Lucy #30

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Time passed after Maze left. I didn't realize it actually. I was really busy kissing Steve. He raised me and carried me away from the others. There was a couch near the Stark Lounge, with a wonderful view of New York. He started opening my dress. »Relax, sweetie.« I moaned and threw it away. I was wearing some of these slips Tony bought Maze and me. He was about to take it off too, then I stopped him by kissing him again. This time it was way more intense. I took off his shirt and he also had a sixpack. »Why are all of you so hot?«

I was shocked by his body and slowly touched him. He grabbed my extremely tiny waist and pulled me closer. I felt literally everything, all the muscles, and even his dick. Wait. What the fuck. His boner suddenly disgusted me. I was totally demure and jumped away from him. »That's nasty! Don't you dare ever touching me again!« I ran away, I didn't even know where I was running, my feet carried me to our room. I was so relieved and fell on the floor, completely soaked with sweat and out of breath. I had to go and take a shower, again.

I was annoyed by myself. This is the third shower today. Tomorrow morning we have to wake up and get ready for school. That's not good. The cold water flushed away all the uncertainty and nastiness. I wrapped one of the random towels around my body and brushed my short, wet hair. Not because of sweat, I washed it of course. Then I grabbed some makeup remover. Really needy today. I felt so much better and applied some cream. It reminded me of the whipped cream. Ew, that's nasty! I remembered and went out of the bathroom.

In my wardrobe was so much stuff, I just took out some random pants and a tight, comfortable shirt. Okay, literally everything I had was tight, but that was my style. I put it on and opened the door to my large balcony. Without shoes, I went there and looked at the city again. »Good evening, Lucy.« A voice appeared. I turned around and saw a pair of eyes, shining in the dark. Eleanor, it's her. Definitely, that is Eleanor. »Where have you been?« I asked upset. She just smiled and came closer. »Oh poor Lucy... he didn't tell you, did he?« Her eyes were full of pity.

»Sorry - what now?« I asked, all this talking in riddles confused me. I came closer, but she didn't react. Another voice appeared. »Play with me, Lou.« My eyes widened, that was the tiny girl from before. It was her, she dissolved and now she's back. But there was no time for wondering, even more, voices appeared. They said things like „Hey Lucy" or „Is everything okay?"

I was so confused and unable to cope. »Why are you all here? Go to your families, please.« I tried to smile but everything faded after Eleanor said: »We're dead.« I shook my head. »Really funny, nice try Maze. You can stop now.« My uncertainty grew and I tried to get in again, but these creatures blocked the door. I took a deep breath, I was so done with my life. I just wanted to sleep. »Fuck off now!« I screamed and it was so loud. I was unable to talk any more words, I was impressed by myself. And effectively all of these weirdos were gone again.

I heard someone clapping behind me. »I said-« My voice cracked, it was Mysterio himself, leaning against the wall and watching me, while I'm struggling with making those people disappear. »It was you?« I pointed at him and went closer. Seriously? He laughed and shook his head. »Sadly no. You can talk to dead people, that's it.« This information was new. I went through my hair again. »But if they are dead..« He nodded. »I haven't seen them, I just saw you and it looks so funny when you're talking to yourself.« I folded my arms under my chest and he grinned.

»Seriously, what was that?« I was so tired, I went in and told him to follow me. Then I fell on my bed and closed my eyes. »Lights out.« And the program Stark developed did so. Mysterio stood in the middle of the room and just stared at me. »You alright?« I smiled and looked at him with my head cocked to one side. He didn't answer, he just kind of started shining. It was a greenish and also pretty creepy light which surrounded his whole body. I got goosebumps and nestled down in my white blanket. Then he started pronouncing something.

»The room is small, the anger tall. You both are tied, still after the fight. They won't let go when you overthrow. But you are strong, this fight was wrong.« He finally stopped and fell down. My eyes widened and I extended one of my hands. It was weird, pain shot through me and light appeared where my hands were. I kinda stopped everything with a big blast came out of them. It stopped him and raised him up, made him fly. I was so shocked, I pulled him to me and he landed on the bed. He was about to fade, I didn't know what to do.

»Stop!« I screamed and burst into tears, while he was shaking and suffering. It felt like a big weight fell off me and my emotion, this despair was just finally set free. All the elements and power of nature flowed out of me, it filled the room and was so strong, that I had to gasp for breath. I screamed and suddenly everything stopped. It all ended as quickly as it came. »Are you okay?« I asked completely confused. He nodded slowly and explained: »That was a prophecy.« Another tear of desperation ran down my cheek, as I looked in his pale face. »Stay with me this night.«

𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓, 𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑Where stories live. Discover now