Lucy #48

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It was about two p.m. and all the Avengers got ready for a special mission or something like that while Bruce bandaged my waist again. After he finished he asked: »Is there anyone who wants to care for Lucy today?« It was so awkward, I just stood there, not knowing what to do. No one even said a word, a few ignored me and moved on getting ready. I sighed annoyed and also kinda desperate when suddenly a really strong, cold thing pulled me up. I screamed frightened and looked around, it was Bucky. He was holding me with his metal arm, rolling his eyes and walking me to our room. I was too shocked to answer and so many feelings came up, I wasn't able to defend me or tell him that I could go to bed while the others were gone. It was really cold but also comfortable and I - funnily enough - felt safe.

The others also seemed really surprised, but no one said a word. As Bucky already knew where our room was he immediately found it. He opened the door and we met Steve and Maze, sitting on her bed. My roommate and I were looking at each other. Bucks put me down on my bed and lay down next to me, not caring if it would bother me or not. Steve seemed a little keyed up and placed his arm around Mazikeen's waist. I raised my eyebrow and nudged James, who seemed confused and sat up. »Huh??«, then he followed my view and frowned too. »So... you're like a thing now?«, I asked hesitantly and Mazikeen faced Steve first, then smiled a bit and nodded: »Seems so.« Seeing her happy was super rare and it made me grin too. As we were really bored we decided to do something more interesting.

Mazikeen and I went to the bathroom, planning what to do. We somehow got the "genius" idea to let me grow some plants. Drug plants. Once someone told us about this stuff called Belladonna. It worked just as hallucinations and as no one was in the tower to stop us or ruin the fun I grew them. After we'd cooked a tea and went back to our room we gave that to the boys. Especially Steve gave us a skeptical view but when Mazikeen also started drinking he followed her. I nodded confident and did the same.

It took the drugs about fifteen minutes to affect us and make us see weird monsters and creatures. »Wait! We have to dress up for our mission!«, I screamed and ran to my wardrobe. I took out a tight, vibranium suit. It was white. A view to the other side showed me Mazikeen pulling out a black one. I started to take off my clothes, Mazikeen saw that and her eyes widened: »No! Lou!« She raced to me and shoved me into the wardrobe as if she didn't want me to dress up in front of the soldiers. I mumbled a few annoyed words and continued in the corner of the room. Maze and I looked absolutely attractive and stunning, obviously. The boys thought so too. The next step was weapons.

Steve knew exactly where Tony stored the best, most effective weapons so he led us to that chamber. Stark was just so extra, he used more than two codes to save them. What the hell? Finally, we entered the room and took random stuff. Maze went for knives and daggers while the rest of us took guns - as we were used to them due to the soldier time. Then we decided to split in couples, Steve and Maze went to the top while Bucks and I decided to defend the cellar. Everywhere I could imagine those weird, kind of creepy monsters. I ran to the left corridor while my fella went for the right. I shot a hell lot of the enemies and kinda destroyed the cellar too...

At some point, a really big one appeared and I couldn't handle it. I tried to kill it but got pushed away, against a wall. »Stop!« I was bleeding, my head hurt and the creature was crawling closer and closer. I couldn't do anything but start crying. And screaming. As loud as I could, hoping something would happen. I was caught, that was it. I'm dead. I closed my eyes, feeling how it raised me and pushed me against the wall a second time. »End my suffering...«, I begged and almost fainted, then I heard a shooting sound and fell on the ground. Someone went to me and raised me hectically. »Are you okay??«

First I didn't react, then he almost screamed: »Are you okay?« I opened my eyes and saw James. He took my chin and forced me to face him, I tried to look away but he didn't let me. »I'm alright«, I said even tho I was literally dying inside. His face was so close to mine and I felt his cold hand on my skin. »Thank you...«, I started but got interrupted as his lips touched mine and my heart seemed to explode. I closed my eyes again and put my arms around his neck, his hands still wrapped around my waist, I was not even touching the ground. He let me down again, fully out of breath. I didn't know what to say so I just started smiling, gave him another kiss on the cheek.

Then I raised my eyebrows and went a few steps backward, constantly grinning. Bucky cocked his head frowning. »Catch me if you're fast enough!«, I screamed while running away, upstairs. He rolled his eyes and followed me. He was fast, actually faster than me, but I had some lead and tried my best, even though I was laughing so hard that I almost fell because of that. I somehow managed to arrive before he did and went to the lounge. In one of the corners I spotted Mazikeen and Steve, then I felt a strong hand grabbing me and pushing me on a couch. Bucky laughed insulting and climbed over the back and pulled me on his lap, kissing me again. It was a french kiss. Then his hands moved down to the zip of my suit. But nothing happened, the next thing I remember is falling down the couch and landing on the floor. I was so horny though.

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