Lucy #14

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When I woke up, I lay in my bed. It was very bright in Mazikeen and my room. Okay, actually it was just bright on my side. I stretched and straightened up. Then I realized, that I was wide awake, not dizzy just as yesterday. I remembered Clint and that he sympathized perfect with me. I smiled and looked out of the window. And for the first time I was able to select one of the numerous possibilities, what I could do today. I can practice with Mysterio, train with Nat, talk to Clint or just stay in my room! Well... I wanted to do all of this, but that would've been way too much for one simple day.

I stood up and went to my dressing table. It was huge and white-colored. First I had to put on my beautiful glasses. Then I noticed that Tony bought Mazikeen and me a great collection of expensive and high-class makeup. So I put on mascara, eyeliner, some yellow eyeshadow, a brown lipstick, highlighter, contouring and a lot of blush. Then I brushed my eyebrows out and used some ginger-colored gel. I smiled and my brackets glared at me in the mirror. After some time I perceived Mazikeen's absence.

Damn, she didn't show up here since yesterday, where the hell is that girl? I went to the other side, exerted not to touch the line in the middle of the room. Mazikeen and I installed a few very mean traps if you touch it. Her bed was very ordinary made, it smelled like one of those flowery washing agents. Then I saw the pot, which I left on her side. It stood on one of her desks. »Suit yourself.« I said and focused, just as Mysterio told me. And effectively a little cactus grew out of the earth. Satisfied with the result I went back and looked into my huge wardrobe again.

After some time of grubbing in it, I found a lovely jumpsuit. It was white, with some yellow pastel colored stripes. A short one, very breezy and as I tried it on, I noticed that it was also really comfortable. I corseted myself, I'm doing this every day because I like my waist pretty small and it feels extremely good to me. Then I took one of those brushes and combed through my short, ginger-red hair. I watched myself in the mirror and actually looked cute. Then someone knocked at the door. »Come in!« I shouted and it opened.  A woman, which I've never seen before stood there and waved at me. And uncertain but life-affirming as I was, I just waved back.

The woman also had red hair, she looked really happy. »I am Wanda Maximoff, better known as Scarlet Witch, and I am here for leaving you a message. Clint wants to see you in the ground floor in ten minutes.. oh, and bring some rubber boots or something like this with you.« She talked monotonously. Even a five years old kid would've noticed that she didn't come because she wanted to introduce herself to me - no, Wanda Maximoff came because one of those weird Avengers told her, that she has to. Actually kinda sad, huh? I just nodded cold and went to one of my cupboards while she closed the door. I just found some ugly shoes Tony has bought me. After I put them on I looked for my meaning of life, my white coat. I'd literally die for it. Satisfied I watched myself in the mirror, putting on an old necklace, who was given to me in Asgard. Damn, that's so long ago!

I arrived at the elevator and pushed the right button. Then I realized a man, standing in the corner of it. »Good Morning.« I said, trying to be nice and civilized. The man looked at me hastily and mumbled a few words. In the following seconds, I really struggled not to laugh. As I arrived at the meeting point Clint stood already there and watched the clock. At least not too late...« He said and grinned. »Excuse you?! I am two minutes earlier than you wanted.« I rolled my eyes but also laughed. »So? Where are we going?« He didn't say anything, he just pointed on something like a spaceship which stood literally on the street. It looked exactly like the one, which was used by Thor to bring me to the Tower. We both boarded in and the big machine started. We flew for a really long time - after one hour I stopped counting and fell asleep.

»We're there, wake up.« Clint prodded me with one of his arrows. Ouch! I opened my eyes and stood up. We left the weird spaceship and I saw endless green areas. Woods, fields and so much grassland, lanced with lakes, rivers, but also just tiny ponds or creeks. In the middle there stood a big wooden house. »That's my family's home.« Clint said and smiled, proud about the perfect life he lived. And then I realized, what was going to happen next. »So I'll meet your family?!« He started walking. »First you'll see my wife, Laura.«

I followed him, quiet and somehow panic-fueled. The grass was very high, at some spots it reached my butt. Okay, that's weird, I shouldn't think like that haha. It really tickled me. A few colorful flowers grew there too, there were daisies, tulips and even roses in all colors I could imagine. It was a paradise on earth! »Where exactly are we? What region?« I asked full of interest. »Missouri.« He said snippy and didn't even stop while talking to me. He went really fast and I had problems to follow him with my short legs - I was actually really small! Okay, it's not easy to lose that house, but he could wait... Was he that cutty to see his family again? I wasn't able to tell, because I had no actual family.

𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓, 𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑Where stories live. Discover now