Lucy #2

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When I opened my eyes it was dark. In fact, I wasn't able to see anything but darkness. I heard some voices, but I hardly understood them. A few hectic voices were whispering. »..woke up!« »..too dangerous for..« I had problems understanding those strangers. Should I take the risk and talk to them? Maybe not such a bad idea.

»Hello? Please help me, I can't move.« But they were just laughing. »Excuse you?! Help me, now!« I panicked because no one was moving. They probably can't understand me. I thought. But they did, for sure. Then finally a man walked towards me. He leaned over me and smiled. This kinda made me angry. »Would you please be so kind and help me?« I really tried not to get too aggressive, this might mean bad consequences for me. He started talking: »Good morning 13, how do you feel?« »As bad as you look - actually.« I emphasized the last word. But he just ignored me, or better my comment. He took out a red notebook with a silver, shiny star on it. »Cute. Did your Mom bought this for you?« I smiled sarcastically, he rolled his eyes. »Look, it's very sweet if you want to share your favorite recipes with me but it would be waaaaay better if I would be able to move in the meantime. « I winked at him. »Enough now, shut up!« He looked at me, his face was distorted with rage. »Dude, chill!« I closed my eyes. If you don't wanna help me, then I'll go and take a nap, seems like I have time for it.

Then suddenly a weird, loud noise woke me up. Like someone dropped a heavy object. »What the hell?!« I noticed that the man still stood in front of me, reading in his weird book. Suddenly I heard his voice. »Flower.« I opened my eyes and stared straight ahead. What was happening with my body? »Funeral.. Lost..« Even more of those mysterious words. I started frightening. I didn't know why...was there a reason? »Death!« He nearly shouted that word in my face. I started crying. What was happening?!
»Thirteen, Alone, Balloon, Homecoming...«
I screamed. »Stop it! Make it stop!«
»Ireland... Rotten...« »Someone shoot this man! Someone stop him from making me feel that way!« »Hell, People, Obsession...« He spoke with a gently voice, if he wouldn't torture me right now, you could think he is just a good man teaching a child new - even tho kinda weird - words. And then he came close, very close. I could feel his warm, disgusting breath on my skin. I instantly got goosebumps, even if I didn't want to. He was about ten centimeters away from my face, whispering the last, damn, torturing word: »James.«

I started crying, and screaming, and got so angry. I wanted to kill someone. Make him feel the pain. I felt so much adrenaline rushing through my veins. Just like blood, but not warm and powerful. It was cold, just like sweat, running always the same circle in my body, with no way out. And finally, I was able to move. It was like I have forgotten everything, like I was controlled by only one instinct: to kill. I just wanted to make the man proud, to make me proud and the rest of the damn world. »Ready to comply!«

My sarcastic, annoyed voice has turned to a devil's one. It was darker, colder and without any feelings. »We got you back 13! What a pleasure. Your weapon?« The man was pointing on a black table, standing on the other side of the room. »Thank you..« Highly concentrated I started looking for the right weapon. Maybe a little gun? Knives were definitely nothing for me. There also was an arrow. How about that one? Okay no, I'll stay classic this time... I took my beloved, huge shotgun and nodded to the soldier one last time. »Your target is Thor Odinson, don't disappoint us.« As he said this name my heart hitched. My father. I shook my head this was no time to get sentimental.

As I came to a small alley, I noticed that barely any human was outside. No kids were playing in the garden, no grandmas were telling their stories to others, not even couples were sharing a kiss or going for a romantic walk in the rain.
I assumed it was because of the early springs weather. I walked through a little, old and weird looking gate, took a deep breath and loaded my gun. A colorful stone was laying on the ground. I raised it and noticed that it was not just a basic, old rock. It started ticking, tik and tok. My eyes widened. »Fuck!« I threw it away and it exploded with a deafening noise. Ouch, bitch that hurt?! I started going a little insane. »Where are you, honey?« My good old psycho-laughter appeared. »Will you come to play with me?« I giggled. »That's how we meet again, huh?«

His voice was joyful. Without any sorrow and very positive. That's my Dad, I guess... Slowly my memories came back. Me, tiny kiddo, sitting in Asgard. One of my favorite places was a swing, as high as the Asgardian palace. My Daddy aka Thor, God of Thunder built it for me when I turned 50. Focus! Stop thinking about this horrible time of your life! Okay, actually it was not that bad... okay doesn't matter! I pointed at him with my gun. »I have to kill you, asshole.« He smiled. »I'm your father, Lou. Don't talk to me like that.« I rolled my eyes, he was way too irritating. »I'm not here for a nice father-daughter conversation. Hydra gave me this mission, I have to kill you. Any last words?«

He laughed. »You have not even a little chance kid. You know that?« I got mad. And I shot at a house behind him. I just wanted to let him know what I'm able to do. »Wow, I'm impressed! Actually! How did you do that?« He laughed so bad, I was literally so angry. I shot again. And I failed, I did the worst thing ever. The bullet didn't make the way to him, it hit one of the great Maple trees and suddenly I felt such a breathtaking pain rushing through my body. I struggled not to faint, but it was like there was a strong energy pushing me to the ground. »Help, Daddy.. plea-«

𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓, 𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑Where stories live. Discover now