~BRAINFREEZE~ " New Neighbour "

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•PART 2•

3rd Person POV :-

Neuro sighed, tired of everything when he awoke from his nap. His eyes showed tiredness and discomfort, feeling sick in his stomach. He honestly didnt really know why he agreed to even go to this tournament in the first place. Oh right... It was because of his attractive neighbour that got him into this. But he wasnt all and all disappointed on going. He could see Zane. Even maybe have time to tell him...

He walked out of his house then locking the door before leaving and while making his way to the docks, he saw some colour-coded clothes with bags which reminded him of Zane. He would assume it wasnt them because it was dark and he didnt really have time to jump into conclusions.

When he arrived at the docks, he was surprised to see this many people who had powers just like him. He was stunned at their different powers like the master of sound or... Metal. The actual few that caught his eyes were speed and shadow who he decided to have conversation with. “ Hello, there. Im Neuro. Master of mind ” Neuro started. The master of speed and shadow turned to see the smaller and smiled. “ Its nice to meet you, dude! Im Griffin Turner ” the master of speed said, then demonstrating his power. “ Master of speed! ” when Neuro turned to ask the other, he was nowhere in sight. But before he could question Turner, he jolted when he heard, “ Master of shadow. Shade ” also coming with a small chuckle from both masters. Even Turner laughed with them. “ Well, its nice to meet the both of you ” Neuro said, glancing over at one another. But at the corner of Neuro's eyes, he saw a bit of white and then turned to meet with the one and only, Zane.

Zane stopped walking and his eyes widen at the sight of his neighbour in front of him. He took off his mask and walked over to Neuro. “ Neuro? What are you doing here? ” Zane asked, with a nervous smile and a confused expression. “ Uhmm.... ” “ Well? ”

Neuro sighed in defeat and decide to tell him the truth. It was bound that the secret about his powers would be revealed to him soon enough.. “ Okay, I'll be honest with you, Zane. I.... I have powers. ” Zane's eyes widen in shock and he nearly fell. “ What? Why didnt you tell me sooner? What powers do you hold? ” Zane questioned his friend, wanting answers desperately. “ Well... I thought I would keep it a secret before letting you know... But about what kind of powers I have.... I have mind reading powers.... ” Neuro muttered and trailed off at the end. But little did he know, Zane heard him loud and clear.

“ A... Mind reader... ” Zane said, relieved but felt panic come into his mind. Why? He panicked and panicked but soon regained his composure. He understood why he was panicking. It was because he always thought random messed up things he would do with Neuro. No, not those kinds of things. Just.... Dating or holding hands or cuddles.

Neuro blushed as he read Zane's mind, also questioning if he actually HAD  a mind since hes a robot. But enough of that talk, lets just continue on with the story.

“ You... Want to date... Me?? ” Neuro stuttered out, making Zane flustered and embarrassed. “ Okay, Im sorry for intruding on this convers but what exactly is going on? ” Turner butted in. “ Yeha. I mean... We dont hate you for liking guys or anything. Its just that everything went by so fast I mean.. Do you guys even know eachother?? ” Shade entered the conversation with a confused face. Neuro and Zane nodded. “ Yes. He is my neighbour. ” “ Wh-a-ha-hat?? Pshh, theres no way. I mean... Theres no way the ninja could live in a HOUSE in a NEIGHBOURHOOD with all their FANS roaming EVERYWHERE!! ” Turner pointed out and actually was right. I guess Neuro would have to ask Zane that soon but now wasnt really a good time to.

“ Well? ” Zane asked, afraid he would reject but hope seemed to find its way. “ Y-yes. Id love to go out with you.... ” Neuro stuttered out which made Zane jumped in excitement and sighed in relief. Zane took out a piece of paper taht was crumpled in his pocket and handed it to him. “ Here is my number. Ive been meaning to give it to you since Ive had those feelings for you... ” Zane blushed, looking away. Neuro took advantage of this and gave him a peck on the cheek.

“ I know its too early but... I love you... ” Neuro said, blushing. “ Who cares if its too early? I love you too ” Zane responded then pulling the smaller into a hug.


The ninjas watched as Zane confessed, all in a confused look. Jay then shouted, “ What the fU-- ”