part 77

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i woke up in to joey next to me. i didnt want to wake up today, it's monday. it's the day of the court hearing.

i sit up in bed and rub my eyes. i look over and see joey still sleeping. i can't imagine not living without him.

i lean forward and kiss his forehead. i sit there in bed and just stare at him. he's literally flawless.

i get out of bed and get in the shower. i take longer to get ready so that's why i'm getting ready first.

once i'm done, i go into my room with a towel around my body to see joey on his phone.

he looks up from his phone and smiles. "good morning babe. you're up early." he says.

i open my dresser and get my clothes for the day, "you know that i take long to get ready." i giggled.

he didn't laugh. his mood changed, i reminded him about the day. "i don't want to leave." he frowns.

i close my dresser and sit on the bed still with the towel on. "you're not, remember? you promised."

he sat up in bed and ran his hands through his hair, "i know." he sighs.

"go wake up sophia, i need to get dressed." i told him.

he scoffed, "its not like i haven't se-" i cut him off.

"go wake her up!" i laughed, pointing to the door.

he groans and gets out of the bed. "girls are so complicated!" he laughed, walking out of the room.

"not as much as boys." i say but he already closed the door.

i get dressed and sit on my vanity. i tried my hair back and started to do my makeup.

joey came back in, "she's taking a shower." he says, sitting back down on the bed.

"um." joey says as i apply my makeup. i turn around on the stool "what?" i said.

"why are you putting on makeup?" he asked.

"because we're going out." i chuckled.

"you look beautiful without it,anna. like bro, take it off." he laughed.

"ugh, fine." i say as i get makeup wipes and taking it off.

i sit down in bed and cuddle up to him on his chest. he traced circles on my back as we matched our breathing patterns.


i laid down next to him and turned my body so i was facing him. "what's my number one rule?"

he turns towards me, "your number one rule is not to cross you because your last name is cross."

"exactly." i said.

"but you're pretty." he said, "you really are, in fact beautiful."

"joseph." i whined.

"i'm being for real, anna." i'm surprised he called me by my first name. "look at zach, and jacob. they just don't wanna be around you for no reason."

"you just got into a fight with zach today because he was touching me." i said, "you're suspended for three days!" i laughed.

"i got suspended for you, cross." he says cupping my cheek and looking into my eyes.

for you

end of flashback

its crazy how i'm this spot we were just friends flirting and now were a whole couple. what if he does leave? what if we have to break up?

what if he changed if he went there and he decided he wanted to live with his dad? what if he leaves and forgets all about me? what if...he leaves and finds someone new?


just a lil teaser;) you guys arent ready for the next chapters. you won't even expect it! i bet none of you can even guess.

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