Lucy #8

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I woke up because of Tony. What an idiot! He told me about a person, who will show me the tower, or better my room. I felt pretty dizzy. »I have an own room? That's so cool.« But after I said that I appreciated the things he just mentioned. »Mr Stark! Wait! I'm not going to stay if you think so!« He just laughed. »You will.«

»Don't be too mad, kid.« Thor said and patted me. »Fuck off!« I shouted into his face. »...and never call me "kid" again.« He laughed, but it sounded doubtful. He really had doubts about what I said. That's cute, huh. I stood up and asked for my guide, and there she came. Red short hair - just as mine and a black, very tight suit. »Agent Romanoff, thanks. Oh and..« Thor whispered into her ear, pretending he doesn't know that I'm able to hear them: »...she can be very annoying!«

»Daddy! Don't be that rude, okay?« I rolled my eyes, but I laughed too. He just gave me a hug and said that he had to leave. »Hey... Lucy, right?« The woman asked. I nodded: »You can call me Lou, or whatever you'd like to.« We both smiled. »Natasha Romanoff, Nat for you.« Well, she's cute actually. She went a few steps away, in the elevator's direction, I had to follow her I guess. So I did.

We stared talking, she was so much nicer than all the others. And not so weird, Nat was pretty adorable actually. We saw a few rooms, but they all weren't interesting. »There are the stairs, pretty uncomfortable. We prefer the elevator.« She twinkled and made me grin like an idiot.

»Here we have your room.« She pointed on a plain, white door. »Okay...« I went to it and opened it. And the room was barely filled, but there were two beds in the room, one on the right side and another on the left. I chose the right side, because it had more windows. And I somehow need light. And I've always need a lot of carbon dioxide in my proximity, but I had no idea why. »I'll leave now, feel free to decorate your room.« Nat departed and I started to think about how to trim my room.

Yellow. I need yellow. And plants - a lot of them. These were my first thoughts. So I started planing. After some time Tony came in. »You already know what you want?« I told him about my agenda, he was just quiet and after I finished he just nodded. He left, I shouted a "thank you" but he was already away. You better hurry, Iron Man... And actually he was back after a few minutes, but just brought empty pots; no flowers or any other plants. »Wow, thanks.«

I put the pots on every corner of my room, also a few on the other side. If I have to share this room, that person has to live with my plants. I toggled satisfied. I decided to paint my walls white, but with some rainbow ornaments. I've always loved rainbows. My bed was even bigger than me, with a hell lot of pillows and soft toys. Well and I also had a large balcony. Why didn't he just gave me plants? I asked myself, by now kinda pissed.

»Do all of those avengers think, I am a goddess?!« My frustration was huge. What's wrong about asking for some flowers? I decided to try, because why not. I adjusted my hands onto one of the pots, then I concentrated on it. Grow! Please... It was really straining. »You have to focus...« A voice appeared. I startled and turned around. »Who the hell are you?!« A big man with a violet cape stood directly behind me. He looked good actually but also creepy.

»I'll teach you to use that magic. You'll be thankful.« His voice was deep but quite attractive. »And why would you do this?« My voice was probably too steamy. I sat up and looked at him with the sexiest view I could have. He laughed. »Because you need the help.« »But I already have a mentor - and we don't want Mr Stark to get mad..« I stepped up to him and aspirated in his ear. »Do we?«

»I didn't know that Romanoff has special abilities..?« He grinned smugly, we were already pretty close but I wasn't able to halt. My assertiveness was too big. And also because he was way too good... just like he'd banished me I looked into his empty, deadhearted eyes. »Why so cold, mysterious stranger?« I whispered and started smiling while looking at his lips. I was absolutely obsessed with him!

I wanted to stop. He must think, I'm a basic bitch! Fuck!? We came even closer, there was no distance between us anymore. »Make it stop, please...« I moaned. »You don't want it to stop.« He laughed again, his damn voice. I was about to kiss him, then he flipped his fingers and everything stopped. Well actually it didn't stop - I still thought he's hot as hell and I wanted to kiss him, but I was able to control it. »Well, what do you think?«

I felt so lightheaded, I wanted to say yes to this absolutely hot stranger but something deep inside me told me, that I should not. He was right - Agent Romanoff had definitely no superpowers. But have I? My voice was shaking. »You can help me?« I realized how weird this situation was, and somehow scared. His offer was so inviting, he was so persuading. Even if I wanted to decline, his amenity was too big.

»Where would you teach me?« I asked, he answered just a few moments later. »Your decision.« He started walking around, looked at the improvement of my room. »Plants, huh?« Obviously no, because they aren't growing... »You definitely need help.« He located. I rolled my eyes and dumped down onto my bed. »Do you trust me?«

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