Mazikeen #9

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»Sorry, but what the fuck just happened?« The stranger asked confused. I sighed. »He... Uhm I don't know I mentioned Peggy and he... « »Oh yeah he was completely obsessed with her. She's already very old, they know each other for a very long time.« »So what's your name?« I asked to change the object. »Uh, I'm Sam an' you?« »Mazikeen but you can call me Maze.« I told him and he nodded. I was kind of impressed by myself, cause this was the first nice conversation here.

We arrived at my room, he said a quick goodbye and left. I opened the door and closed my eyes. Please say I don't really have to share this room with another creep. I thought because someone stood there glancing into the air. She looked kind of obsessed with something and didn't even notice my presence. »Uhm? Ever heard about that brilliant concept of knocking on someone's door - before just going inside?!« She said as she saw me.

»Well, it's my room so shut up.« »So your that „Mazikeen"?! Ugh please just leave, okay?« I frowned. Why does she know my name? »Uhm nope?« I said and sat down on my bed. »So we are roommates now?« I asked exhausted from the previous fight with Steve. »Seems like yass. Well, I am Lucy. You can call me this or if you prefer the dumbass avengers' version then I am a goddess.« I grinned. I already like her. I thought. »Maze.« I simply responded. »Why are there empty pots?« I asked.
»This... was an experiment.«

I sighed, reached for the pot and lay it down beside her. »No pots next to my sleeping place, curtains always closed, I am the first one in the bathroom and don't you dare touching my stuff.« I pointed at my bagpack. »You know I don't give a fuck about your stuff, but as I am a goddess I need light and plants by my side.« I sighed. Thats gonna be a really long and annoying time. »I'll talk to Tony later. Just to make sure that everyone gets what he wants.« Lucy said diplomatically. I nodded.

»How about making a border in the middle? Like this part is mine and this is yours, we can do whatever we want in your parts of the room and nobody complains?« I suggested. »Sounds perfect to me sis.«

»So goddess huh? What does that even mean?« I asked because I was interested. »Special abilities or something like this.« I laughed. »Then I am a goddess too.« I said sarcastically. »Seriously?« »Girl I have no idea, but if you're a goddess just because you have special abilities then I could also be a goddess.« I told her.

»May I try something?« I asked and she nodded. It was kind of confusing, because her feelings were so weak. I went over to her and took her hands. Immediately they went stronger. I felt like I would leave my body and drift into her's. I looked into her mind deeper and deeper with every second. I saw her playing in a huge garden. Beautiful place. I thought and looked for another memory. »Stop it!« It echoed through my head. Immediately I interupted the connection. I could see her memories. I thought, looking into her eyes. »What the hell?!«

I didn't respond. »Shiiit I was in your head!« I finally pronounced. »Wow be proud of you.« She said and looked really frustrated. Suddenly someone snapped open the door. »Kid come with me.« Tony said and expected me to follow him. »Can't you knock?« I said and went out of my room. With a quick nod I said goodbye to my roommate.

I followed Tony to a big laboratory and frowned. »What do you want to do?« I asked sceptically because he prepared a chair. »Running some tests on you, checking your blood and so on.« he told me. »Absolutely not.« I determined, shaking my head. »Oh C'mon kid I just want to know why you are able to do this weird stuff.« he said trying to calm me down. »Nope.« I simply pronounced. Tony rolled his eyes. »Please just sit down and try. I promise I will do only what you allow me to do alright?« I sighed. My pulse rose but I decided to give it a try.

»Okay so your weight is pretty low for someone your age.« He told me and I laughed. »Dude I am older than you.«
I said and he was shocked. »Seriously? What exactly are you?« »I have no idea, My mom is dead and my dad... I don't know if he is still alive.« I told him and he nodded.

»Okay now I need some blood may I?« he asked and I immediately shook my head as he came with a needle. »No no no needle I...« I couldn't breath anymore. I tried to ignore it and stood up. »I... Uh..« I stumbled but I couldn't put the words together. »You're alright?« was the last thing I recognized. I collapsed onto the floor. Just breathe. I tried to calm myself down but I didn't make it. I could whether see nor hear. I just felt the fear in waves coming over my body.
Finally a hand appeared on my back. I winced and pulled back.» It's me, Tony, kid you are safe.« He promised. Tony took my hand and lay it on his chest. I felt his heart beat and tried to concentrate. »There you go kid, just breath with me.« he said and I focused on the speed of his breathing.  After a while I managed to adjust my breathing to his.

Exhausted I leaned back on the wall, just like Tony. »So panic attacks now huh?« Tony asked rhetorically. I sighed and my head fell on Tony's shoulder. »Thanks, duh.« I said and closed my eyes in embarrassment. »I have them too kid, you aren't alone.«He promised but I didn't believe him.

Our touching caused me the ability to feel his strong desire to ask me a question about my past, but he held it back to not cause another anxiety attack. I took a deep breath. »I can kind of feel what you feel Stark.
I.. When I touched Lucy earlier I could run through her head like a computer data base. It was insane. I could read her mind and live her memories...«  I said instead of talking about my past.

Tony nodded. »Can you.. Uhm.. Do you know what I think right now?« he asked and I looked into his eyes then I took his hand. I drifted into his mind like into Lucy's before but this time it was kind of different, somehow more difficult to breack through the protection wall. With some effort I managed to penetrate and I was shook. It turned out that the narcissistic asshole has a heart. The deeper I went, the more fear and guilt appeared.

I sighed. I decided to show him one of my dreams. I thought I could let him see my memory, meanwhile I could just wait but no I was dragged with him into my memory and there was no way out of this.

»Where is he?« My previous nightmare started again. I tried to escape but i couldn't. After seeing my mother die again I broke out into tears. It was so embarrassing crying in front of Tony Stark so I turned away from him. »Kid I didn't know... Your mom.. Uh hey it's okay.« he said and pulled me into an awkward hug. That was totally unexpected and new for me so it took a bit time to relax in his grib. I ruined his t-shirt with my tears but we both didn't give a fuck.

We sat there a long time until I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore and fell asleep in Tony's arms.

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