Mazikeen #3

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»What the fuck?« I shouted as I saw myself standing in front of me. Dammit, I was skinny. »Who are you?« I asked confused. »What a silly question. I am your illusion.« My so-called illusion answered. »My what?« I absolutely didn't understand what was going on. »Don't play the stupid one. You can create illusions remember? Now just touch me, so I don't have to talk to you anymore.« My illusion complained. Confused I touched her or rather me. Immediately my illusion disappeared.

As fast as my illusion faded, my dream ended and I woke up. That was the weirdest dream I've ever had. It was a good feeling because I haven't slept without a nightmare for years but it was so strange. You can create illusions remember? It echoed inside my head. Illusions? What the hell.

It was already bright, so I decided to pack the stuff I needed to break into the Stark Tower. I walked along the streets and got bored, which caused me thinking about that strange dream again. It was the first dream, which was just fantasy. I always had dreams, with memories. They all happened in reality but this was just something weird coming up to my mind. I chuckled and decided to try to make an illusion.

How should I start this? I thought and stopped walking. I already felt stupid by actually trying to make an illusion. I knew something was different about me, I figured when I was about ten, that it wasn't normal to feel the feelings of other people, so why the hell was I supposed to know if it was impossible. My age was over one hundred, I've stopped counting with the time. I cleared my head and blocked any thoughts that were about to come into my mind. I stared concentrated at one point and imagined myself standing there.
I felt like something would really happen, but there was no illusion. I giggled about my own stupidity and continued walking.

Suddenly I saw myself standing at the corner of the street. Fuck. I closed my eyes and opened them again but I didn't disappear. Immediately I tried to control my illusion with my thoughts and it really worked. I watched myself coming towards me. I touched it and it faded. Oh my god... I can create illusions! I totally freaked out and tried it a few more times. It was so amazing, a new plan popped into my head. I grinned mischievously and continued my way to the Tower.

My jaw dropped as I saw the Stark Tower right in front of my eyes. It was the most beautiful building I've ever seen, no doubt. I went to the front door which was locked, obviously. I took my screwdriver and tried to break it. »May I ask what you are doing Miss?« A female voice appeared out of nowhere, letting me jump away from the lock.

»Who are you?« I asked and looked around but no one was there. »I'm F.R.I.D.A.Y, Mr. Stark's personal AI. Now get off or I will contact him.« She threatened. I just rolled my eyes on her and grinned. »There is no need to be so rude Friday, she has an internship as my assistant.« An illusion of Tony Stark appeared beside me. I smiled. »So would you please open the door?« Tony asked. »But sir there is no warming signature of you being here. Let me check this.« »Friday open the dammn door right now, or I will shut you down, forever!« I let him shout. »But sir... « »I warn you Friday.«

A moment later the door opened automatically. I grinned proud of myself and entered the Tower with a fake Tony walking next to me. So where is your money? I asked myself, running to the elevator. I went in and pressed a button. Fake Tony and I made it to the 3rd floor until someone wanted to enter the elevator. Well it wasn't someone it was freaking Jonathan, this guy I met last night in the "gym".

He joined me, looked into my face and immediately recognized me. »Mazikeen, uh what are you doing here?« He asked confused and nodded to Tony's illusion as a greeting. »I uh... Internship« I stumbled, shocked trying to fix this situation. He smiled and looked at Tony. »What's wrong Jonathan? We need fresh blood.« I let him say. Jonathan looked confused. »You told him?« I didn't get it. »Told him what?« I looked at the ground and saw it. The famous blue, red Captain America shield in Jonathan's arms. Fuck! He is Captain America. We looked in one another's eyes. I could literally see his brain cells working, as he slowly understood that something was wrong. »What is going on?« He asked and the only thing my little, stupid brain could think about was that Captain America told me in the gym his name would be Jonathan.
Steve looked at Tony and back at me. He reached out a hand to Tony and I was too slow to stop him, so Tony's illusion faded with the touch. Shock was written on Steve's face. Just at that moment, the Elevator opened and the real Tony stood in front of us. Seriously? How much bad luck can a person have?

There was only one chance to fix this: Run! I bumped into Tony Stark and ran through the corridor. I didn't come far because Steve jumped on my back and pulled me down. Immediately I punched him in his perfect face. He groaned, took my hands and smashed them to the floor. I tried to kick him but he was too strong, well nothing different to expect after all it was Captain America. He literally sat on me and stopped me from moving. His grip was so stable, it was frustrating that I wasn't able to do anything to defend myself.

»What the fuck are you doing to this girl Rogers?« Tony said perplexed but amused. I tried to escape one last time but I didn't make it. »Besides who are you and who let you in?« He pointed at me. »Can you please... get off me I can't b..reath.« I complained gasping for oxygen. Slowly Steve gets off my body, still holding my arms.

I grinned. »I'm here for your money Stark, well and to enjoy the adventure when we're already here.« Tony's right corner of his mouth lifted slightly to a grin. »Steve I think you can let her go, she is just a girl, which wants to visit her hero.« Tony said proudly. »Your ass must be really jealous of all that shit, coming out of your mouth.« I said disgusted from his character, making Steve grin. »Whoo, I think you have a small attitude problem haven't you?« Stark said really offended. »Rogers? Take her, I think I'm going to have a little talk with her about respect to a man who saved the world.«

Steve rolled his eyes, probably because he didn't like earning orders from him but he stayed calm. »Stark, something's strange about her... She created... I don't know exactly what it was but one second you were in the elevator talking to me, the next second you disappeared and now you are here.« I chuckled because of his confusion. »What are you talking about?« »Mr. Rogers might be right Sir. You told me to open the front door, but you had no warming signature.« Friday's voice appeared. »What? I never told you to...« I rolled my eyes. Are they all dumb? »Oh my god, guys I created an illusion so that you finally get it.« Steve and Tony looked at me with shock written on both of their faces. Tony sighed and pulled out now I guess it was an electric shocker and made me collapse to the ground.

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