Mazikeen #49

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I really didn't know that I was that creative, but as I woke up from this amazing dream of constantly killing monsters I was really impressed by myself. I smiled as I sat up and watched Steve sleeping beside me. My hand wandered up to his soft, warm cheek. I wanted to stand up but something held me back. I looked down at my left arm and frowned. I was bound to a metallic chain, I looked over and realized that we all were. Steve, Lucy, Bucky and I were tied to the wall. My gaze wandered around, a really bad headache coming upon me. I didn't know this room, it was like a cell with glass walls. Suddenly Tony appeared, looking through the wall, smirking at us. »What the heck did you do?« My voice was completely fragile and rough. I cleared my throat and massaged my temples to get rid of the pain. »I expected more from you Maze.« He said truly disappointed and annoyed. I frowned because I couldn't remember anything about yesterday, as if I have been sleeping for the whole last day.

Quickly I touched Steve to wake him up. He moaned and put his arm around my waist, pulling me down to cuddle. I blushed and hit his face. »Not now, wake up!« I hissed under Tony's strict gaze. Finally, he opened his eyes, Lucy and Barnes slowly started moving too. They all looked as confused as I did as they sat up. Tony pushed a button to let us free. »Follow me, and no moving, talking or doing without permission.« He ordered. If I haven't been in such pain I would have talked back but in that case, we all just followed him into the living room, sitting down on the couch, exhausted. The whole room was devastated, feathers laying all over the floor. There were even bullet holes on the TV. Bucky laughed. »What did you do to your tower, Stark?« He asked amused. Tony was silent. He just took a Stark Phone and started to tap something into it. Suddenly the only screen left alive went on and showed the videotape from yesterday.

Our smirking faces died as we watched us, drinking some tea, constantly giggling and laughing. We punched the wall as if we fought against something invisible. Sometime we started using weapons and destroyed like everything around us. At some point, we were so stoned, that we just made out. As I watched me kissing Steve like I wanted to eat him I was disgusted. I couldn't even remember that part. Lucy and Barnes did the same and we just ended up making out on the tables. I didn't even realize that Thor and Natasha had entered. Also, Loki was sitting there with popcorn, laughing at the videotape. Tony stopped it and looked at us, expecting answers. »Rogers, maybe you can explain what the fuck you did?« We all looked ashamed, but the amount of uncomfortableness in Steve's stomach killed me, so I took the word. »It was my fault, I was bored so I mixed some belladonna leaves into their tea.« I stated and started giggling. Also, Lucy grinned. »This was hella fun! We have to do that again sometime.« She said and I nodded. Tony's jaw dropped and he was about to freak out. »She is just kidding Stark, I'm so...« Steve quickly said but got interrupted. »Oh cut the crab, if you ever gonna kiss her again I'm going to kill you.« He said, now really freaking out. »Uhm no you won't Tons, calm down it's alright.« I said and stood up but he backed away.

»We will talk about this later Mazikeen, go get ready for a beautiful dinner. Loki? Thor, don't stand useless in the way, go accompany them.« I groaned, but it was not the right time to talk back, so we changed clothes, got a quick shower and met at the restaurant. So we sat there on a big table, in silence. Everybody ate apart from me. As always I wasn't hungry, I was just pissed. Next to me was Lucy, talking enthusiastically to Bucky and Thor. I felt Steve's hand cupping mine, interrupting my thoughts. »You should eat something, you know what happened last time.« He warned me. I open my mouth to contradict but he cut me off. »I won't let this happen again.« His voice was calm but as he imagined my weak, dehydrated body it was easy to tell that sorrow was hunting him. I took a fork, rolled my eyes and started to eat, even though I was crammed.

Hours passed and Steve, Loki and I just sat there in silence, not even looking at each other, while the others were cheering and having much fun. »I'm proud of you Maze.« Loki decided to break the awkward silence. »Belladonna was a great idea, you know your mother and I used them too and well, that's where you were made.« He admitted. »Loki!« Steve said shocked but I just shook my head. »It's alright Steve I always knew he is an egoistic idiot, who doesn't know how to use protection.« I said completely relaxed. »Did you? You know use protection?« Loki asked and Steve tensed up. »The heck, that's none of your business, father.« I yelled and stood up. I looked over to Thor who was talking to someone on the phone like he was in a rush. »We have to go.« He pronounced and I sighed relieved. But something was wrong. The way Thor stood up and couldn't wait to get out of the restaurant, the way he looked told me that something had happened. Loki met my eyes. He had recognized it too. Something I got in common with my father was the ability to recognize things, by watching good enough.

We rushed back to the Stark Tower and were welcomed by Tony's stressed gaze. »Are they already here?« Thor asked him. »They just went through the atmosphere.« Tony answered. »What? Who, who is here?« I asked but they ignored my question. They immediately rushed up to the runaway for planes, which was totally destroyed from the previous day. Everybody was there, waiting for someone to land. Confused I searched the sky for something and suddenly I found a small point appearing on the horizon. The spaceship grew bigger, as it flew with a really high tempo towards us, ready to land right in front of us.

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