Mazikeen #33

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We arrived and Peter and I immediately ran into my room, while Lucy was saying hello to the others. We sat down on my bed and discussed our homework. »Pete we somehow have to get MJ's attention. Tomorrow we'll get in the offense alright?« I pronounced and Peter nodded in agreement. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. »Yeah?« I said and Tony entered. Immediately I took Peter's head and kissed him passionately. »Uhm alright you can stop guys it's me.« »Don't know what you are talking about...« Tony rolled his eyes. »Maze I want to talk to you, now.« He said strictly and looked at Peter. Peter understood and left the room. »So? What's the important thing you want to talk about, alone?« I asked and Tony sat down beside me on my bed. He sighed, thinking about how to choose his words. »Well you know I think it's great that you have a boyfriend and especially that it's Peter, really the boy is incredible, but you can't pretend to love each other in front of me. You know I'm the greatest Playboy of all time, I know if something isn't love. Look what I'm trying to say... I hate the thought of you being with Rogers, but getting together with Pete just because you can't have him? That's rude Maze.« Tony explained totally honest.

Everything he just said was true and he was completely right, that I didn't love Peter and so on, but I decided to lie. »Tony everything is fine, Peter and I are really happy together. That with Steve was just one evening you know? With Peter it's totally different, so mind your own business and stop talking about things you don't know anything about.« The words streamed out of my mouth like a waterfall. »C'mon Maze, we both know you are still attached to Rogers. As your Dad I expected you to be honest with me. I'm disappointed Maze, you can do whatever you want, play your games with Peter, even if it makes no sense at all but do not lie to me.« His voice was so strict and disappointed, I couldn't help but feel bad. »Even if it is like you describe it, Steve should see that I'm happy without him.« I said looking down to my feet. »Maze you have to talk to him, now you can still fix this. Do it before it's too late.« I shook my head. »No, I don't want to fix it. He screwed it I cannot trust him, Tony he hurt me and I can't risk that it happens again.« I now said totally honest.

Tony laid an arm around me. »How I hate these situations... Maze I don't know how people normally do this, so that your feelings won't get hurt or whatever, but you are a fool trying to make him jealous or showing him that you're happy, if you aren't. He likes you and you like him that's perfect. What the hell do you want more? That's one of the most stupid things I've ever heard. I mean do you really think this is going to work out? Making him jealous with Peter, although everyone knows that you have your stupid trust issues and would never get together with him, who you know for like a week?« Tony was so damn right and I just wanted to run to Steve and tell him what I felt, but my ego was too big. »I started this, so I'm going to finish it too, that's final.« I pronounced and Tony shook his head. »Well if it ends, you sitting crying in your room, then I will not support you.« Tony sneered and stood up. »If you need someone to talk I'm in my workshop.« He said and left.

Peter came in again looking at me a bit confused. »Dude, what did you do? He really seems upset.« Peter stated. »Alright, Pete we have to go in the offense, now!« I somehow yelled at him, took his hand and pulled him into the living room. Sam and Steve were talking in the kitchen. Perfect! »Pete I love you.« I began and he looked at me confused. I pointed to the kitchen and he understood. »Maze I don't think that's good...« He whispered but I interrupted him. »It was your idea so just do your job.« I ordered and he rolled his eyes. »I love you too Mazydazy.« He said and I laughed. I pressed my lips on his, already feeling Steve and Sam's views on us. »Hey, Maze. Had a good day at school?« Steve asked smiling. What? Perplexed I looked at him. »Uhm yeah, thanks to Pete.« I answered, trying to hide my confusion. Doesn't that make him... I don't know uncomfortable? »Wait here babe I'm going to grab some apples.« Peter gave me a final kiss and I went towards the kitchen.

Passing Steve, I touched him unobtrusively to find out what he felt, but he just kind of not let me in. Confused and pretty frustrated I took two apples and went back to Peter. I heard Steve laughing and continue his conversation with Sam. What the fuck? I was so frustrated that Steve didn't care, it drove me crazy. After some time Steve sat down on the couch, so Peter and I did the same. We laughed and talked a lot until I lay on Peter's chest and moved my hand up and down his stomach. »Oh my god, these abs are killing me.« I said and Peter laughed. »That's so ridiculous.« Steve suddenly announced amused, shaking his head and standing up just to leave us alone in confusion. »Wow, he doesn't buy it...« Pete's voice was kind of annoyed. »Nah... It's completely senseless to continue. Don't be scared I'll still help you to get MJ so that at least you get what you want.« Peter softened. »Oh, Maze maybe you really should just talk to him.« He suggested and I snorted. »Damn you sound like Tony, stop, that's creepy.« I said grinning but actually, I felt completely broken on the inside.

I wished I could just hug Steve and tell him about my feelings, but that wasn't an option so I continued suffering quietly. »Alright Maze, I have to go home, aunt May already asks where I am.« I nodded. »Yeah, see ya tomorrow.« I said and he left after hugging me. The rest of the day I just sat on my bed, hating my life, not knowing what to do, until Lucy entered. I sighed looked at her angry and decided to sleep on the roof again. At least nobody would talk to me up there and I would finally have the time to think alone again, in the darkness.

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