Lucy #50

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On the one hand, I had literally no idea what was going on and why everyone was in such panic, on the other hand, I didn't really care about it. Yes, we've probably ruined the landing area while being stoned but that didn't matter. »It was ugly anyway«, I mumbled - loud enough for Tony to hear it. He was about to kill me when a loud noise appeared and a spaceship tried to fetch up somewhere. Tony, Steve and also my dad were in the front, they seemed so excited about seeing those weird strangers. I stood in the back, Loki did too. Maze would sit next to me if Steve wouldn't be that responsibly. I rolled my eyes.

After some time a few people appeared in the entrance, pretty special ones too. The woman, for example, had a blue skin tone or one of the men was completely tattooed. And then also a tiny raccoon appeared! It was so cute and I instantly felt the need to pet it but something held me back. They were stranger, at least for me, so I should react objective and moderate. They started talking to the Avengers, Bucky sat on a couch and didn't even listen to them. He was so stupid. I still couldn't believe I kissed him... or like made out with him. If I wouldn't have been too stoned I probably would've lost my virginity. Oh lord! He was damn attractive - yeah - but he was an asshole and he would just play with my feelings and stuff so I really tried my best to forget everything.

When they were done with their little chat Tony pronounced, that a few of the older Avengers were having a conversation with the giants of the galaxy or whatever their name was. Mazikeen was a little upset and tried to tell Stark, that we were also team members and stuff. He just went off and didn't mind her at all. After that, she complained to me that I didn't say anything and could've helped her. They also left Loki and Bucky with us. At least we were not the only victims who didn't even have an idea about what was going on. At some point, Tony sent a ship to us and just told us four to get on it. First I was a little worried about the stuff I'd need for traveling but then I remembered that Tony knew what girls need.

First I was kind of scared... the flight and where they'd bring us, but I didn't want anyone to notice that and probably think I'm a milquetoast so I just sat down directly on the ground and let Mazikeen control that thing. I got seasick very soon and tried to sleep, at some point I heard a noise and opened my eyes annoyed. Bucky sat on some sorta couch and played with his metal arm. What the fuck? I cleared my throat and he looked at me frowning. »Shut the hell up Barnes, you're giving me anxiety.« The light was so fake and literally burnt, I rubbed my eyes and sighed.

At some point, Bucks probably had enough of me and the strange behavior so he started talking: »Are you on your period?« If views could kill then this man would already burn in hell. I decided to stand up and sit down next to him anyways, considered not to touch him. He noticed that and kinda laughed but I swear I saw an eye roll. I must've fallen asleep because when I woke up I was wondering where everyone was. The fact that Bucky didn't sit next to me anymore scared me the most. I was able to sleep next to him, it was like magic. Now my pulse increased and I stood up. We probably already landed, but did they really forget me in there?

When a few voices appeared I respired and tried to play cool while walking to them. »Did you miss me?« Sadly no one answered, Mazikeen just faced me skeptical for a moment. They were talking to a black man, everywhere were black people. Not to be racist or something but we definitely had to be in Africa. Hold on... »We're in Wakanda!« I screamed and my jaw dropped, now my roommate couldn't refrain from a mean comment: »Those who weren't busy pretending to have a breakdown already got it, thanks, Lou.«

I raised my eyebrows, but I was too lazy to argue right now, one of the people wanted to give us a tour in their country. Mazikeen and Loki both declined the offer, I was about to agree when someone else started talking: »I'm sure my tour will be just as good as yours.« It was Barnes. My view was a little desperate. Exactly the one guy that hated me more than everyone else and also let me know every single second when I was around him. Why him? He didn't accept a "no" as an answer and the guide from Wakanda seemed to know that too, then I remembered that Bucks actually lives here.

After he had shown me around fifty boring buildings and told me everything about the kingdom and their history we finally got to see his own apartment. We had to walk literally half an hour, I was already really tired. Maze and her dad were in their room for hours and could just chill there. It was already pretty cold and about to get dark - the sun already set. He took out some keys and opened the door. »Lady's first.« He commented and I giggled a bit, entered the building and looked around. I don't know why but at this point my heart beat really fast.

I stopped, looked on the ground for a moment and swallowed. A weird feeling came up, I turned around and Bucky stood exactly behind me. Only a few centimeters were between us, I tried to look down again but got lost in his eyes for a moment. There was something in his view that drove me crazy. »Listen, Barnes... you probably remember the time where we used to fight together... I mean you probably don't because it's really long ago and it was a rough time and you might have forgotten it because it's not important to you but one day when-« He didn't let me finish the sentence, he just broke the tiny distance between us and kissed me again. I couldn't help but return the kiss, one of his hands was wrapped around my waist, the other one held up my chin. I stood on my points of the toes because I was too tiny for him, then he stopped, I instantly smiled and buried my face in his neck, taking a deep breath of him. I never felt like that before, I just wanted to stay in that position forever.

𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓, 𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑Where stories live. Discover now