Lucy #36

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I woke up and noticed, that my stomach somehow hurt. I rolled my eyes and decided to count them, I did it way too often. I didn't eat breakfast or anything else, I went out of the Stark Tower and didn't saw Happy, so I ran to school, straight through New York. On my way, I met Liz and got a croissant and some Hibiscus tea from Starbucks. It was my favorite one next to Chai Latte. After some time also Mary came and hovered over me - really annoying. She told us about her boyfriend, who lived in Africa I think. I can't really remember what this dumbass told us. It's generally hard for me to listen to number three.

I didn't know New York was that big. We went for half an hour and nearly didn't make it. Our first-class was maths, Mazikeen already sat on her place, I took mine beside her. She talked about nothing. Not even with Peter, who looked a bit lost next to my roommate and this fatty Ned. I smoothed my tight skirt out and sipped on my tea. It tasted so good, even tho I drank it without sugar. »Your girl doesn't want to lose her skinniness.« I like saying very often. Maze just rolled her eyes on me and my behavior, the others pretended to understand it. Wellington told us about geometry and triangles and how to construct them. What the hell?

I was glad to escape the beasts called teacher and sister. Their mood killed me, literally! I wasn't allowed to drink, that's so loose and dumb. »I need a lot of tea and liquids in my life, just - shhh - don't.« I interrupted him and pushed my index against my lips. He freaked out that I had hushed him, but I was busy not to spill my drink all over the maths book. Everything was just so funny. The bell rang and we all streamed out of the room, to our lockers. The next lesson was biology. Quite nice.

This time I tried to focus on the education and our teacher Mister Marrow. »In one of the following hours, we'll finally dissect the frogs.« My eyes widened and I shook my head. My neighbor Emma, some random girl from the squad, looked at me, so did Marrow. »Can I help you, Miss-« He stopped. »Smith.« I finished his sentence and even others watched me. Some confused, some amused. What's wrong? I don't have a last name, so I'll take a random one.

»Yeah, I don't like the idea of doing this to a living creature.« I said snotty and raised one of my brows. You may call me Savage, bitches. I folded my arms in front of my chest and faced him, cold and emotionless. It was like everyone was holding their breath - even the teacher. He nodded slowly and seemed broody. A few minutes of silence passed. Not even the girls who always talked dared to. »Anyways.« Marrow wanted to continue, but that wasn't an option for me. »Stop ignoring me.« I fizzed. He looked me in the eyes again.

»Just because you think you are special, because you are a teacher - which is so impressive, wow - doesn't give you the right to hurt nature.« I finished my speech and grabbed my bag and the rest of my Hibiscus tea. The man got angry and tried to tell me, that I had to go to the principal. »Gee thanks, I won't.« I cut him off and left the classroom. I was running and my heels were loud, so I didn't notice that someone followed me.

Not until I took a seat in the school's yard and put my stuff on a table. »Alone, huh?« A deep voice ripped me out of my dream world, in which I just plunged. I turned around quickly and saw a big boy standing there. »What are you doing here?« I sounded more distrustful than I actually was. He just sat down next to me. His hair and eyes were dark and he had a piercing on his lips, which looked more attractive than disturbing. »I never saw you before.« I whispered as he came closer.

»Of course you didn't, you are the queen here.« I know. I agreed and my view went down on his lips. He smelled like a badass, I knew this. And he probably was one too. Fuck, just do it! I leaned over to him and pressed my lips on his. He was surprised, but we stayed in this position and our kiss turned to make out. After some time he pulled me away and gasped. »Nice try, but I'm gay.« My eyes widened again. He had to laugh so bad, it wasn't awkward but I was annoyed. »What?« He asked innocent, I responded: »Tell me something before you kiss me.« I spit and stood up again.

»Anyways. I love gays and you're gonna be my Gbf.« I decided and took my things hastily. The mystery boy also went away, while saying: »Lukas.« I frowned and entered the building again. Only five more minutes, then we'll have physical education, finally. For the first time, I noticed, how many lessons of this subject were on my timetable. Weird. Then I went to the locker rooms, the bell rang and slowly my girls appeared there too. »Hurry, we don't wanna waste our time.« I clapped two times so that they'll dress up speedy - accept Maze of course. This demon took her time and waited for the others to leave before she even started.

»Whole choreography: three, two, one, go!« I counted and they started. This time I was watching them and corrected them when they made mistakes. A few one's already left because they were - let's say good enough. »Mazikeen, more action here in the front.« I had to put her in the front, Tony forced me to. In return, I got more pocket money. Actually, she was not as good as me, way too thin, bony, negative and her emo mood was unsuitable for a cheerleader. But I had to deal with that and our performance was in two days. »You can do this better, Amber! Higher Jessica! Don't you have muscles in your arms, Bella?« They were better than yesterday, but not good. Before I'd despair too much I ended today's training. »Don't forget to work out later. Tomorrow, same time and here again.« I nodded shortly.

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