~THINKFAST~ " Turner "

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3rd Person POV :-

They were all still at the Corridor of Elders after the battle ended. Let me tell you, the elemental masters have never been this tired before in their lives. It was almost sundown and Neuro was about to leave for home but before he could walk a single step away, Griffin stopped him. Everything had ended but Griffin, he had one more thing he promised himself to do when he was done with the tournament ; confess his love attraction towards Neuro. Yes, the master of mind, the calm, amazing, adorable master... Person.. Griffin had ever met.

" Neuro!!" shouted the master of speed running towards the other, instantly catching his attention. Griffin was about to say something but as soon as he saw Neuro, he melted. "... I-" before the taller could say a single word, Neuro spoke up, " You... Think Im adorable?"

Griffin froze and turned into a blushing mess. He looked down and mentally cursed himself. " Damnit, Griffin, why did you think that in front of a master of mind!?" he looked back up at Neuro with a sheepish smile. " Well... About that..." Neuro looked elsewhere and smiled softly with a hint of a small blush across his cheek to cheek. " and... O-of course I'll go out with you... Id love to!" Neuro said, hugging him. He let go only after a few seconds  to straighten (gay) his standing position. " I-I mean... Id love to--" Griffin leaned in closer and kissed him as he held the shorter's waists. Neuro was shocked but melted soon into the kiss, putting his arms around Griffin's neck, pulling him in more.

They both slowly pulled away to hear various cheers and clapping and looked back to see the ninja and other elemental masters, staring right at the two. Neuro looked away and blushed while Griffin just took all of it in. Shade walked over to them and patted Griffin's back. " Decided to finally tell him, huh?" the master of shadow teased and Griffin scoffed playfully. " Shut up"

Griffin looked back at Neuro and said, " Thursday night, 7:30 at the noodle house. Ill see you there" Neuro nodded and got on his elemental dragon. Griffin got up and gave him a small peck on the cheek which made Neuro chuckle. " Ill see ya there, Neuro" " You too, Griffin-" "Turner!" Griffin corrected which made Neuro laugh. " Right. Okay, sure, Turner" Gr-- Turner got off of Neuro's elemental dragon and watched as the smaller leave towards New Ninjago City.

".... Thursday" he muttered to himself and smiled, watching Neuro fade into the distance. He blushed. " I cant believe I confessed too..."