Lucy #10

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After I said goodbye to my roommate, my thoughts went straight to that stranger. His words echoed in my head and his view... so intense and just breathtaking. I wasn't able to control it - anyways - my feet kept carrying me to the address he called. »Where are you?« I asked into the darkness. And then green smoke appeared everywhere. »Wow, that's creepy I am so scared right now.« I rolled my eyes. Just because you're damn hot doesn't mean you can play with me... And then finally he appeared. »Missed me?« He went directly to a big house. I just followed him. The door opened and we went inside.

»Want a drink?« I thought about the consequences of getting drunk now. Well, I didn't think good because I agreed. His kind of talk was so confusing. He just brought me a Margarita. »You know that I am 15?« He just laughed his cold laughter - as always. » You're so much older.« Where do you know this? My confusion was growing and slowly I felt that obsession inside me. »Drink.« I nodded and did what he said.

»You know what? Fuck it I don't wanna practice this kind of magic.« I raised my eyebrows. He grinned and rolled his eyes at the same time. It looked absolutely hot and cute. I went to him, drained my glass while I did this and wrapped my hands around his neck. »Tell me something, stranger. What's your name?« »Mysterio, and yours ma'am?« I smiled. What's my name? »I'm Lou.« He studied my face and looked down at my body. I felt so weird. »You're a pretty woman, Lou.«

I immediately blushed and looked into his face. »You should stop lying.« I said, he really nonplused me. »Do I look like I'm lying?« He grinned because of my frustration. After a few more margaritas he told me to stop. That's so unfair! »You know that your drunk as hell Lou?« I just shrugged and sat down on a couch near the bar. He stood next to me. »Who are you?« I asked in a whisper. »Shhh..« He came very near and I closed my eyes.

Our lips touched and he held me close, I didn't want this moment to stop. Why is he such a good kisser?! We stayed a few seconds, I wanted more of him but then he let me go and went one step away. »That was nothing.« I tried and suspired. He grinned: »You loved it.« I squinted my eyes, he was so mean. I stood up, went a few steps toward him. He laid his arms on my shoulders and looked me in the face. »We're here for learning, Lucy.« »Please... we can learn next time!« I begged my suggestion, it made him laugh.

»C'mon Lucy. Focus!« He took my hand and went to a lounge next room. Wheee he's rich! I laughed and watched him. He looked like he really enjoyed my over-torqued behavior. »Think about what you want, imagine it as best as you can.« I thought about a plant. Just a flower. A tiny daisy. I closed my eyes and felt my body growing warm. Come on grow sweetie. »It's working... play up!« I felt his view on my hands, I raised them and thought of this daisy. »Well done ma'am.«

I opened my eyes and saw the plant in front of me. I beamed with joy, I actually did it. Yass bitches I'm a goddess! He started laughing. »Relax, you just attested a flower.« I rolled my eyes. »Get a grip, you would never create that beautiful one.« I twinkled and stood up. »I am so tired... would you mind if I go back home?« I noticed, that I called the Stark Tower "home". Wtf? But he understood me and just nodded slowly. »Come back when you need me.« And he disappeared again. Mysterious. Mysterio.

As I arrived at Tony's building Natasha Romanoff leaned over a chair, looking at me with a penetrating view. »What's the matter?« I asked insecurely. She's gonna kill me... Nat took a deep breath and started her complaint. »You were away for thirteen hours. We were worried something happened to you! So where were you?!« She raised one of her eyebrows and looked really annoyed by me. »In New York uhm just... you know? Drinking and dancing?« She cackled and went through the room. »We're not stupid.« She asserted, already kinda pissed. What should I tell her?

She took a deep breath and started talking again, by now in a bit friendlier way. »The Avengers decided yesterday, that you need something like a godparent. Are you able to follow me?« I nodded skimpy and she satisfied. »You'll meet him tomorrow and go to a fine restaurant with him, so make sure that you get well dressed.« I starred at the floor and thought about my „dress". I have no dresses... »Tony bought you some clothes.« She smiled and left the room. I took off my coat and went to mine and Mazikeen's room.

The wardrobe was so huge! There was no Maze inside the room so I opened it. Well, it was definitely mine because it stood in my part of the room. There were dresses, tops, and jeans, even underwear in all colors I could imagine. I need white, this is a special event and it has to look original. So I was searching for white. There were many but not the right one. They were either too short or seemed to me from the tenth century. Should I just alter one? Yes, I should. I thought and put a longer one on my desk. »Scissors?« I asked and the named object flew to my place. »What the fuck?!« I startled and a cold flaw streamed in my direction. Goddess of... omg! I'm the goddess of nature it's right what those losers said!

I created a cute dress, hardly white and very colorful, but cute. With flowers and all that stuff. I used the scissors to trim it, now it was knee-length and - just as every single garment I own - super tight. It was the first time I looked into a mirror. I noticed that my waist was incredibly small, it was about the same size as my neck! I'm a skinny legend. I noticed laughing. My hairs were ginger and reached only to my chin, I had lite bangs, which made me look like an insect. There were freckles all over my face, especially at my red cheeks. I wore round, way too big and silver glasses. Oh, and I had brackets. I really looked like an insect! Where's Mazikeen? I thought and rolled my eyes. Chilling in the darkness I guess...

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