Mazikeen #25

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I received my timetable. I was so pissed that I had to be in such a place, just because Tony said we needed some education. I grinned mischievously. They will expel me. I thought and said goodbye to Lucy because we had almost every class separate. My first lesson was physics, so I started my way. Everyone looked at me as if I was an alien. Well, I was an alien, because I was born on Asgard but nevermind. Suddenly a boy appeared beside me. »Do you need some help babe?« I laughed. »Absolutely not from you.« I responded and walked faster so that I didn't have to walk beside him anymore. How I hate this place... I found the physics room and entered.

After some time the teacher came in and everyone went silent. She smiled at me, which I didn't return. »Okay people I see we have a new student in our crew, will you come out and introduce yourself with a few words?« I rolled my eyes and went out. »Well, my name is Mazikeen...« I grinned. Have fun to rebuild your reputation, Tony. »Mazikeen Stark. I don't like people so it would be best for all of us if no one appeals to me. Is that enough or do you want some more details, Miss?« I asked my teacher, which looked a bit confused. »I.. think that's enough, please take your seat now.« She replied stunned about my negativity. I smiled and sat down in the last row. »Did you hear that? She's a Stark.« Someone whispered to her friends. Yes, I am, bitch. From today on I am Tony Stark's daughter. I thought grinning sneakily.

Finally, the bell rang. A boy came over to me, sitting down on my desk, while I was sorting my books and pulling them into my bag. »Do we have the next lesson together? I could have sworn we have chemistry.« He said and twinkled like an idiot. »Uhm I think it was history, which this conversation is right now.« I responded, standing up and went out of this class of dumbasses.

After this embarrassing try to flirt with me, I went to my locker. Someone awkwardly tapped on my shoulder. »What the fuck do you want?« I asked annoyed. I turned around to see a boy, blushing and shyly biting on his underlip. »I'm Pete, well Peter Parker, but you can call me Pete if you want to.« This boy was talking so fast I hardly understood him.

»Penis Parker trying to talk to a girl. You are so embarrassing.« Someone shouted and the huge crowd around him burst out into laughter. The boy went over towards us and laid an arm around me. »Take off your hands NOW!« I warned, closing my eyes to calm down and not punching his ugly face. »Whoo, complicated one, challenge accepted honey.« He said. Enough. I grabbed his arm, turned it on his back, which made him groan. Then I rammed my knee into his stomach and gave him a final punch right into his nose. Blood was streaming out of it. Nailed it. I thought to smile. Everyone around us cheered and laughed. »Fight! Fight! Fight...« They screamed in joy. A teacher came, immediately caring for this boy I just beat up. »In the headmaster's office, immediately.« She screamed shrilly. I just smiled amused and made my way through the crowd.

»On your first day...«. The headmaster said in disbelief as I sat down in front of him. »I don't know where you are from, but we don't tolerate such behavior here.« I just smiled and rolled my eyes. »I will call your parents now, I'm curious, what they will say to this.« He warned and asked for the number of one of my parents. That's gonna be fun. I gave him Tony's number. »Hello, It's the headmaster from Midtown Highschool. I'm calling to ask if you could come for a conversation with me and your daughter.« He said obviously not knowing that he is talking to Tony Stark. »Daughter? What the....« Tony stopped apparently understanding that it must be about Lucy or me. »What did she do?« He asked annoyed but a bit amused. »We'll discuss that when you're here sir.« My headmaster said and Tony moaned and hung up without another word.

After like 10 minutes he entered the office. »Oh my... Tony Stark?« My headmaster said and held his hand in front of his mouth. »Daughter huh?« Tony asked in my direction and I nodded laughing. »Absolutely your fault dad.« I replied grinning. Tony shook his head on me. »So why exactly am I here?« He wanted to know. »Uh... well your daughter punched someone, just because he touched her.« He explained and Tony's eyes widened. »On her first day?« He asked in disbelief. »Yeah I know, that's...« »That's awesome. Do you have the videotape?« Tony cut him off and I broke out into laughter. »Mr. Stark I'm afraid you don't understand the seriousness of this situation. If something like that happens again I have to expel her.« He said, which let Tony freak out. »I don't think so. How much do I pay for this school again? You have to do your best, that Peter, Lucy and this tiny demon here have the best school time they can get understood? Otherwise, I will buy this school and you will be the first one I'll fire.« Tony explained. »Wha... Peter?« I asked confused. »Yeah he is sort of an Avenger, he's quite nice you'll like him when you meet him today at the party.« Tony said and grabbed my bag. Ouuups I kind of yelled at him earlier... I thought. »I think it's enough school for today c'mon kid I'll drive you home.« He stated and we went out of the office without saying goodbye to the headmaster, which stood there not knowing what to do with his life.

Tony drove us to his tower and we went in. »You did good kid. Don't let anyone touch you.« He said and I grinned. »I know dad.« Tony moaned. »When will you finally stop calling me this?« I laughed. »You want me to go to school, then you have to live with the fact that I'm your daughter now.« I simply said and he sighed. »Get yourself ready for the party tonight.« I frowned. »Which party?« I asked hoping he made a joke. »I'll give a Christmas Party tonight and you will come.« He decided. »What? No. Too many people, too much alcohol, too many memories.« I said. »As your father, I decide you will come to my party. That's final.« He pronounced happily.

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