Mazikeen #13

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Thor and I went to the biggest and most beautiful building, the huge palace. »Well we are going to meet Odin and Frigga, my parents, now. We are... let's say a bit oldfashioned so watch your language and behave - alright?« I nodded and we entered. Thor grabbed my arm and led me into a huge room, where Odin sat in his throne and looked down at us, which caused me rolling my eyes. Behave! I told myself and calmed down a bit. Frigga seemed cute, because as she saw me her eyes lightened up, as If she would be happy that I'm here. »Thor, my son, after all this time you decide to come home and take this mortal into my kingdom.« Odin pronounced. I felt Thor getting uncomfortable and trying not to say something sassy. Asshole. I thought. Who does he think he is, talking like this to his son. Thor sighed. »She is not a mortal, in fact we assume that she is a goddess probably a..« »Yeah hello, lovely grandpa.« I cut him off. »Grandpa? I didn't know you had a second child?« Thor shook his head, shocked about what I said and I grinned. »No father, she is Loki's.« Thor pronounced and the room went silent. Suddenly Frigga ran towards me and pulled me into a tied hug. »I knew it, you have Loki's hair. Oh and your eyes, so beautiful.« The woman said, totally freaking out. She is really cute.

»Stop it, get away from her Frigga darling. Thor, you said you don't know for sure?« Odin asked hopefully. Wow, he doesn't like me, great... »No, but she is older than a mortal can be right?« He turned to me and I nodded. »Yeah, and she can create illusions.« And again Frigga freaked out. »She is it, she is it, no doubt.« She had tears in her eyes and I smiled at her. Odin stood up and went towards me. Pretty small without your throne huh? I thought full of disgust. He reached out for my forehead and before I could pull back he touched my skin and I left reality and drifted far into my past.

»Alright small one, now you have to focus on the target and throw the dagger.« A man with dark, black hair talked to me with passion in his voice. I did what I was told but missed the target. »No problem shortcake just try it again, you have to be able to defeat yourself if the purple monster comes again.« He said and I frightened. I did it again and again and then finally hit the target. »Well done, do it again.« And we practiced throwing knives and daggers till' the evening. »You know what? You can keep this dagger, it's yours now.« The black-haired told the young me »Thanks, thanks, thanks dad!« I screamed happily and hugged him.

Suddenly the scene faded and I drifted into another one.

I was taller now. I wore a green armor and fought side by side with the black-haired, my dad, against some creatures. I killed the last one and high-fived with him.

The last scene was very blurred but I already knew what was going to happen. I didn't want to see it, I tried to escape but I couldn't. Tears came up, which I didn't recognize because I was forced to see those painful memories I had suppressed a long time ago.

»Mazikeen! You are alright, thank god you are alive!« My dad screamed and pulled me into a hug. Everything hurt and I was bleeding on multiple areas on my body. »I'm sorry he was so strong and I..I wasn't able to kill him.« I said, my voice was shaking. »You did good darling.« Suddenly a loud noise appeared and countless many creatures arrived, ready to kill us. »Listen well Maze, run to the green mountain over there you will find a way into it. That is a portal, it will bring you to Midgard - a place where you will be safe from the purple monster.« He said and I began to cry. »What no! You have to come with me I..« »Maze run we have no time left! He would hunt me if I come with you without killing him first. Look, you will meet a woman named Rachel, she will take care of you until I come.« He wiped away my tears. »U promise to come too?« »I promise, now run!« He screamed and I ran. I ran as fast as I could to the green mountain. It didn't take much time to find the entrance. Sobbing I looked back to see my dad fighting millions of creatures. »He promised.« I told myself and went through the portal.

Back, in reality, I broke out in tears. I recognized, that the green, transparent blades appeared out of my hands again. »What happened?« Thor asked and tried to calm me down but he was not able to. I saw Odin standing right next to me. His look was empty but I recognized the pity in his eyes. »Why would you do that?« I screamed, sobbing and trying to hold back a panic attack. He didn't respond.

I felt so many feelings at once, I just couldn't handle it. The best way to calm down was to leave this situation so I started to run. I heard Thor screaming my name but I ignored him and ran into the forest. It was already pretty dark outside, which pleased me. I sat down, leaning against a tree, breathing in the cold fresh night air. After some time I stopped crying. He promised to come to Midgard as soon as he killed this purple thing. I thought. If he is alive, why the hell did he just stay in Asgard, letting me suffer on earth? It was hard to hold back the upcoming tears. These memories had been so deep down in my mind, I nearly had forgotten them and this peace of shit named Odin brought all that back, without even asking for permission. My father let me alone on Midgard, well knowing what he promised. I wasn't even sure if I wanted to meet him ever again after remembering what had happened.

𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓, 𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑Where stories live. Discover now