Lucy #12

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»Where do you think you are going Lou?« Nat said and looked at me, especially my dress. »Don't be so discriminating, Romanoff. That doesn't suit you.« I said, my voice was colder than intended, she noticed that. Well, if she thinks that it's hideous, than that's her opinion. »You won't go with that flannel.« She said and turned around. While she went away I screamed a short "I don't care" and left too. Very soon I found myself sneaking out of the tower and waiting for the person, who should pick me up there. I waited literally for ages, the driver just didn't show up.

Finally - after thirty minutes of waiting and a sudden hide action from Nat, which was looking for me because she didn't like my dress - the black limousine arrived. Tony has a great taste... I boarded it and someone closed the car door behind me. We drove for like a quarter of an hour, then I saw a great restaurant in front of me. My heart beat so fast and I was very excited. I mean, how often do you get a godparent in your life? Was it a man or a woman? And was the person my age or much older? Wait.. no not older, I forgot. I am a goddess. I giggled and got out of the vehicle.

One of Tony Stark's employees actually guarded me in the house. It was very well attended and everyone looked at me. Most of the people were already older, there were hardly any kids. Well.. they are probably at school. Thank god that I already survived this. The people's faces all were insulting. Presumably because of my lovely dress. »Aloha humanity!« I said and waved to them. I smiled and turned around. The man just buried his head in his hands. He felt embarrassed. »Seriously? I was just tryna be nice, okay?!« »Here's your table.« He said and pointed on a spot in the restaurant. »Bye.« I said and went away. Bitch.

There was a man sitting on the table. Already an adult but not that old. He looked not that bad, was beefy and wary. I grabbed the chair, but before I sat down I asked the man: »Am I right here?« He nodded, so I took a seat. I was shaking a bit, a waiter came and asked my, what I wanted to drink. »Just water, thanks.« I would lie if I would say that I didn't want alcohol, but I wanted to leave a good impression. »I am Lucy, you can call me Lou.« I told him and smirked. »Barton. Clint Barton. Better known as Hawkeye.« He nodded shortly. His voice was deep and somehow rough. »So you are also one of those avengers?« I asked. He pitched and grinned. »I know that you don't like us that mich, you don't have to fake interest.« I looked at him doubtfully. »I was just tryna be nice!« I repeated. Am I that bad at it?

»You don't have to sham you.« He said. »We wanna be as honest as we could.« I signed relieved. »It's not like I don't like you, I just can't trust strangers that easy.« He napped affirmative. »I know that feeling.« And for the first time in New York I felt save and securely. He understood me, this man was the perfect godfather for me. Not Tony, not even Thor, him. Clint Barton was it. »Where are you from, Lucy?« He asked. »Asgard.« I responded curtly. »Just as Th-« »Yep, just as Thor. My wonderful dad.« I grinned and enjoyed his confusion. »That means, you are a-« »Yep, I am a goddess t-« »Can you just stop interrupting me?!« He begged perplexed. I started laughing and drank a few mouthful of water.

»What do you want to eat, Mr and Mrs?« The waiter appeared again. I spluttered and almost fell of my chair. »Wtf, Clint did you hear that? He called me Mrs!« I laughed so bad, my stomach already started hurting. »Yes, he called you Mrs, that's very funny.« He excused my behavior. What's wrong with that?! I looked at him. »You know that you're completely screwy?« Clint said and ordered some food, of which I never heard before. »Hey! I wanted to order my own food, wAiTeR!!« But he didn't hear me anymore. Mortally offended I folded my hands in front of my breast. Seriously?

Even if the food wasn't the one I wanted, it tasted quite good. Clint and I had a very good time, I learned that he's living on a farm with his wife and three other children.  And that he is definitely the best archer ever. »Isn't it weird?« I started. »Hm?« »You are my godfather now, correct?« He nodded. »But actually I am about fivehundred years older than you.« I emptied my glass and ordered a new one, this time with an nonalcoholic drink. »So, no alcohol, huh?« Clint reared. »Don't blame me, okay?« I grinned and sipped my „Virgin Colada".

»So, what kind of goddess are you?« Clint asked After some time. »I really don't know, probably nature but I feel like there's something else inside me, waiting to be detected.« I laughed, because I noticed how stupid all that talk sounded. But he understood me again. His voice was empathetic, when he said: »We'll help you, Lucy. I swear.« He took my hand and gave me something. A little black bag, made out of silk. »For me?« I asked uncertain. »No for your dad.« He said serious. »Oh really?« Slouchy and tired I let it sink in my dresses pocket. »No of course not.« He laughed so bad at me. And I sensed my foolishness.

He payed with one of Tony's cards. It's very important for Mr Rich-but-Useless... I raised an eyebrow but Clint didn't notice. He just put on his jacket and gave me my lovely white coat. What would I be without it? I thought. »Thank you.« We went out, it was already very late, that caused the darkness. Only the steely street lamps shone on the grey, disgusting asphalt. I noticed that my feet hurt in the narrow highheels, so I just put them off. »Not very sanitarily, huh?« Clint commented my action. »I don't care.« Very soon the black limousine arrived again, but now I felt saver and tired. I must've fallen asleep, because I woke up in Clint's arms, carrying me to my room. »I am way to fat, I can walk by myself...« I started dazed, but he just laughed. »Even my dog Charlie was heavier than you - and he was a Malteser.« That was the last thing I heard.

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