Lucy #22

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I was really tired and also exhausted, as we arrived at the big, wooden building. Clint brought me to a bench in front of it. For the first time, I noticed how beautiful their garden was. Not that many flowers grew there, but they still were colorful and so pretty! The sun shone into my face and I closed my eyes. The warmth spread through my whole body. There were barely any clouds in the blue, endless sky. How late was it? About midday? As I opened my eyes again Clint disappeared in the house.

Lila sat down beside me and started stroking me from the head to the chin. She pulled away from my short hair and twirled it between her fingers. I just smiled, it would be a lie if I'd say that I didn't enjoy that. The Barton's helpfulness was so adorable. A tiny butterfly with pretty red wings, who shone in the light flew by and I watched it, as it slowly sat down on one of the plants. Then I saw Laura, walking towards us. In her hands, she held a bowl, filled with a blue liquid. It didn't look drinkable.

My eyes widened and I sat up. She laughed at me. »I'm not going to poison you, trust me.« I nodded hectically and she sat it down it next to me. A silver ladle gleamed in that bowl. After Clint's wife had bailed out a bit of this substance into a glass, she gave it to me. »Thank you..« More words weren't possible, I was scared. What should she do? She's so kind! I tried to calm myself down. It failed, but there wasn't time for thinking about her. The cold liquid ran down my throat. But she didn't break her bond. I took a deep breath.

Everything was much fresher right now. Not hot and uncomfortable, the cool blasts muddled my hair up. It had to look really weird with my short strains. But as I looked into Lila's face I just saw relief. Why? No one ever gave me that much help and accepted me the way I really am. So I smiled and pulled Laura into a long hug. No words were needed to show her how thankful I was. She was kind of bashful, whispered a „no problem" in my ear and stood up. We looked after her until she also disappeared into the house. Then Lila also rose and took my hand. But then I touched the grass again.

»Ouch!« I wasn't able to refrain from my feelings. It really hurt touching the ground. What was going on here? Lila seemed to be as shocked as I was, but something about her told me, that she exactly knew the answer. »Lila, what the hell?« She nodded and helped me sit back on the white bench. Her eyes located mine and my dear new friend started her lecture. »My Dad guessed, that - as you're the goddess of nature - it hurts you if anyone hurts any creature alive.«

That information was like a punch into my stomach. I gasped overreacting while whispering: »My life's over! Completely ruined... I can't even go for a walk anymore!« Lila just faced a blue flower in front of us with a weak smile. »It's not that bad, they'll build some special shoes for you.« I understood, that she meant the Avengers with "they", so I nodded slowly. »So what now?« Should I sit here until my life's end? I won't make it to the house without touching the lawn. But my girl understood and decided to carry me!

»You're totally crazy! I am too fat for you!« I shouted, probably a bit too loud. She just rolled her eyes and moved on bringing me to her house. On the terrace she offset me and I first fluctuated like I was drunk, then I leaned on one of those bright pillars and breathed. In and out. Calm down! I looked around, from up there we had a way better view on all of the grasslands and woods. Even the lake was in sight. Everything was just so stunning. Lila tore me back to reality. »Are you even listening?«

I smiled uncertainly. »Maybe?« She just started laughing and went in. The girl took an apple from the kitchen and bit into it. I negated her as she offered me one too. Then Lila went upstairs. I followed her to a big, girly room. The walls were painted with hearts and other corny stuff, the bed was huge. »That's your room, I suppose.« She nodded and warped on it, the pink blanked looked really soft, then I started noticing how tired I was. A look out of the window showed me, that the sun was sinking deeper and deeper. It started hiding behind the pine woods and threw orange light hardly everywhere. The clouds were colored in a beautiful hue. You can't describe it basically, you have to see it.

Lila waved at me and I noticed my absence. »I just asked you, if you'd like to sleep in my room for your last night.« Suddenly that self-conscious and helpful Lila dissolved. The girl, who stood there in front of me was shy and so sweet! »Of course!« I went to bed too and cuddled her. She seemed really eased, which strengthened my good mood a lot. It was just good to know that I'm not alone with my stranded way. »Let's get ready.« She took my hand again and I found myself again in the big bathroom. They bought a toothbrush for me, which was so cute. It was a yellow one. So we got ready for bed.

Lila wanted to brush my hair and braid me french plaits. It proved to be very difficult with my chin-length hair, but it was a lot of fun. We laughed a lot, one time Clint came in and we hid in her closet. But we had to laugh that hard, so we fell out of it and landed in front of his feet. I laid on her shoulder, while she told me about life on the farm. »I'll miss you, honey.« Was the last thing I said, then we both fell asleep.

𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓, 𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑Where stories live. Discover now