Lucy #42

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The dress Mazikeen gave me was interesting, exactly my style: kinda crazy and also kinda cute. It was yellow and reached almost to my knees - quite long for my conditions. Oh, and most importantly it had puff sleeves, also damn cute. I tried to fix my bruised and destroyed face, one eye was a pretty big shiner and over my nose stuck a patch, which covered half of my sweet freckles. I was disturbed by myself for not wearing any makeup, my mascara was ruined by all the crying and my eyes were bloodshot. But that was not the only thing, I had problems moving and, as my waist was the tallest of all the time, I broke basically all my ridges. A huge bandage was wrapped around me and made me look like a normal, fat person.

»Are you done?« Maze asked for the hundredth time, I rolled my eyes but was busy brushing my ginger hair. »Okay, let's go.« I said, talking myself into the imagination of a wonderful dinner. »Just breathe.« My sister commented, laughing and watching me from the side. I did, hectically and overthrowing. How far was this freaking room away? I didn't even ask Mazikeen, who was there. »Probably Steve.« I stopped and stood still for one moment, then I shook my head. »Dude, did I say that out loud?« She nodded and seemed confused by my weird behavior.

We walked into the room, it was really beautiful there. The walls were made out of precious stones and the floor was marble. Someone played the piano and remembered me of my childhood. So did I. The play was extraordinary familiar to me, I started singing to the melody while dancing to the table. I was a ballet dancer one day and I was the best. I tried to remind myself of the steps, I still knew some of them. »I am screaming out your name..« I started but stayed quite. Thor was there, next to him another man with black hair.

Also, Mazikeen had noticed him, she looked keyed up. »Who-« She interrupted me. »Don't always be so fucking loud!« She sizzled into my ear and went to this man. »Hey, Dad, nice to see you.« There was definitely distrust in her voice, even a bit sarcastic. But that was her usual way to talk. After a few minutes, I noticed Steve leaning against the wall and waving to us. Then he pointed on somewhere behind me, I frowned, turned around and frightened. There he stood, James, the boyfriend of my best fake friend, in front of me. I just kept starring, he grinned complacently and raised his brows.

»Hey...« I aspirated and looked away on one of the plants. I felt so uncomfortable here, tiny and deformed with crutches in my arms. He'll think that my past at Hydra was actually past and I am garbage now, but nothing changed, he just sat down on his place, I wanted to search my own one, far away from him, but my father just showed me the name tag with "Lucy" on it. I sat next to James and Mazikeen's dad, so I turned to him and asked him something about his daughter and life. »A god too?« I smiled like an idiot until I noticed that Bucky was watching me and grinned again. This shit was so damn straining. But that was just the beginning, now Thor started talking to my Soldier buddies.

»She is so annoying.« He told them now and they all watched me like an animal in the zoo. »Fuck you, Daddy.« I said simply and spent time on my meal. I was everything but hungry, so I gobbled it and drank a cute, colorful cocktail with it. Even if I felt the views on me, I stayed silent and killed time by looking straight on an old vase. This is so ridiculous. I leaned back in my chair and waited for Thor and Loki, the other man, to eat all of their food. »Gotta leave.« I told everyone, nodded in Maze's direction and didn't even dare to look into Bucky's eyes. Out of eyeshot I started running to our own room, kneeled down before the toilette and literally vomited everything out again. My breathing was fast, I went to the sink and spilled away the bitter taste with the clear water a few times. God, finally. Next, I took a shower and wrapped a towel around me again.

I opened the door and almost dropped everything I just held. Bucky was in my room, waiting for something I didn't even know and leaning against my bed. He looked fucking hot, checked me out and laughed again. »Can I help you, Barnes?« I asked, trying to sound annoyed and not absolutely excited. My heart bumped against my chest and I felt it, slowly coming out. My arrhythmia absolutely killed me right now. Only in bra and a slip I fell onto the floor and was about to collapse, he jumped up and helped me by carrying me to my bed.

»Are you alright?« He smiled crooked and watched me, calming down a bit in his arms. I closed my eyes and tried to remove the bandages. He didn't even ask, he just helped me coming out. »What happened to your waist?« James asked and laughed again, showing his perfect teeth. I rolled my eyes and threw it away, on my belly were so many effusions that even Bucky was shocked. »Why are you here?« I asked really quiet, my voice literally left the chat when I saw him for the first time here. He just helped me standing up and did so too. I watched the floor again, but he took my chin and pushed it up, forcing me to look him in the eyes. »I don't like it when you don't say goodbye to me.«

I immediately started smiling, his view was focused, chaining between my eyes and my tiny nose. Without any warning, he kissed me, his lips on mine and deadened me with his good smell. Cold, fresh and really expensive. Damn, what the hell did he do? I betrayed my friend. Fake-friend. I corrected myself and breathed again, James had already left, but after some time Mazikeen came in. Untypical for her she told me about the evening with Steve and Loki. That he'll stay and that she liked the alcoholic drinks. I just lay on my bed and decided to tell her my complicated love life another time. She didn't even mind or wonder about the bandages and towel laying around on the floor. She's in love.

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