Mazikeen #11

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I woke up in darkness. It felt so good not being blended by light after that amount of time. I looked around trying to remember how I got there and where exactly there was. Suddenly I recognized Tony sleeping in an armchair beside me and it snapped to my mind. I am in Tony's room. Immediately I stood up which caused that Tony awoke. »Uh..wha..why am I here?« I stumbled hoping that I didn't sleep with him yesterday because I had absolutely no idea what happened. Tony apparently understood my worries. »Relax kid you just fell asleep and I brought you to my room.« He said and I frowned. »Why not to mine?« Tony sighed. I felt him getting a bit uncomfortable. »Well you had this panic attack yesterday and I thought it would be better if you aren't alone at night if you get a nightmare or something like that...« He responded not looking into my eyes. Cute »Uhm..well thanks I guess.«

Tony and I went down to the living room to have breakfast. Steve and Nat already ate, while Thor and Wanda sat on the couch watching TV. »Thor? You give me a moment?« Tony said and Thor followed him into another room. »With pleasure man of iron.« he pronounced.

I sat down as far as possible from Steve and Natasha to eat an apple. »Mazikeen I just want you to know that I am really sorry about that fight, and..« »It's okay Rogers I just wanted to annoy you a bit so that you don't treat me like a little kid. Didn't know you were that obsessed with this Peggy woman...« I cut him off. In my voice was a bit of jealousy which I didn't want. Sadly it was enough for Steve to recognize. »Well good that you feel better today, after a beautiful night with Stark.« He said disgusted and I looked at him, shook. »What the... No I didn't sleep with him or something like that.« Steve nodded sarcastically. »Mhm.« »Oh shut up Steve and if I would have slept with him, why do you even care?«. Steve looked at me not knowing what to say. What the hell? He does care about it but why? »I..Uhm the team dynamic.« He finally said and Natasha grinned. »Yeah of course.« She commented sarcastically and Steve blushed. What is going on? That was absolutely enough for my small head.

I stood up after finishing my apple and went out of the living room, nearly bumping into Tony. »Already done eating?« I simply nodded. »You have to eat more kid I mean look at you, you will..« I groaned. »I'm not hungry Tony just stop parenting.« I complained.

»Well about your dream...Your mother said something about Asgard right?« I nodded. »That's Thor's home. He said that he only had one child so he is not your dad. But you can create illusions just like his brother, so we believe there is a chance you could be Thor's brother's kiddo.« Tony said and I was shook. They found out who my father is! My jaw dropped as I realized that Thor is probably my uncle.
»I know this is a bit much information at once but Thor said he could bring you to Asgard some time if you want to.« I can meet him! I totally freaked out. » amazing.« I shouted happily but then I saw their faces. They weren't as happy as I was, no they were kind of worried.

»What's wrong?« I asked. »Well your father, my brother is... he is a bit difficult.« Thor explained. »I am difficult too...« »But he is a different liga lady Mazikeen.« He told me. »He killed 80 people in like two days just because he wanted to rule Midgard.« Midgard? »The earth.« he explained because he recognized the expression on my face. 80 people in two days..that's insane. I thought kind of proud. »When can I meet him.« I asked interested.

Everything went quite quickly. Tony and Thor discussed the journey and we could leave the earth in the afternoon. »Well lady Mazikeen first we will see if Loki is really your father and then we will see how he reacts. If everything is fine then we can stay there for some time, if not then we will better travel back to Midgard alright?« I nodded. If I am honest I was a bit nervous about meeting my dad. What if he doesn't want me?

Steve and Tony came with us to say goodbye to us »Uh..see ya I guess.« I said and shook Steve's hand awkwardly. He recognized that my hand was shaking. »What's wrong?« »Nothing...It's just I am about to fucking leave earth what the hell? I'm gonna see my dad for like the first time what if he doesn't like me..« Steve smiled and reached for my shoulder. »Relax about it you'll be fine.« He responded calmly. Embarrassed that I just told him how I feel I simply nodded. I walked over to Thor, who put an arm around me and smiled. »Take care of you.« I heard Steve's voice and recognized his worry. »What should I do? Kill 80 people in 2 days? Dumbass.« »Hey watch your language Mazydazy.« What the fuck? »Don't you dare call me like that ever, ever again.« I warned him. He just smiled at me, so did I. »Enough eyefucking, Thor you ready?« I blushed as Tony gave me an disgusted glance. »Heimdall bring us home!« Thor shouted.

Immediately I got very dizzy and felt terribly sick. Everything turned, it was awful. I was just about to throw up as we finally arrived in Asgard. I leaned against Thor, trying not to fall to the ground. »Whoo you're alright?« I nodded as the symptoms got weaker. »You're Heimdall then?«
I asked a tall black man with beautiful eyes. »I've seen you coming. Welcome home lady Mazikeen.« I smiled at the word home.

𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓, 𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑Where stories live. Discover now