Lucy #20

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We walked through that forest. The firs let no light on the ground, which causes all the dead, orange needles on it. Just one flower grew there. I carefully came closer and had a look at it. It was white, very atypical for woods like that, and shone. I beamed with joy. Seeing flowers was something like a pleasure for me. Hope and safety described this beautiful one. It seesawed in the cold, light breeze and petals glistened - even tho there seemed to be just endless darkness. I kneeled down before it and closed my eyes, just focusing on the smell of this flower. Its aroma was sweet and soothing, not like daisies or tulips.

A frightened scream ripped me out of my thoughts. I turned around and my short, ginger hair fell into my face and irritated me, while it was laying on my flower. Chose another place to chill! I furrowed my brow and blew it away. Well... let's say I tried to. Anyways, Clint and his family were watching me. I stared straight into their faces really confused. It was Laura's scream. »Is everything alright?« I asked, not knowing what was going on. Until I turned around and noticed, that the flower was no longer there. Or was it never there?

»Where is it?« I didn't even try to hide my confusion. But it turned out, that I was not that crazy. »It kind of went into you. It dusted and..« Clint explained. That happened while I closed my eyes. Did it? I stood up and knocked off the earth from my highway-jeans. I just had to realize what just happened. Completely impossible. I wiped away the needles of my hands, with which I propped on that duff. I took a deep breath in and out, then I wanted to continue strolling through the landscape of Missouri. Straight ahead there was the beginning of the wide grasslands. They were lined with millions of different flowers in all sizes, shapes, and colors you could imagine.

I wanted to start running. Like a little child. Without any sorrow, just playing here and pretending that I am a queen or whatever. And the biggest worry is, that I'd miss the supper. I never had a life like that, and I'll never have one. My childhood is past. I became aware of painfully. It hurt watching kids with perfect lives. Kids who'll have choices, who'd never be taken away and be trained by the cruel organization. Forced to kill others. I should be happy for them, but it's not as easy as it sounds.

I went into the field. The grass nuzzled to my ankles again and tickled me. I had to chuckle a bit, Nathaniel passed me and ran away, to a tree backward. From afar we were able to see him leaning against it. Cooper followed him slowly and Lila closed the gap on me. I smiled at her, it was fake and not really well-played, but she understood that I didn't want to talk. So she just laid an arm around me. I enjoyed the silence and eavesdropped to her breath. It was slow and even, definitely not as my bustling one.

Then suddenly everything started rotating and went blurry. I heard shouts in the distance. But then I felt such a pain, it hurt so much. Like little bolts of lightning. They zipped through my body. I reminded myself, that my attack from before was worse than this. But what was happening again? Slowly all that torture I experienced on the farm was enough for me. I wanted to go to my real dad, Thor. I wanted to tell him that I love him and hug him. But now he wasn't there. It was Clint who was. My actual dad left me once, why wouldn't he just do this again and again? The last thing I noticed was falling on a hard object.

I opened my eyes. Where was I? Clint and Lila leaned over me. She looked really worried and after they saw that I am awake she hugged me exuberantly happy and Clint also seemed pretty relieved. »What-?« Lila interrupted me. »Shhh.« She smiled and hugged me - once again. I chuckled. Then I felt a heartbeat under me. I startled, which hurt a lot. But it was just a stone. My imagination is too weird for this planet. But they both understood me and changed a few meaningful views. »It's because they live.« Lila said with her calmly and soft voice. I laughed. I actually laughed really bad, until I noticed that she wasn't actually joking.

»You two must be kidding.« I sagged back on the stone and felt the "pulse" again. Probably I am not the craziest one. I didn't even know what exactly happened, so I decided to stand up again. But after touching the ground with my feet the abnormal pain came back and hunted me. I kneeled, just like I did it before the flower which was now in my head. Well, that's what Barton's said. I rolled my eyes, but that gesture perished in the bitter scream I just created. I was so exhausted and knew that I was probably just overreacting. They must think it's stupid, that I put up a fuss. The torment was too upsetting. I guess I fainted because the next thing I remembered was waking up in Clint's arms.

He carried me in the farm's direction. And again I thought about my weight. I am too fat for him... okay but I am tiny. He seemed like he didn't mind that. He was muscular, so that won't be a problem for him. Actually, it was not even straining for him. Lila padded beside us and looked worried again. This family was so cute and accommodating. My voice sounded really horrible, while I asked: »Where are the others?« Lila looked at the ground shyly, Clint faced his house. »Mommy and the boys are already at home. She didn't want them to see..« I rolled my eyes. »The monster?« I cut her off, but I understood Laura. She wanted to protect her pride. My new friend smiled a bit and finished her sentence. »«

𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓, 𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑Where stories live. Discover now