Mazikeen #41

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My eyes went up and down the liquid of Lucy's transfusion. It kind of distracted me and helped not to freak out in this room of horror. As Lou opened her eyes, she immediately got my attention. Everyone was stunned and surprised about what took place earlier but I, well I knew it was a matter of time until something will happen to this girl. No one can always be that happy, that cheerful. She was the angel of Midtown Highschool, yeah even of the Stark Tower, but in every angel hides a demon, no matter how strong it is. Everyone has a weakness, nobody is perfect, even though Lucy was really close to it.

I did not know why I had this terrible feeling of having to help her, to reduce the pain, or just being by her side when she wakes up. I was never really a fan of her's but I somehow understood this girl. This attack had not happened coincidentally, maybe she had experienced something that drove her insane, or she had seen someone in the crowd and I had a faint idea who it could have been.

»We won Lou, Silver Tongue nailed it.« I said, trying to be nice one time in my life. »Great.« Lucy answered and I frowned. Weird. Her voice was kind of careless. She didn't matter how the game ended, she was so thoughtful and didn't really pay attention to my words. I sighed, losing all the fake kindness as I breathed out. »I always told you Mary is a pain in the ass.« Now I got her attention. I was surprised how fast she snapped up her head as if I had caught her. I grinned. »What are you talking about?« She asked an I rolled my eyes. I didn't even have to focus on what she felt, she made it so obvious. »So you know him?« She decided to play dumb. »Who?« I giggled as I felt a way of nervousness coming from her. Dammit, she really does. I thought proud of myself for guessing right. »Her boyfriend. How was his name again? This James guy.« As my words reached her ears she snapped her head in my direction. I could literally feel her struggling with calming herself down. »James.« I repeated it and she stared at me, her look was empty, but her eyes were full of emotions if you looked closely enough. It was like his name was set into her head and if you spoke it you triggered something inside her.

She really tried to draw aside my question, but I was too good at this game. »So.. he means nothing to you?« I grinned on the inside as her eyes widened: »We were Soldiers at the same time we were kind of a thing...I loved him.« It came out of Lou's mouth pretty fast, I rolled my eyes. »You still do.« I commented and watched her blushing. Why is she acting so weird? I wanted to know more about them, Lucy told me about their time at Hydra and that she had a really bad crush on him. »Mary fucked up.« My notice shocked her, but deep inside her cute heart, she knew that the devil was right.

I left her, as Bruce came in to check on Lucy and decided to get myself a coffee. I pushed the button and watched the hot, dark liquid making its way into my cup. »Morning Maze.« Steve's voice appeared and I flinched. I looked at him, then again at the coffeemaker. I was really not in mood to talk to Steve right now. Of course, I liked him but he most certainly wanted to talk about the kiss and I was still processing everything. Uncomfortable I hoped, my coffee would hurry up a bit so that I can escape soon. »I loved the show yesterday.« He said, leaning next to me against the table. My head snapped up. »Wait you were there?« Nodding from Steve. I sighed, full of relief as I finally could take my coffee. »So about the events from yesterday... « My eyes widened. »Steve, would you mind if we continue this one later? I promised Lucy to meet her.« I lied, quickly passing Steve. »Uhm yeah sure... « I heard Steve saying a bit embarrassed.

Full of thoughts I bumped into Thor. This bear was so huge and heavy, that he pushed me to the ground. Annoyed I looked at him, taking his hand to help me up again, after rolling my eyes to his apology. »Lady Mazikeen tonight there will be a fancy dinner at the Greenhouse's. Feel free to invite whoever you want to.« He explained, already about to leave me again. »Wait no! I don't want to.« Thor looked at me, surprised. »But Lucy said you would love to be a part of it. I already promised the others so I'll see you there at 8 o'clock.« He said and walked off, leaving me in rage. Lucy this Peace of shit. I thought and already planned my revenge.

I sat on my desk in our room and wrote a letter. »Dear James...« I started, overthrowing as my roommate is, and ended inviting him to this dinner too. I signed with Lou's name. Satisfied I took a deep breath and played with the pen. The next question was: how the hell should this letter go to him. I didn't know him, so the only way was his slut-girlfriend. I looked at my phone. Monday, one p.m. I'll make it to school timely. After I called Happy, and told him, that I expect him to bring me there, I put the little letter in an envelope.

I waited in front of our school for Mary. I saw her coming out, smiling and talking to some of our cheerleader team. I went towards her holding the letter into her face. »This is for James.« I said, waiting for her reaction. »Maze... I thought you and Lucy... nevermind, what is it about?« I grinned. »Even if it's none of your business, it's inviting to a fancy dinner with his future wife.« I explained, watching her jaw-dropping. »Ha, you don't really think he likes you.« She asked in amusement. »Not me you dumb bitch. This letter is from Lucy, so shut the fuck up and make sure he'll get that thing.« I became serious again. »I'll not give him the letter.« She said, starting to walk away, but I grabbed her wrist. Slowly I pushed my long, beautiful nails into her skin, satisfied seeing the pain in her eyes. »You will.« I said determined, letting her hand go. »You are a psychopath Mazikeen.« She said, looking shocked at her almost bleeding ankle. I smiled. »I know, so don't mess with me Slutty Mary. Deliver him the letter alright?« I laughed at my own preference. »James loves me, he won't come anyways.« She said shrugging, glancing at her nails like a diva. I grabbed her neck, pushing her against a wall. Mary gasped for breath as I slowly pressed my hands against her throat »Then make him. And if not... well we'll see about which punishment you'll get.« I said, letting go from her, as she was about to faint. Mary sank to the ground, breathing heavily. »See you soon darling.« I fake smiled sweetly, turned around and left her and the crowd around us in shock.

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