Lucy #34

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When I awoke, I didn't feel good. Kinda tired and my heartbeat so fast. Since I was a little child I had an arrhythmia, I barely had any free time because of my sickness. No one knew this, not even my real Dad. At Hydra, I at least got medicine against the pain. Maybe I'm going to tell Tony or Clint someday, never mind. I stood up, it was time for me to get ready. So I did morning routine as usual. I wore a neon yellow-greenish pullover, which reached to my laps. In other words: it was hell short.

I also put some sportswear in my Gucci bag, we had cheerleading practice later. I took a deep breath and decided to give breakfast a miss and went to my balcony instead. »I need coffee.« I said and thought about asking Stark for a machine in our room. Maze would love that too. I decided and viewed the big city in front of me. Friday's voice resounded: »Miss Lucy, it's time to go to school.« I smiled, this program was just so cute. When I went down to Happy and the others my mood got a little bit better.

»Good morning! How are y'all doing?« I asked while sitting down in the front next to the annoyed man. Surprisingly he answered: »Fine and you?« I grinned. »Perfect, thanks.« I leaned back, deeper into the comfortable seat and tried to ignore my heartbeat. Just calm down, if you get worked up about it, you'll make it even worse. I kind of managed to relax and survived the rest of our drive without collapsing or something else. We three went out of the car and I instantly noticed Mary, staring at us. She was pissed because Peter was at her place, but not much time after that he left and went to one of his loser friends.

Now Maze was the angry one. But she didn't say a word and silently went to her locker. Our first-class was history of art. Our teacher, Mister Keethy, was pretty young and seemed sympathetic at the first view. He spared me the introduction for the third time and we all just sat down and listened. He started talking about Napoleon, sometimes I raised my hand and said something useful, then I decided to talk with Chrissy about the newest shoes. She was one of the smarter and richer girls of the gang, I liked her from the start, there was some kind of connection between us two. And - most important - she was able to joke.

The lesson went by way too fast and we had a lot of fun, my stomach already hurt because of all that laughing. Our next class was maths, it was so boring but Clint and Tony wanted us to take it. So I sat next to Maze, on her other side was Peter's place and my second neighbor was Liz. And you don't know how annoying it is, Maze and Liz literally hated each other, that sucked. I rolled my eyes and made the partner work with Liz. My "sister" doesn't talk to me because of that cheer thing. She basically hated me for making her do this.

School ended very soon and we three went to the locker rooms. Everyone dressed up and our Coach came. She wanted to talk to me. »Hey captain, just remember the performance for Saturday.« I nodded. »Of course, Coach Makenna.« We went to the hall and started our training session. First I wanted my girls to warm up and gave them personalized workout plans. Some of the not that sporty ones faced me skeptically, but I encouraged them to follow the plans.

»I'm expecting you to stick to it, to train hard and focus on this training. Cheerleading is not just a sport, it's a high passion!« I shouted and went up and down the floor, thinking about new, better clothes and a better team name for my girls. They watched me in awe-stricken silence. Except for Maze, of course, she just sat on the ground and played with the laces of her black sweater. We ran a few rounds and then did our individual workout plans, at which mine was more straining than the other ones.

The next step was our choreography. Even if I knew all the moves and how to do them, it took an eternity to show them to those jerks and teach them how to do it. »Good job, Mazikeen.« I said deridingly and all the girls watched her, for that I got a murderous look and a frizzled swear word. I went on. Nothing really worked as it should, so I told a few hopeless cases, that they've to be here tomorrow again for some special practice. »You have to stay fit, otherwise you'll be thrown out of the team.« I pronounced and smiled affected.

We dressed up again in our regular clothes, Mary was waiting beside me and gazing at my expensive bag. »Stark bought a lot of these.« I answered casually, Maze rolled her eyes and left us. She was waiting outside with Peter. When Mary and I arrived there too, they were kissing and making out. Stop it, you're ruining my good image. We both laughed and just acted like we didn't see them because we were busy talking about some random stuff. I hugged her and got into the car with Happy inside. He had his sunglasses on and I decided, that I also had to buy some.

»Are there any good shopping malls here?« I asked while belting on. In the meantime also our lovebirds arrived at the limousine, but they sat behind us, as always, and cuddled. »We're in New York, girlie. Here you have everything.« He was looking on the street and grinning priggish. Ew. I was kinda disturbed by his behavior. We arrived at the Tower, it was already super late, so I went to our room and refreshed my make up and went to the others. All the Avengers took place on a big table and dinner was ready. They even got little place cards. Noticeable: mine was between Thor and Clint and Mazikeen sat next to Tony and another Avenger I've never seen before - but it was definitely not Peter. What kind of fuckery is this?

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