Mazikeen #37

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The training with Lucy was... well annoying as always, but at least it was a distraction. The whole morning I didn't speak a word to anyone I was so pissed off and thought about if the decision to reject Steve was the right one. »Mrs. Stark would you give us the right answer, instead of staring into the emptiness.« Well here is definitely less emptiness, than inside your head. I rolled my eyes, that was clearly the wrong time to get on my nerves. »Mrs. Stark I asked if you...« »Don't have to repeat yourself, I've ignored you just fine the first time.« Mrs. Amber, our physics teacher made a detested sound. »How dare you... So who can tell me something about the characteristics of light and the proportions of light in a black hole?« She decided to continue with the lesson but I wasn't finished yet. »Light travels faster than sound, that's why people appear bright until they speak.« I said and the room went silent. Mrs. Amber already rolled her eyes and I crossed my arms in front of my chest. »Keep Rolling your eyes ma' am. Maybe you find a brain back there.« »Alright, that's enough! Get out of my class I don't tolerate such behavior. Meet the headmaster in his office.« I laughed full of contempt. »That means I've won the argument I guess.« I said and left, after giving Peter a quick hug, who looked a bit embarrassed now.

»You get suspended for the rest of the day. Be glad that it's already Friday.« I shook my head annoyed. »Thank god it's only a day.« I said sarcastically. »I already called Mr. Stark, he isn't able to pick you up so he sent someone else.« »Great.« I answered, stood up and rushed out of the office, not caring, if he had already finished his sermon.

Outside the school, I looked for Happy, but his car wasn't there yet. There was only some creep with his motorcycle, so I decided to sit down and wait for someone to pick me up. After a while, I got bored and wondered when my chauffeur will finally arrive. I stood up and went towards the dude with his motorcycle. He wore a black leather jacket, his helmet was also black. He was really attractive, I almost wanted to start a conversation with him, as he suddenly took off his helmet. I didn't expect Steve to be the good looking gangster dude, also what did he do in front of my school? »Again trouble at school Maze, seriously?« Oh no... »Come on I'll give you a ride home.« He said and I shook my head. »I will absolutely not get on that motorcycle with you.« I made clear. »Oh c'mon Maze don't be like that, I promise to drive slowly.« I laughed and crossed my hands in front of my chest. »Yeah, that's exactly why I won't let you pick me up. That's embarrassing, you can't do that to this marvelous motorcycle.« I said and went away from him.

Steve immediately ran after me. »Wha... where are you going? The Tower is in the other direction.« He determined. »You don't understand why you have to stop with this Rogers, so I'm gonna show you the other side of New York, my New York.« I told him and he followed me, without saying a word.

I led him into a narrow, gloomy alley. I could feel that he was a bit uncomfortable but he didn't want to show it. A cry appeared and a man was pulled against the wall right in front of us. »I give you one day to get my money, ONE DAY!« Someone screamed and threatened him with a knife. Steve got protective in front of me, willing to get into a fight and bring them to the police, but that wasn't something he was able to handle like this. »Steve, stop it.« I whispered and pulled him behind me. »Are you crazy? I'll not let you do this, don't know if you recognized but he has a fucking knife.« He said and I grinned, because he cursed the first time, then I went towards them. »Let him go, here's your money.« I pulled out my wallet and gave him lots of money, I've stolen from Tony. Steve just watched us in the back. Both of them ran away and I went back to Steve. »He will do it again Maze.« »You can't rescue this world completely Rogers, the country's full of sinners.« I said with a little smile, pulling him with me into a hidden Inn.

We entered and I looked around, a huge smile appearing on my face, as I was within this familiar walls. Suddenly a big, muscular man bumped into me. »Sike, I thought I wouldn't see you again after you left.« He said a bit harshly and I could feel how tense Steve was. »Well, here I am right?« I was still smiling. »You aren't welcome here anymore, you betrayed us, your family.« He said. Suddenly he wanted to punch me, but I blocked it. Immediately Steve got in between us. »Get away from her.« »Steve... « I tried but he ignored me. »Wait outside Maze.« He said but I pushed him away. »Who is this? Do you bring an outsider into your nest?« He asked threatening. »Calm your tits, Jack, he's a friend of mine.« »But you're no longer one of us Sike, it was your decision.« He yelled. »Hey what's going on here?« Another voice appeared and his eyes widened as he saw my face. »Sike, it's you.« He determined and hugged me. »Shut up and get her a table, Jack.« He screamed happily. »As you wish Boss.« Like a puppy he immediately obeyed. »Home, sweet home.« I said and looked around. »Glad you're visiting your old friends Sike.« I nodded, shook his hand and pulled Steve to one of the tables.

»What is this here? And how do you know all those criminals?« I laughed at Steve's confusion. »Welcome to my previous life Rogers. They call themselves The Underground Ravens, sorta like a gang if you want it so. My name was Sike, Eugen the one over there took me here as I was a little girl, he kind of raised me.« Steve's jaw dropped. »You were part of a gang?« He asked in disbelief. »Cool right?« He didn't respond. »I'm speechless Maze... that's insane.« I nodded.

After a while, and some drinks, Steve relaxed a bit and I told him about my time here.
»Yeah, now you know, why we have no chance.« I determined. »Actually I don't. Yeah, you were in a gang, so? I think it's great how you dealt with this at such a young age.« I shook my head in disbelief. »You're kidding right?« Steve just smiled as a response. I stood up and made my way out of the Inn, completely upset. It was already dark outside and I wondered how long we were in that Inn. »What's wrong Maze? When will you finally stop pushing me away?« He asked upset. »Until you realize, that I'm not the girl you expect me to be Rogers.« He sighed. »You know I won't stop and if you thought a fact like you were in a gang surprised me, then you're a fool.« Steve said and came nearer but I made some steps away from him. »Please Steve, stop it, don't make it more complicated than it is already. You say you want me to be fine? Then stay away from me.« He was just about to say something as we heard a loud cry from next to us.

We went to were it came from and I was shocked. Eugen, laying on the ground surrounded by a huge lake of blood. Over him stands a man, middle-aged, black dressed, brown hair, knife, full of blood. Immediately I ran towards them, ignoring Steve's shouting behind me. I punched into the man's face, dodged from his attack, left hook, knee into his face. It was like a trounce, like an obsession, a voice telling me what to do. And finally, as he was panting on the ground, completely defenseless, did I took his knife. »Mazikeen, stop, we'll get him a punishment I promise.« Steve distracted me, but it was already too late. I was too deep into it already. Kill! And I finally got the permission, so I rammed the knife into his stomach, enjoying the groan and gasping for oxygen from my victim. I looked over to Eugen. Dead. I received the message. Then I looked into Steve's shocked eyes. Enemy. I shook my head. Enemy! My head hurt like hell as if I was controlled by something, which wanted me to obey. ENEMY! »No!« I screamed, collapsing on the floor, tears streaming out of my eyes, like a waterfall. Not because of sadness and grief, it was pure pain, tearing me apart, because I refused to obey my inner demon. The darkness surrounded me, letting me faint. It was Steve's rescue because I didn't know how much longer I could have resisted the pain, not to kill him.

𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖓, 𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖋 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑Where stories live. Discover now