Mazikeen #31

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We must have been falling asleep, because I lay in Peter's arms, still on the roof of the Stark Tower. Then I realized that Peter wore his Spiderman suit. I grinned and shook him to get him back to reality. »Why do you wear your suit?« I asked amused. »Hmm?... It got cold.« He stumbled and rubbed his face. That's adorable. »Alright we have to get back, otherwise I'll get killed by Tony.« I said and looked for the way-down. »Uhm... we won't use that way.« Peter said and grinned. Confused I stared at him, then I understood. »Nope, absolutely not.« I said but Peter grabbed my hand. »C'mon as my girlfriend you have to trust me.« Peter explained and laid an arm around my waist. »I swear to god if you...« I wasn't able to finish my sentence because Peter already threw his web and dragged me with him.

We arrived inside, alive. »For Odin's sake don't do that ever again.« I complained and he just laughed. »Maze, finally, where have you been? I searched everywhere.« Tony's voice appeared as he came around the corner. »Well obviously you haven't, otherwise you would have found me.« I answered and he rolled his eyes. »Why did you two leave my party yesterday? Peter, you want to tell me something?« Tony asked looking at Peter now. »Wha... No! I..« This dumbass. »We want to tell you something, Tony. Peter and I... Well, he's my boyfriend now.« I explained, hitting Peters' shoulder. »You and Peter? Okay, this is not over now, we will talk about this later but you two have to go to school it's already pretty late, and Oh my god Maze you almost killed someone yesterday what the heck?« I moaned annoyed, took Peter's hand and we went away to take our stuff for school. »Unbelievable.« Tony commented, shaking his head.

I can't remember any other thing at school than Peter and me kissing, the looks from our classmates and our teacher's annoyed glances. From Peter's crush MJ, no hint. After school, Happy drove Lucy and us back to the Stark Tower again. I had to tell Lucy everything about us, she was so annoying. You could describe her as a 3-year-old kid, which ate too much sugar. She was constantly hopping around, asking senseless questions, it was torture.

We arrived and I discussed with Tony that I wanted to make an announcement to all the avengers, so he pulled them all into the living room. »Alright, so Peter and I wanted to say something.« I said fake smiling like an idiot. »Right... So Maze and I, we are together.« Peter said and laid an arm around my waist. I had to fight the big desire to flinch, but I could hold it back and smile instead into the crowd. I didn't miss the surprised glance from Steve. I felt so much different feelings from each Avenger, it was difficult to say which ones were his. »Mazikeen... can we talk in private for a minute?« He asked and everybody could see how hard he tried not to freak out, but he kept it together, somehow. »Why? Is there something, the other's aren't allowed to hear?« Now I felt his rage. »Well, actually I don't know if you are okay with that. I thought it would be more comfortable for you if your new boyfriend wouldn't hear it.« He said and I just fake smiled. »Go on Rogers, you know Peter and I have a really open relationship, so I'm totally fine with him being here.« Steve shook his head, then our eyes met again and he softened. »What about our date Maze? You can't deny, that we had a moment.« Everyone was silent and listened interestedly. »I don't know what you are talking about Rogers.« »So you'll just pretend, we...« »There is no we, not until yesterday you dick.« I snapped and felt Peter's hand slowly moving up and down my back to calm me down. »What are you talking about Maze?« He asked and I looked at Peter in disbelief. »The alcohol... « He whispered and I understood. Wow, this piece of shit doesn't remember. »Tony, you most certainly have the camera footage from yesterday right?« I asked and he nodded. »Friday... « »Camera footage, yesterday 1:12 a.m, Mr. Rogers kissing Mrs. Thorsdottir, got it, sir.« Friday interrupted him and the big flatscreen beside us went on.

We watched Lucy and Steve kissing, again the fact with how much passion they did, hit me like a car. Steve looked shocked, but as they suddenly went to the couch, Steve trying to undress Lucy, my jaw dropped. Oh my god, that's a joke right? Full of disgust I stared at the screen, so did the others. Steve put off his T-shirt and Lucy her dress. Is this gonna be porn right now? My blood froze inside my veins, and my hands began shaking. Not until Peter took them, did I realize that they were pale and shaking like I had an attack or something like that. »That's enough.« Peter finally said shyly. Nobody reacted, me neither. Obsessed I stared at the video watching how Lucy escaped from Steve's grip to shout at him, that she doesn't want to fuck him. »I said IT'S ENOUGH!« Peter screamed now and Friday stopped the video. Pete looked at me, eyes full of pity.

»Screw you, Rogers.« I said, without any emotion. »Maze... I don't know what that is... I« »You don't know huh? You son of a bitch are trying to say you don't know what that is?« I yelled, pulling out my dagger. Completely out of mind I threw it to the huge flatscreen of Tony. With a loud crash, his TV broke and some people flinched.»You peace of shit, it's showing you making out with Lucy.« Nobody dared to say a word. I could feel fear from the other Avengers. Yes, they were scared of me. »I'm sorry Mazikeen, I can't remember anything... I don't know what to say... « Tears came up as I ran towards Steve, hitting his chest. I punched into his face as hard as I could. The frustrating thing was, that Steve didn't even defend himself, he just let me punch and hurt him. »C' mon you liar hit me!« I screamed and couldn't help but break out into tears. I punched again into his face, but suddenly I was held back by Peter and Sam. »Let go, he deserves it.« I screamed and wanted to kick him again, but they pulled me away from him. Steve just stood there, staring at me, eyes full of emptiness, no reaction, no feeling just an empty look, it drove me crazy. I whipped away my tears rushing up the stairs away from the others and most importantly, away from him.

I collapsed onto the floor, tears streaming down my cheeks I just couldn't help it. I felt so betrayed, the kiss was one thing, I didn't know they almost had sex. I stood up and continued my way to my room. I was just about to open the door, as someone grabbed my wrist. Steve. Immediately I pulled back but he didn't let go. »Maze you have to, believe me, I didn't want that to happen, I was drunk.« He explained, completely stressed out and overstrained with the situation. »That doesn't change anything, Peter was drunk too and you know what he did, while you had your fun with this bitch? He cared about me, helped me not to kill someone.« I explained and tried to escape his grip. »Leave me alone!« I yelled and hit him again. »Mazikeen... Maze, calm down!« Steve said, while catching my second hand and managed to stop me from moving. »You lied to me you just... lied.« I said, sobbing. »No Maze I didn't, I meant everything I said, you have to believe me. I was drunk Maze I...« He stopped talking, didn't know how to explain himself.

I was fighting the following tears, trying to look cold. »You finished? I have better to do than being touched by someone, who almost fucked Lucy after telling me he would give me time.« I announced, filled with anger. He didn't reply so I tried again to escape, but he still held me tied. »Let go now, Rogers! You screwed it, I hate you, you fucking asshole. You were the only person in like 50 years I began to trust and you just shamelessly exploited my weakness. Everything you said was a fucking lie, how can you be such a dick after what I told you about my past and...« »I love you... « Steve interrupted me and I looked at him, shocked. His look softened and I fought against the desire to just sink into his arms and cry on his shoulder. »You... What?« »Mazikeen I want to be with you, no matter what. « He said without thinking. His grip got weaker, as we looked in each other's eyes. His ice-blue eyes sparkled, because of the upcoming tears.

I was so overstrained with the whole situation. No one has ever told me that he'd love me, not even my parents. I didn't know how to deal with it or whether I could believe it or not. I just wanted to run away now, so I pulled out of his hands, quickly getting into my room and locked the door. So many feelings were streaming through me, I just couldn't handle it, I wasn't used to feeling this amount of feelings. I punched against the wall, knocked down the wardrobe and let my aggression take over the control of my body.

After a while of destroying things, I sank exhausted down on my bed. It didn't take much time, to fall asleep, with a broken heart, a confused head, and hands full of my own blood. The room, completely vandalized. I didn't even realize, that Lucy entered the room, let out a short giggle as she saw what I've done with our room and then went to bed too.

𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓, 𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑Where stories live. Discover now