answered sullenly while Natasha took off my bandages. She had a look at my wound and shook her head. »What beast she is!« I agreed. Well, it was more like a scream which scared my mentor all the more. After taking a shower I sat down on my desk and drew a bit to empty my head, which was full of thoughts and unanswered questions, but most important: I constantly thought about Bucky.

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